Second Chances

By:  Brandi Nicole Stewart

                        (Amy Hallmark)



Chapter 1


End of May 2008


Brandi sat in her Grandfather’s living room watching her nineteen month old triplets play and thinking of the conversation she’d had with her husband a bit earlier.  Although he’d told her different, she didn’t have a good feeling about what he would do, and because of it, she was staying in Denver at her Grandfather’s Indian Reservation.  She had been dealing with depression and trying to keep the darkness in her from overtaking her completely.  She cared about little and wanted to do less.  She, for sure, wasn’t going to return to the Vampire City she has been living in the last three and a half years anytime soon.


“Momma sad,” Connor, the youngest of the three, asked as he walked carefully to her.


“Yeah, baby, I am,” she said, picking him up and putting him on her lap, when he got to her.


“Daddy?” He asked.


“No, I think it will be just us again,” she told him.


“Sorry, momma.”  He smiled at her and hugged her.


Giving him her own smile, she hugged him back.


Brandi’s grandfather, Wind Rider, walked in as she finished hugging Connor.  Noticing she still was depressed, he told her “Go lay down Granddaughter and try to nap.  It may help.  I will watch the children.”


Nodding to him, she gave Connor a kiss and sat him on the floor with his brother and sister.  She then gave her oldest son, Devlin, and her daughter, Justine, each a kiss.  Moving to Wind Rider, she gave him a hug and kiss, then said “Thank you Grandfather.  I am starting to feel that all that I am is a jinx or someone to be used and tossed away when done with.  Especially since I haven’t had any luck with relationships since Chris died.”  Giving him a final smile, she headed to her room to lie down, falling asleep immediately.


After only a couple of hours asleep, Brandi was suddenly wide awake.  Looking through her mind for the why, she noticed that while she still had a link open, the bond she’d felt with her husband was gone.  It told her that he decided to sever from her.  Curling up in a ball in her bed, she cried.  She was wishing for death, wishing for him, wishing for anything but the pain.    After a while, she fell back into an exhausted sleep.


Waking in the morning, she felt off, even less herself.  She knew part of the why that was, but she also felt as if some kind of change was trying to happen.  Shaking it off some, she took out the journal she had brought with her.  She started writing things that had happened since she had made her last entry.  As she wrote, the feeling she’d tried to shake off earlier caused her to put her quill down suddenly.  As soon as she did, she suddenly felt encompassed by a cocoon of some type.  Not caring, she gave in to whatever was going to happen.


She felt the darkness start to move across and through her.  She let it move, not caring if took her over completely.  She didn’t fight, didn’t want to fight.  As it got to about her halfway point, or her mid line, she felt her Pegasus start to try and fight.  Realizing what she was about to let happen, she let Pegasus loose inside herself and also started fighting for herself.  When Pegasus had started, she knew that it wasn’t just the darkness trying to take over in her, but was also whatever was left in her from the Aratus bug, an ancient Vampire bug, that had bit her when she was a young girl.  She had no idea how long she was in the cocoon fighting but as suddenly as she was encased in it, it broke away from her.  Looking sown at herself, she noted she was now naked.  Getting up and moving to the full length mirror she had on her bathroom door, she looked at herself.  Starting from the top, she noted her hair was no longer hip length and beach blood.  It now was floor length – all of the 5ft she was, with the left side pure white and the right side a red/blonde.  Next she looked at her eyes, noticing they were no longer the sky blue they had been.  Her left eye was a silver/white – almost making it look like she was blind in that eye and the right one was now an arctic ice blue.  She also noted that from head to toe, she had on her left side some distinguishable tattoos.  They were a combination of Pegasus wings and claws of the ancient vampire species the bug that bit her was part of.  She was still her usual copper color for her skin tone, but it now had more of a glow, giving her a visible glow or aura.  Looking down at her hands, she noticed her right hand still looked the same, but her left hand now looked like a claw with her fingernails as long talons.  She noticed her back also felt weird.  Turning slightly, she saw copper colored wings coming from her back.  Sighing to herself, she looked inward at what changes she could feel there.  The darkness/ancient vampire combination that tried to take her over ended up taking the left half of her soul and she no longer had a heart.  Although she had no way of knowing, she hoped that the internal changes were only temporary.


Getting up, she got showered and dressed.  She was sure her grandfather had felt the changes, but she didn’t know how he or the kids would react to her.




Chapter 2


Walking into the front room, she was surprised at seeing an extra person there.  Smiling slightly, she said “Morning John.  What brings you out here?”


Looking at her and then over at Wind Rider before looking back at her, he said “Morning Dee.  I wanted to check on you.  Wind Rider sent me a message telling me what happened and that you were depressed.  I’m sorry Dee.”   Moving to her, he shifted from his now normal ghost form to being in corporeal form and gave her a hug when he reached her.  Setting her back slightly, John looked her over and asked “What happened to you Dee?”
Before she could answer, Wind Rider said “This must be the changes I felt you going through this morning.”


Nodding, she said “Yes, Grandfather.  All I know John is I was suddenly cocooned and felt the darkness and the other trying to take me over.  I was all for it happening but then felt my Pegasus fighting it happening and that helped me to start fighting it from happening also.  When I helped in the fight, it caused the darkness and other to be defeated at my mid line leaving me looking as I do now.  These tats go head to toe to my mid line and,” turning slightly, she looked back at them and said “I also have these wings.  There are also, hopefully temporary, changes internally.”  Having noticed the kids coming through the door and watching her, she sent to both John and her Grandfather a telepathic message explaining what those internal changes were.


Feeling hands on her legs, Brandi looked down and smiled.  All three kids looked up at her with smiles on their faces.  Kneeling down, she gave them each a hug and then asked “Ready for Breakfast?”  Gaining a nod from each she gave them each another hug and then stood.


From behind her, she heard her Grandfather quietly say “It may have removed your heart, Granddaughter, but not the love you have there.”


Looking back at him, she smiled slightly and gave him a nod so he knew she heard and understood.


After breakfast, they moved into the living room.  She set the kids in the play area so they could play and then sat down on the sofa.


“What are your plans, Granddaughter?”


“I’m not sure yet, sir.  I’m not heading back to the Vampire City, or at least not anytime soon.  I know I have things there I’ll have to get if I decide to not return, besides seeing if Anna wants to move here.”


“If you need me to bring anything back here, Dee, just let me know.”


Smiling at John, she said “Thanks Cowboy, I will.  And I appreciate that.”


“Don’t worry about having to leave Granddaughter.  You and the children can stay as long as you like.”


“Thank you Grandfather.”


For the rest of the morning, they sat and talked about what had happened with her and looked at possible ideas for her to do.


After lunch, Wind Rider headed out to take care of tribal business.  After putting the kids down for a nap, she said bye to John and then got to work on the computer for Indian Affairs tribal business she had to take care of.


Sitting there working, she lost all track of time.  As she worked, something told her to look at what would need to be taken care of over the next several months and to get it as ready as possible.  Although she wasn’t paying much attention, she knew when the kids came out and went to play quietly in their play area.  But, she didn’t finish until she felt a tap on her leg and heard from Devlin “Momma needs light.”


Turning to look at him, she noticed the room was dark and wondered when that happened.  As she reached and turned on the light next to her, she noticed her Grandfather walk in the house.


Without needing her to say anything, he moved into the kitchen and fixed them all dinner.  After dinner, they all spent a quiet evening playing kids games and watching TV.




Early June 2008


Over the last week or so, Brandi kept hoping she’d get a call asking her to come back, that he wanted her back.  There was a big part of her that knew she was just fooling herself to hope, but she still held out.


She was sitting in her room, reading and quietly listening to music, since the kids were napping, when there was a knock on her door.  A familiar voice then asked if he could come in.


Telling him that of course he could, she watched as her ex came into the room.  They spent the next few minutes talking with him letting her know that although he had thought about coming back to her, he wasn’t so it was the end of them for him.  She gave in to the tears she felt, but not to try and sway him.  They talked for a few minutes longer before he left.  She sat there and thought about the conversation.  Lying on her bed, she cried herself to sleep.




Mid-June 2008



For the last week Brandi had been feeling restless.  She woke in morning feeling more restless, like she needed to leave but unsure of where she should go.  She only knew she needed to leave Denver for a while and it needed to be today.  She knew it wasn’t to return to the Vampire City.


Getting packed, showered and dressed, she went to the kitchen after checking to see if the kids were awake.  As she walked into the kitchen, her Grandfather said “You are leaving.”


“Yes sir, I am.  I am just not sure yet where I am going to be going.”


“The children will be fine here with me.  I hope you will contact me to let me know where you decide to stay.  But, I do know that you will only do that when you are ready to let me know.”  Turning, he put a cooler of food together for her.  Turning back to her, he handed her the cooler.


Taking it, she placed it by the door with the bags she’d packed.  Going back to the kids’ rooms, she gave each a kiss and quietly told them bye and that she’d see them again.


Getting back to the front room, she gave her Grandfather a hug and a kiss, grabbed her stuff and loaded her bags into the trunk of her Ferrari, placed the cooler on the passenger seat and headed out, giving a final wave to Wind Rider.


Leaving Denver, she headed south and just drove.  Along the way, for breakfast and lunch, she’d make a quick stop to eat what Wind Rider packed in the cooler and to stretch her legs.  When she found she was getting too tired to drive, and in want of a good sleep, she pulled off at the next town she came to.  Not paying attention to what town it was, she found a motel and checked in for two nights.  Getting into her room, she changed for bed and then sat down and opened the cooler, taking out the last of the food her Grandfather had packed and that she’d saved for dinner.  When she finished, she got into bed and as soon as her head was on the pillow, she was immediately asleep.


She spent the next day relaxing and wandering around the town, checking it out and just relaxing.


She spent the rest of the week driving through Colorado into New Mexico, stopping only when she needed to and spending at least 2 nights in whatever town she stopped in.





Chapter 3


Having woke in the morning early and because she wasn’t hungry right away, she didn’t have breakfast before she left, Brandi found herself pulling into Santa Fe after only a couple of hours on the road.  She found herself a Denny’s when she got into the town proper.  Heading inside, she stopped at the machine and bought herself a paper, even though she hadn’t done that anywhere else.  Something in this town was calling to her, she realized as she sat at the bar.  After ordering, and while she waited for her food, she read all but the classifieds of the paper.  As she ate, the feeling that she had that caused her to buy the paper had her looking at the classifieds.  She didn’t have any plans for staying in Santa Fe, but she opened the classifieds and starting doing more of just scanning than actual looking when one caught her eye to where she had to stop and re-read it.


Widowed father is looking for Nanny for his 3 boys ages 2, 5, and 8.  Come to 575 Hillside Drive if interested.


Smiling slightly, she finished her breakfast, paid and got directions to the address in the paper.


Arriving at the house, she parked in front and looked at the house in front of her and the rest of the houses on the street.  Each house had extra space between it and the next house so none were close together, giving a more country feel.  The house she sat in front of was the only one on the street that looked well cared for and was in good repair.  Getting out of her car, she didn’t see the front door, but she did see a sidewalk toward the top of the driveway.  With the paper in her hand, she walked up to the sidewalk and followed it to the side of the house where she found the front door.


Getting to the front door, she smiled as she knocked and then turned to look toward the street and down the street as she waited.  When the door opened, she was already starting to turn back when she heard “Can I help you?” with a slight Russian accent.


Turning to face the person who spoke, she found herself facing a broad male chest.  Smiling, as she looked up, she judged him to be about the same height as her cousins, 6’7” at minimum.  Stepping back slightly to be able to look up at him easier from her own 5’0”, she took in what she could see.   He had shoulder length reddish-blonde hair; his face was  rugged and to her handsome – like Ares or even Ba’al, but not in the stereotypical romance novel handsome; then his eyes – hazel with a hint of blue, looking like they could change from one color to the other at any minute.  She then held up the paper and said “I came about your ad.”  There was something familiar about him and although she couldn’t quite place it, something inside her tripped.  She found she had already fallen for him, with just the one look.


Looking down at the beautiful, but unusual, woman on his doorstep, a memory stirred but didn’t take hold.  She looked familiar to him, but it wasn’t coming to him why she did, and he found he could also smell his own mating scent on her although it was faint.  Nodding, he moved to the side and said “Please come in.  I’m Nikolas Davidson.”


The first name seemed familiar to her, but it just didn’t want to click into place.  Moving into the house, she said “Nice to meet you Mr. Davidson.  I’m Brandi Stewart.”


As Nikolas was trying to figure out why he knew her name, he said “Please call me Nikolas, or even Nik, Ms. Stewart.”


Smiling as she followed him into what she guessed was a combination living/family room, she told him “Then please call me Brandi.  Your ad said that you’re looking for a nanny for your boys?”  As she walked in, she felt a change happen inside of her.  She suddenly felt her heart beating again, and felt complete again, telling her that both of the internal changes had been temporary.


“Yes.  I already have someone that helps me take care of the house and does some cooking.”  Hearing a throat clear, they both looked over at a man standing just inside the room.  Nodding with a smile, Nikolas said “Brandi, this is Charles Richards.  He is great with everything, but the boys, although he’s been doing the best he can with them when I’ve had to go into town to my office.  Charles, this is Brandi Stewart, Brandi.  She saw my ad.”


Nodding to her, Charles said “Nice to meet you ma’am.”  Looking at her, Charles could sense some of what she was and already knew she was what the household would need.


Brandi sensed something different about Charles.  It was almost the same feeling she got when she was around her self-appointed Guardian Angel that was in actuality a Warrior Angel.  Giving him a smile, she said “It’s nice to meet you Charles, and please call me Brandi.”


Nodding to her in acknowledgment, he looked at Nikolas and said “Douglas is doing his homework in his room, and Andrew and Jonathan are both taking their naps.”


“Thank you Charles.”  After Charles gave a nod and left the room, Nikolas turned back to Brandi and said “What I am looking for, needing, is someone to help them with homework, play with them, and help with their meals.  All that kind of stuff.  Unfortunately I haven’t been able to go into my office since I’ve been home helping, but fortunately I can work from home so my being home to help has been easy to do.”


Nodding, but curious, Brandi asked “What is it you do?”


“I own, and generally help operate when I can, the Dodge and Chevy dealerships in town.  For the nanny duties, does what I said sound okay to you?”


“They sound good.  When would you like me to start?”


“Anytime would be great.  How about now?”


Smiling, she said “That sounds good.  I’ll need to get a hotel room for the time being.  I have to admit, I have been traveling and only stopped in town to get breakfast.  I decided to buy a paper and saw your ad when I was scanning the classifieds as I ate.”


Finding it interesting, he replied “Traveling, hmmm.  Where did you start from?”


“I started from Denver a week ago.  I had been visiting my Grandfather when I got some news I wasn’t expecting.  I then went through a change that had me end up looking as I do now and then finally found myself restless after a couple of weeks.  So, I left my kids in my Grandfather’s care and headed out.”


“How old are your kids?  And wasn’t it hard leaving them, and your husband?”


Noticing he was fishing to find out her status, she smiled and said “The kids, 2 boys and 1 girl, are triplets and will turn 2 on All Hallows Eve, Halloween.  It was very hard to leave them, but I know they will be well taken care of with my Grandfather.  And I don’t have a husband, I’m single.  Recently divorced.  What about you, how long have you been a widower?”


Standing, he said “First, let’s get your bags from your car.  I have an extra room you can use.”  She stood also and followed him outside and down to her car.  As they reached her car, he raised an eyebrow at her, but only said “I have been a widower for 2 years.  And I want to let you know something, but I am hoping it doesn’t make you change your mind about the job.   My house is haunted, and especially the room you will be in, by my late wife.  Is that going to be a problem?”


Unlocking the trunk, she noted the raised eyebrow after a look at her car.  Giving a slight smile, she said “The car was a gift from my now ex.  As for your late wife haunting the house and what will be my room.  I have no problem with it.  She must have loved you very much if she is staying around.”


Grabbing her bags, he said “Her haunting the house has nothing to do with love.  She didn’t ever really love me.  She only haunts the house to make mine and the boys’ lives miserable.”


As he closed the trunk and they headed back up to the house, Nikolas wondered why he told her that.  He wasn’t one to just come out and tell people about his relationship with Gloria, his late wife.  There was just something about Brandi, something that stirred something in him but he wasn’t ready to admit to himself what it was he was feeling.


Getting inside, Nikolas turned the opposite way from the front room.  They passed one door and he looked back at her and said “This first door is my room.”  At her nod, he moved to the next door and opened it.  “This is your room.  And I have to apologize.  It was my late wife’s room.”


Stepping in behind him, Brandi could tell it had been strictly a woman’s room by the furniture and decor.  She made no comment at it being his late wife’s room, she only raised an eyebrow.  “You can sit my bags down where you are…”  Before she had a chance to finish what she was saying she saw an angry looking ghost woman come into the room.  Looking at Nikolas, she asked with a tilt of her head “Would this be your late wife?”


Looking toward where her head was tilting, Nikolas said with a sigh “Yes, this is Gloria.”


Brandi watched her and could feel the anger coming off of her.  She didn’t need the woman to say anything to know Gloria wanted her gone.  But not because of any jealousy.  Brandi could feel the hate Gloria had toward Nikolas also.  The hate and anger was just at Brandi being there and being in her room.  Smiling, Brandi said “Thank you Nikolas.  It’s a beautiful room.  I’ll put my stuff away later.”  Brandi figured she’d see if the dresser was empty and if so, would possibly use it, but she doubted she’d be taking anything out of her bags.  She didn’t mind living out of her bags for an extended length of time.


Nodding to her, Nikolas thought Brandi may have been giving Gloria a type of dismissal.  Sitting the bags down close to the bed, he then said “I’ll show you the rest of the house.  And you can meet Douglas.”


Moving toward the door and ignoring Gloria, Brandi said “That sounds good.”  As she waited for Nikolas to rejoin her at the door, she did something she normally didn’t do.  She went to read Nikolas’s mind.  She tried and seemed to find a wall.  Finding that strange, she attempted again and found she still couldn’t read his thoughts, nor see into his mind at all.  She hadn’t come across that before, but she had heard of vampires that couldn’t read their true mate’s minds.  She didn’t think he was a vampire, but she thought he may be some type of other-world creature, although that didn’t explain why she couldn’t read his mind or thoughts.  She made a mental note to find out about it later.


Joining Brandi at the door, he noticed a look of concern cross her face.  Wondering what was wrong, but not wanting to ask, he moved past her out the door and said “If you’re ready, follow me.”


Nodding that she was ready, she followed him back to the front room.


They walked through the front room and as they got to the next room, he said “This is the dining room although it isn’t used much.  Through here, “they walked through a swinging door, “is the kitchen.  We generally eat in here or in the family room.  The garage is through here.”  He opened another door and then hit a button near the door.  “If you would like, you can bring your car into the garage.  As you see, it’s a big garage that can fit a second vehicle besides my truck.”


She had noticed his full size Dodge Ram parked there and she was surprised there was room for another vehicle, including a truck, besides his.  Nodding, she walked out through the garage, got in her car and pulled it into the garage.  Before she had the chance to open the car door, he was there opening it for her.  Giving him a smile, she said “Thank you.  I’m surprised at how much room there is here in the garage.  My car and your truck both have enough room without it feeling like you’ll ding one or the other by opening a door.”


Smiling at her he said “You’re very welcome.  For the garage, that was what I wanted when I had the house built 10 years ago.  But I didn’t figure I would have had three kids.  Gloria and I had just gotten engaged and I thought the house as an early wedding gift would be good.”


She didn’t need to be able to read his mind to know Gloria didn’t like the gift of the house.  The house was a gift from the heart, like Brandi’s car was, and she couldn’t understand how anyone would be upset with such a gift.  Smiling at him, she asked “Shall we go on?”


Laughing at what should have been asked by him, Nikolas nodded, and walked with her back into the house and back the way they had come.  Walking back down the hall, they got to the back end of the house.  Stopping at a slightly closed door, Nikolas opened it so she could see in.  Talking quietly, he said “This is Jonathon’s room.”  She looked in and saw Jonathon was still asleep.  Looking at Nikolas, she only nodded.  He closed the door, leaving it open slightly.  They went to the next door that was also slightly open.  Opening it so she could see in, he quietly said “This is Andrew’s room.”  Looking in, she saw Andrew was also still asleep.  Nodding to him again, he closed the door, leaving it also slightly open and then took her to a room that nearly sat at the corner of the house.  The door was open.  Moving so she could step in, he said “This is Douglas’s room.”  Moving into the room, she noted Douglas working at a desk.  Looking at Douglas, Nikolas said “There is someone I want you to meet, Douglas.  This is Ms. Stewart and she’ll be yours and your brothers’ nanny.”


Looking up at his dad, Douglas nodded and then said to Brandi “It’s nice to meet you Ms. Stewart.”


Smiling at him, Brandi said “It’s nice to meet you too, but please call me Brandi.”  At his nod, she asked “What subject are you working on?”


“Math, but I always have a hard time with these problems.  Even when my teacher re-explains it to me.”


“Math is one of my best subjects.  Let’s take a look together and I’ll see if I can explain it better, or simpler.”  Douglas showed her the problem and doing a quick figuring in her head, she explained it to him in the simplest terms she could.  She glanced up at Nikolas with a small smile and then looked back and watched as Douglas figured out the problem.  “Very nice, I knew you could do it.  Just do the same thing with the rest of the problems since they are all the same type and you’ll do fine.”


“How did you know how to do that?”


“I’m really good at math and can figure things in my head real fast.”


“How come?  What did you do before you came here?”


Brandi smiled at him and said “I have a PhD in Physics.  That means I’m a doctor but not the type you go to when you’re sick.  I have some other degrees also, but that one has to do with math.  Before I came here, I was just living in a city that you wouldn’t want to live in the mid-west, and had been there for three and a half years.  Before I moved to that city, I taught Physics and Old World History, and helped the ATF – Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, with putting away criminals by being a psychologist for them – talking to the criminals to understand why they broke the law.  They would go to jail still.  What I was called, well still am, is a Criminal Psychologist.”


Eyes wide, Douglas only said “Wow.”


Laughing and giving him a smile, she said “Yeah, I know.  A big wow.  I have like four different degrees and I still think ‘wow’.  Now, see if you can finish those off and if you need any more help, just come let me know.  I’ll be in the front room.”


Nodding and grinning, he said “Thanks Brandi.  I think I understand it now, but I’ll let you know if I need more help.  I have history to do also after this.  Can I come ask for help with that if I need it?”


“Of course you can.  I won’t do it for you, but I will help you.  Since I know regular school is out, I am guessing you didn’t do too well last semester and are in summer school.”


“Yeah, only because neither father nor Charles understood either.  This is only our second week but we still have another four weeks to go.”


“You’ll get through it.  Is it just the two subjects for summer school?”
“Yeah.  My two worst ones.”


“We’ll have you passing them and impressing your teacher with how well you’ll do.”


“I’m glad.  I don’t want to fail summer school.”


Standing up, she ran a hand down his hair and said “You don’t have to worry about that.  Remember, if you need more help, come ask.”  She watched as he nodded before she and Nikolas left the room.


Getting back to the front room, she said “I know I don’t have to do this, but since I’m sure it’s getting on to lunch time and I’m getting hungry, can I fix you something also.”


“You’re right, you don’t have to.  But that’d be great.  I’ll go with you.”


Smiling up at him, she felt that trip again when he smiled at her.  Going into the kitchen, he helped her get out stuff to make them sandwiches and then stood back as she fixed lunch.  When she was done with the sandwiches, he got out chips and added them to the plate she’d put the sandwiches on.  She poured them some tea and then she carried the glasses and he carried the plates back to the front room.


They sat and ate, with him asking questions about what she had told Douglas for what she’d done for work.  She answered his questions and told him a little about herself, at least just information about her current lifetime.  She didn’t want to share too much yet, still protecting herself from hurt and giving too much knowledge.


When they finished eating, they took their plates and glasses into the kitchen and made sure their mess was cleaned up, and the dishes taken care of.  They then went back to the front room and sat and talked more.  She mentioned her own ghost, late husband, but stayed off of her exes from the vampire city and didn’t even really mention the vampire city.  She didn’t want to have him decide that he didn’t want her for a nanny by finding out she was an immortal on top of being a vampire.  They hadn’t been paying attention to the time when two boys came into the front room.  Seeing them, Nikolas said “And here come the sleepy heads.  Brandi, this is Andrew and Jonathan.  Boys, this is your nanny, Brandi.”


Smiling first at Nikolas and then at the boys, she said “Hi.  It’s nice to meet you.  Did you both have a good nap?”


They nodded and said at the same time “Hello Brandi.”  They then nodded about having a good nap.  They crawled up on the couch and sat next to her, never having seen someone that looked quite like her.  Shortly after, Douglas came out with a smile on his face.


“Did you need any more help?” Brandi asked.


“Nope.  I got the rest of my math done and did the reading for history.  Some I didn’t understand, but I don’t need explanations right now.”


Understanding his need for a break, she nodded and said “When you’re ready, let me know.  So tell me, what’s there to do on a nice afternoon, around here.”


All three boys gave a chorus of “Movies.”


Laughing, Nikolas said, “That sounds like a great idea since naps and homework are done.  Starting tomorrow though, I have to go back to work.  So what Brandi says, you all have to listen to and if I hear you haven’t listened or have misbehaved, you know your punishments.”


With solemn faces all three nodded, almost looking scared.  Seeing the looks, Brandi made a mental note to find out what the punishments were.  She hated seeing kids scared especially when she didn’t know why they looked that way.


They picked a movie that the kids would enjoy and then letting Charles know they were leaving, Brandi and Nikolas got Andrew and Jonathan into their car seats, with Douglas sitting in between the car seats, and once they were in the front seats, they headed to the theater.


They enjoyed the movie and then headed to the park so the boys could play for a couple of hours.  As the sun started to set they headed home and Nikolas was very thankful there had already been a full moon so he wouldn’t have to shift.  When he and Brandi were talking, he neglected to tell her he was a werewolf.  He didn’t want to scare her into leaving since he enjoyed her company and the boys seemed to like her.  He still wasn’t admitting to himself anything he might have been starting to feel for her.  He was still trying to place where he’d seen her before and why she had his mating scent on her.  He didn’t think it would come to him anytime soon, even though he knew it would bother him until he figured it out.


On the way home, Brandi had asked what the boys wanted to eat for dinner.  When they told her, Nikolas said that it sounded good to him also.  Once they were home and in the house, Brandi fixed them all Grilled Cheese sandwiches.  Two each for her and Nikolas and one each for the boys.  Charles let her know he’d already eaten so not to worry about him.  They took their food and drinks into the front room and sat and enjoyed the easy dinner.





Chapter 4


     The rest of June followed with Brandi helping the boys with whatever they needed, took them to play in the park, and being a surrogate mom to them.  She also found herself falling more in love with Nikolas, even though she kept it to herself.  She wasn’t crazy about her room and having Nikolas’s late wife showing up at night and trying to scare her, but she ignored that ghost and at times wished for her own ghost to be there, her late husband.


As July started, she got up and showered and walking into her bedroom, smiled at who she saw there.


“John, what are you doing here?”


“Heard you wish I was around, Dee, so I centered in on where you were.  Problems?”


“No.  Just the late wife of the man I’m here helping by being a nanny for his boys.  She doesn’t like me, I don’t think she really likes anyone in the house including her own kids, but she seems to want me out of the house.  She won’t tell me why, even when I have asked, but she likes to try and scare me into leaving.”


“If she won’t tell you, then there isn’t much even you can do.  And interesting that she doesn’t like anyone but is concentrating on just you.”


Shrugging, she said “Not really.  I’m the most threat to her in this house.”


“You are.  Why?  Unless…You fell in love with the guy your helping as nanny to his boys.”


Giving a small smile, she only nodded.  Sighing she then said “I haven’t said anything and although I think he feels the same for me, I’m not sure.  He’s kept it to himself also.  He seems familiar to me though too and I can’t figure out why.  Come on with me and you can meet everyone.”


Smiling and nodding, he followed her out.


Getting out to the front room, Brandi smiled at the guys and said “We have another ghost in the house.  This is John, my late husband.  He is able to move from looking like a ghost to looking normal.  And since he’s now here, he may be staying for a while.”  Looking at Nikolas, she said “It’ll actually be good because he can help me, if I’m in one room with someone, with watching or helping with either or both of the other two.”


Nikolas looked at John and felt he wasn’t sure but thought maybe it was a bit of jealousy.  Nodding to Brandi to let her know he heard her, Nikolas said “It’s nice to meet you.”  Nikolas almost didn’t want to like John, but he smiled some to himself when John moved away from Brandi, became corporeal, normal, and sat down across the way.  Looking from one to the other, Nikolas asked “How long ago did you die?”


Looking to Brandi and getting a slight nod, John said “It will be four years in November.  A car accident.”  John didn’t want to go into it any further since he knew it could still affect Brandi and he figured when she wanted to, she would say what happened.


Looking at Brandi as John told them when he died and just the brief how he had died, Nikolas saw Brandi turn slightly pale.  Deciding it wasn’t a memory she liked very much, Nikolas didn’t ask further.  He figured if she wanted to tell him about it, she would when she was ready.  Although he still wasn’t really admitting it to himself yet, he was falling more in love with Brandi and relaxing around her more.  He had been noticing how his boys were taking to her more and that was making him happy.  He’d look at his own feelings when he had too.  He still hadn’t figured out where he knew her from or why his mating scent was only faint on her.


On the fourth of July, Nikolas had the dealerships open only half day, spending his time at the Dodge dealership.  Getting home just after noon, he took Brandi and the kids to lunch.  After lunch they hit the water park in town and spent the rest of the afternoon there.  On the way home from the water park, they stopped at the store to get stuff to barbecue later that evening at a park they had used before for watching the fireworks.


They planned to leave by seven so when they got home, Brandi and Nikolas went to clean up first, with Douglas also cleaning up in his bathroom.  When Brandi and Nikolas were done, they took Andrew and Jonathon into the bathroom they shared and cleaned them up together.  Over Brandi and Nikolas’s heads, the boys smiled at each other.  All three boys could sense that their dad and Brandi had feelings for each other, but they didn’t think the feelings had been voiced out loud.  They also noticed that their dad was starting to relax some, although he was still a bit strict at times, more than they thought he should be.


As they finished getting the two boys clean, Brandi had noticed a smile pass between the two.  Without meaning to, she could see what each was thinking.  Smiling, she winked at them both, letting them know she knew what was going on.  After both boys were dried, they went their separate ways into each bedroom.  Smiling at Jonathon, Brandi said “So you boys figured out I love your dad, hmmm.”  At his nod, Brandi said “Are you boys planning something?”  Jonathon just looked at her with guileless eyes, making her laugh.  She helped him get dressed and then they met everyone in the front room.


As jackets were put on and coolers loaded with food and drink, Brandi asked “Charles and John, are you both coming?”


Having noticed the change taking place in Nikolas because of Brandi, Charles shook his head and said “I have things I have to take care of this evening, but you all have a good time.”


Also shaking his head, John said “I think I’ll stay and keep an eye on the resident house ghost.  Make sure she stays out of trouble.”


Laughing on a nod at John, Brandi grabbed Jonathon’s hand and some blankets and headed out to the garage.  By the time Nikolas, Andrew, and Douglas got into the garage, she had Jonathon strapped into his car seat and the blankets stowed in the back of the truck.  Looking at the three, she asked “Anything else to come out?”


Shaking his head, he inclined his head to show Charles carrying out the other cooler as he gave her a smile.


Nodding, she took the cooler from Charles, thanking him and stowed it in the back, followed by the one Nikolas had brought out as Nikolas got Andrews into his car seat.  Once all the boys were in, Brandi and Nikolas got in and they headed out.


Getting to the park, they found a good spot to set up and be able to watch the fireworks later.  After spreading the blankets, and starting up the barbecue, they played Frisbee and catch until the sun started to go down.  As the sun set, Nikolas got hamburgers going with Brandi getting buns ready for them all.  Once the burgers were done, they got the plates for the boys done first, putting some potato salad and chips on each plate also.  After giving the boys theirs, Brandi got their two plates ready so all Nikolas had to do was put the burgers on the buns.  Brandi passed around drinks when they were all sitting.


After eating, they got everything cleaned up quickly then sat back down with Douglas sitting in front of Brandi and Nikolas, Andrew on Nikolas’s lap and Jonathon n Brandi’s.  Without thinking about it, Brandi and Nikolas had sat down close to each other.  As the fireworks started, Brandi leaned against Nikolas, getting herself comfortable, without realizing she was doing it.  They sat watching the fireworks looking like they were an actual family, making the boys smile and feeling like maybe they’d have a mom that loved and cared about them.


After the fireworks, they waited a little while to let the crowd clear.  Noticing Jonathon nodding off on her lap, Brandi smiled and gently lifted him up as she stood.  Looking at Nikolas, she noticed Andrew was doing the same thing.  Motioning to Douglas, she had him carry one cooler while she and Nikolas carried the other one together.  Getting home, they left everything in the truck but the boys, carrying in the sleeping ones and sending Douglas to his room for bed when they were in.  Getting the other two into their rooms and changed for bed, Brandi and Nikolas met outside the rooms when done.


Giving him a smile, Brandi said “That was fun.  The boys enjoyed themselves also.”


Laughing quietly, Nikolas said “Yeah, it was fun.  Douglas and Andrew have enjoyed them the last few years, and I think this will be the first one Jonathon will actually remember.  I’ve always been the one to take them, starting with Douglas when he was just about a year old.  I’ve kept it up so Andrew and Jonathon could enjoy it also.  I think this time they actually had a family feeling with it, as did I, which made it that much better.”


Nodding, she said “Same feeling I had with it, which is what made it enjoyable for me.  This was the first time since 2004 that I’ve done fireworks on the fourth.  But, I think it’s time to get some sleep.”


Moving with her down the hall to her room, he nodded and said “I think your right.  I’ll see you in the morning.”


Giving him one last smile, she moved into her room and closed the door.  He then went into his bedroom and closed his door.  They each climbed into their respective beds thinking of the other.


The month moved on with a regular routine going.  Brandi ignored Nikolas’s late wife, and did what was needed to be done for the boys.  Evenings and weekends would be all but Charles, and sometimes without John, doing things that any other family would be doing.  Brandi noticed Nikolas start relaxing some with the boys but still acted as if he wasn’t sure about her.  She had tried to read his thoughts again without any luck.  She still didn’t understand why but kept forgetting to call her dad in Seattle to see if he knew why.


On the 18th of the month, Nikolas got home from work early.  Getting something to eat for himself, since no one else was hungry, he let Brandi know he’d be spending the rest of the night in his room.  She wondered but didn’t question.  She and the kids had a quiet evening playing a board game after dinner.  She helped Jonathon and Andrew more than playing for herself, but she didn’t mind.


Getting to bed that night, she thought she heard animal sounds coming from Nikolas’s room.  Looking out her own window, she noticed the full moon.  Moving to the wall between the two rooms, she listened a bit more and thought she heard a howl.  Nodding to herself, she realized Nikolas was a werewolf, but must have thought she wouldn’t be accepting so hid in his room instead of shifting where she might see or even going out where he could have more room to move and run.  She smiled to herself thinking about the fact she was keeping the fact she was a vampire from him.  Lying down, she fell asleep to the low howls and growls from his room.


Waking early the next morning, she had breakfast waiting for him before he left for work.  He looked at her strangely, wondering why she’d did it, but she only smiled as she handed it to him.  She didn’t tell him about hearing him the night before and that she thought a good breakfast after having had to shift would do him some good.  Figuring it was better to not ask, Nikolas took the plate and ate, knowing his shift had taken a lot out of himself.


She wanted to say something to him about hearing him and knowing what he was, but she didn’t want to upset him or ruin what she had there, so she continued to keep quiet over knowing his secret.   She wanted to find out if the boys knew, but didn’t want to ask and have more questions brought up by him or the boys.


The rest of the month passed quietly with Brandi helping Douglas with his homework and the five of them spending weekends together doing family type things.  Near the end of the month, she noticed another change in herself.  Her left hand returned to normal looking from the claw it had been.  She wasn’t sure why, but she wasn’t going to question whoever caused the reversal.  At the end of the month, Douglas finished, and passed, summer school.  Getting the report card, Nikolas smiled and suggested a week vacation for them.  Nikolas was relaxing more and was noticing that he was himself.  He was also sort of realizing to himself his feelings toward Brandi, but he still hadn’t completely admitted them to himself.  He was still questioning it, trying to work it out in his mind, and still trying to figure out about his scent on her.


Looking at Brandi, after suggesting the vacation, he asked “What sounds good to you for a vacation?”


Leaning behind Jonathon, who was sitting on both of their laps, she whispered “Disneyland.”


Grinning, he only nodded, making himself a mental note to call on it in the morning.  Looking at the boys, he said “It’s going to be a surprise for you.  I’ll call my agent tomorrow to see about getting it set up for either next week or the week after.  Brandi and I will pack for you three so it will stay a surprise until either the airport, if you figure it out there, or when we get where we’re going.  If any of you figure it out before the others, all I ask, and I’m sure Brandi will agree, is that you keep the secret until is figured out by the other two.”  Looking over at Brandi, she gave her nod in agreement with him.


All three boys nodded to them to let them know it was understood.  Both Brandi and Nikolas figured Jonathon was the only one that maybe didn’t quite understand but he nodded to go along with his brothers.


They spent the rest of the evening, after dinner, watching Disney movies that Brandi and the boys had picked out earlier from the collection Nikolas had in the house.


The next morning, Nikolas headed to see his travel agent before heading to work.  Sitting down with his agent, he was able to get tickets, paying a little extra to leave on a Saturday so they’d be home before the next Full Moon.  They would be leaving Saturday morning from Albuquerque to Los Angeles and staying at the park at the Disneyland® Hotel from Saturday the Ninth to Saturday the Sixteenth – flying home on the Sixteenth.  It would be a non-stop flight on United leaving at 9am and only taking just over 2 hours in the air, but they would also be losing an hour due to the time change, while in the air.  They would arrive in Los Angeles just after 10am.  The package he got for them included a shuttle from the airport to the hotel, passes for the five of them for 4 days at Disneyland and 3 days at California Adventure.  For the park passes, he found he only had to pay for 2 adults and 2 kids since Jonathon was only 2 years old.  Under 3 years old was free.   It took him less than an hour and when he walked out he had all their tickets and all the information he needed.  Heading to work he couldn’t wait for the workday to end so he could get home and share it with Brandi.  That thought made him stop and realize what it was meaning.  And with the thought he realized it scared him.  But he also thought it was a good thing.  As he got into the office, he made another decision.  He was going to ask her to marry him before they left, maybe have John go with him to find a ring.  He’d ask John when he got home about doing that on Monday.  Picking up the phone, he added an extra park pass and saw about adding having a wedding at Disneyland.  His agent said it wouldn’t be a problem and that someone from the park would get back to him before the end of the day and she would drop off to him at the office the extra park pass.  Getting off the phone, he smiled to himself, hoping it would work out the way he was hoping.




Chapter 5



Brandi was glad to see what Nikolas had managed to get for the Disneyland trip and park/hotel package.  She also understood, without saying how she knew, why he did it so they would be returning the early afternoon of the 16th, so they could be home before dark and before the rise of the Full Moon.


They went to a carnival that was in town over the weekend, spending both days there, with the boys trying to guess where they’d be going the following weekend.  Each time they guessed, they were never told if they were right or wrong.  They were left to wonder and keep guessing.


Brandi spent Monday and Tuesday getting her bags packed.  She even looked with her mind’s eye at what she had in the bedroom of her apartment at her B&B in the Vampire city and brought what she wanted from there to where she was.  She even grabbed a couple more bags since she wasn’t going to put her clothes away in the room she was now in.  When the two bags she was taking for the week were packed, she put the general luggage tags on them with her name and this current address, and then placed them by her bedroom door so she could just grab them when they were ready to leave.


When Nikolas got home from work that evening, and joined her in the kitchen, Brandi let him know she was all packed and that she would start helping the boys with their packing the next day.


Giving her a smile and a nod, Nikolas let her know he had been working on his own packing, using the checklist he’d been given from his agent.


“Do you have all of the luggage tags I picked up on Friday evening?”  He asked as he got what he wanted to make a salad to go with the dinner she was fixing.


Moving to the sink to drain the pasta for the spaghetti she was making, Brandi said “Yeah, I do.  I used two for mine, and I put three to the side, one for each of the boys.  There are still five left.”  Moving back to the stove with her pasta, she asked “How many do you want, or need?”


Grinning sheepishly, he said “I need two.  I was trying to get everything into one bag, but didn’t quite work.  Had more than I thought, even with using the checklist.  Hopefully the boys will only need one luggage tag each.”


“If not, I’ll grab more at the airport on Saturday.  Besides, we can switch one on each with the special ones you have with the rest of the stuff while we’re there.”


“Switch what while we’re where?”  Douglas asked as he and his brothers came into the kitchen.


Shaking her head as she handed Douglas two plates when he got over to her, Brandi said “You’ll have to wait until Saturday to find out.  Those plates are for your brothers.”  Putting some pasta on the plates, she added a little bit of sauce along with a bowl.  “Take them over to your dad, please, so he can put some salad in the bowls for them.  Then, would you please take them out to the front room and help your brothers get set up at the coffee table.  After that, come on back in and yours will be ready for you.”


Nodding, he moved to get salad in both bowls.  As Douglas did that, Brandi pulled down three plastic cups, two small and one large.  She filled the two small ones half full of milk and then handed one to Andrew and one to Jonathon.  Looking at them both, she said “Two hands please and walk slow.”  Seeing Douglas was done, she added “Follow your brother and he’ll help you.”  Each nodded and followed Douglas out into the front room.


Brandi watched Andrew and Jonathon for a minute or two then turned and grabbed another plate and bowl.  She put pasta and sauce on the plate then handed it with the bowl on the plate to Nikolas.  As he put salad in the bowl, she put milk in the large plastic cup.  When Douglas came back in, she handed him his cup and then turned him toward Nikolas, who was holding out the plate and bowl.  Taking it, Douglas went in to join his brothers in the front room.


After Douglas was gone, Brandi turned back to the stove and put together hers and Nikolas’s plates, filling the plates with pasta and adding the sauce on top.  She then grabbed down two glasses and set them to the side.  Picking up their bowls, she turned so she could put salad in them and literally ran into Nikolas.  Looking up at him, she was surprised at him being right there.  Without thinking about what she was saying, she quietly said “I forgot how quiet a wolf can move.”  At his raised eyebrow, she said “I know you’re a Werewolf.  I, um, heard you on the last Full Moon, and I know that’s why we’re coming home the afternoon of the Sixteenth.  So you’ll be shifting here at home.”


Taking the bowls from her and sitting them behind her, Nikolas smiled and said, as he rested his hands on her sides, “Then your hearing must be exceptional since I stayed quiet on purpose.”  Smiling, at her, he moved his hands to her back, drawing her closer, and added “What is it about you that draw’s me in?”  As she started to answer him, she felt his hands move to under her bottom, cupping it, so he could pick her up off the floor.  Since he didn’t bring her face even with his own, he then dipped his head the rest of the way to her and kissed her.


Her brain went to sudden mush, even though she had still been on the question he’d asked just before he picked her up.  Because of that, she didn’t respond to his kiss right away.  Hearing a slight growl on a laugh, she registered the kiss just before her brain went to mush again.  Raising her arms to encircle his neck, she returned the kiss, taking what she could as she returned it back to him.


As he enjoyed her response to him, he knew the rest of his plans for this night and for Disneyland would work.  He could tell she loved him as he loved her and he knew he wanted to keep her in his life for the rest of his life.  Breaking the kiss, he set her back on her feet, bending down since her arms were still around his neck, and said “I may not know why you draw me in, or even why I can smell my own mating scent on you, but I do know one thing.”  Seeing the cocked eyebrow as a question, as her arms came from around his neck and her hands slid down the front of him, he said “I love you.  I am head over heels in love with you.”


Smiling up at him, she said “With that kiss, I figured as much.  And I am glad to hear that since I love you too.  I am head over heels in love with you, also.”  Suddenly feeling the counter at her back, she remembered where they were.  Laughing a little, she added “I think we should finish getting our own dinner and then join the boys before they start wondering about us.”


Giving her a smile and a nod, Nikolas reached behind her, grabbed the bowls, and then put salad in them.


As he got their salad, Brandi filled their glasses with ice tea.  Putting both glasses in one hand, she then picked up both plates and moved to where he was.


Turning to her, he smiled and gave a slight shake of his head at seeing her with both glasses and both plates.  Motioning for her to go first, they joined the boys, who had decided to wait until their dad and Brandi joined them before they started to eat.


As they ate, the boys told Nikolas what they had done during the day with Brandi.  Nikolas smiled at her, glad the boys were both accepting and comfortable with her.  They treated her like she was their mom.  Showing her both love and respect.


As she grinned at him and moved to get the boys dishes, when they were done, they heard a scream.  Before Brandi or Nikolas could move, the resident ghost, Gloria, came floating out from the back of the house in to the front room, looking behind her.  Glancing at Nikolas, Brandi was wondering what was going on when John came into the front room.  Already starting to be upset, it suddenly elevated causing her right eye to become midnight blue with flames in it and her left eye molten silver, also with flames in it.  She managed to sit down calmly, but John knew she was far from calm.  He had noticed her glow get brighter, her tattoos started to glow, her wings, that she’d had hidden, were now out and instead of their normal copper color, were a flame red.  He also noticed when she looked at him, her fangs had dropped.


“Sorry Dee.  I found her in your room trying to go through some of your bags.  I guess I scared her when I switched from looking like a ghost to being corporeal and moved the bags out of her way.  Not that she was able to open anything.  I set them back where they were before I came out.”


Gloria turned on him and said “It is none of your concern what I do or don’t do.  Neither of you are welcome in my house.”


Nikolas growled at Gloria’s words, from where he was sitting.  All three boys, who’d taken the dishes into the kitchen when they noticed Brandi was getting angry and starting to change, heard their dad’s growl as they came out of the kitchen and instead of coming back to where Brandi and Nikolas were, they headed straight back to Andrew’s room to quietly play.   Brandi had noticed the boys take the dishes and then come out but not stopping.  She was glad they understood that they shouldn’t be in there.  When Brandi heard Nikolas growl, she turned and looked at him.  He noted the fangs and made himself a mental note to ask her about it later.  Looking back at Gloria, he said, as he stood, “Besides the fact that this is my house, my home, and not yours, they both have every right to be here.  I invited Brandi and although she didn’t need my permission, she asked my permission for John to be here and stay.  In the years you lived in this house while you were alive, you never liked the house, nor did you try to make it or treat it like it was your home.  So why you have stayed as a ghost, I have no idea since you aren’t wanted or needed.”


“I’m here because of my sons,” she told him.


Nikolas gave a snort at that and said “There are even more things wrong with that statement.  But right at this moment, I don’t really feel like going over that again with you.”


“You will regret treating me like this.”


Nikolas weighed his words carefully, and even knowing the boys may hear him, he said “With the exception of MY sons, I regret the last ten years I’ve had to spend around you.”


Keeping her face impassive, Brandi smiled to herself.  She watched as Gloria suddenly disappeared in an angry huff.  John gave both Brandi and Nikolas a nod and then also left.


Turning to Brandi, Nikolas said “Wings and fangs?  Part of those changes you’d mentioned?”


Before she had a chance to answer, the boys came running out.  Looking at her, Douglas smiled and said “You got wings and fangs.  That’s so cool.  Have you always had them?”


Giving all four guys a smile, Brandi said “I’ve always had the fangs, or at least since I was about three years old.  The wings I’ve only had since the end of May and they are usually this color,” with a thought, her wings turned back to their normal copper color.


“That is way cool.  Why’d you hide them?”  Douglas wondered.


“I hid them because I already look different and most people aren’t used to seeing someone walk around with wings.  When I got upset like I was, they came out because some part of my brain decided I needed them to help defend myself, even though I wasn’t really threatened and may not need the extra help.  But that is enough about that for now.  It is past time for Andrew and Jonathon to go to bed and it’s getting near your time Douglas.  So, to your room’s boys, and, Doug, into your pj’s.  You have about Thirty minutes before lights out.  Drew, Jon, let’s go.”


Without thinking about how he was saying it, Doug said “Yes mom.”  As he started out of the room he realized what he’d said and turning back he said “I’m sorry.  I didn’t mean…”


With a smile, Brandi gave Nikolas a quick look and seeing his slight nod, she said “It’s alright and you did mean to, Doug.  And if that is what you three want to call me, I don’t mind.”


Looking back at Nikolas, Doug said “Can we, dad?”


Smiling at Brandi first, Nikolas looked at Doug and smiled.  He then gave Doug just a nod.  Looking at the other two, Nikolas asked “What do you both think?”


Drew and Jon smiled.  The only answer they gave was running to Brandi and saying “Momma” at the same time.


Squatting on the floor to hug them, she looked up at Nikolas and said “I think that answers your question.”


Nodding to her, he only smiled.  Making her wonder what he was thinking.


Picking Jon up, she said “Alright boys to your rooms.”  Carrying Jon to his room, Brandi looked at Doug and said “You have Thirty minutes then lights out.”


Nodding, he ran over to give her a hug and a kiss and then stopped to give his dad one of each before going to his own room and closing the door.


Brandi and Nikolas got Jon and Drew changed and into bed.  They then switched places to be able to say good night to the one they didn’t put to bed.  When they were done, they met outside the bedrooms in the hall.


Smiling, Brandi stopped by her room and grabbed a big bag.  Getting to the family room, she set it on the floor and headed into the kitchen.


Coming in behind her, Nikolas asked “Didn’t the boys bring the dishes in?”


Turning, she stopped rinsing the dishes for the moment and said “Yeah, but they just put them in the sink, which is fine.  I wanted to get them rinsed and into the dishwasher and get the food put away before it got too late.”


Understanding, he moved to the pasta and sauce, transferring them to a single storage container.  Bringing the pans to the sink, he started them soaking and then helped her finish loading the dishwasher.  He then stored the salad, and washed up the pans, putting them on the stove to dry.  He then grabbed down two new glasses and a bottle of wine out of the fridge before following her to the front room.


As she sat on the floor in front of the bag she’d brought out and left there, she wondered what he was up to.  She smiled as he sat next to her on the floor, finding it amazing that he, like her cousins, could manage to sit comfortably on the floor.  As she watched him open and pour the wine, she wondered, “So, is there any particular reason for the wine?  Not that I’m objecting.”


Moving so she couldn’t see what he was doing, he slipped a platinum ring with a flat sapphire in the center and small diamonds around the sapphire into her glass.  Shrugging at her with a smile, he said “Maybe, maybe not.  So, what are you doing?”


Pulling out a cardboard circle with wire on it the size of a large pizza followed by strips of colored leather and some turquoise beads, she said “I’m making Dream Catchers for the boys and myself.  I have enough, though, to make one for you if you would like one.”


Picking up a couple of strands of leather, he said “Nah I’ll just share yours.  You said you went through some kind of change to become how you look now.  We covered that you gained wings with the change, but what other changes where there.  How did you look before the change?”


Brandi wondered why he said he’d share her Dream Catcher, but since he smoothly changed the subject, she let it go for now.  Just before she took a sip of wine, she said “Besides the wings, the tattoo’s you see on the left side of my face and on my left arm actually go head to toe and stop at my mid line; my now mismatched eyes – whereas they were both sky blue, the left is a white/silver so I look blind in that eye, and my right eye is still blue, but now it’s an arctic ice blue; my hair was a beach blonde and only went to my hips instead of the now going to the floor and the left side pure white and the right side blonde with red highlights.  I can show you a picture later.”  She then took a sip of wine.  As she did, she saw a glint in the bottom of the glass.  Holding the glass up, she took a better look.  A small “oh” escaped her lips as she looked at him, then at the ring, and back to him.


Smiling, he took the glass from her hand and started to retrieve the ring.  As he did, he said “This is why I was late coming home from work yesterday.  It took me a while to admit it to myself, but I finally did on Thursday when you suggested where we should go on vacation.  You thought of some place where we all could go and have fun.  We just have to remember to have John meet us there so that you and I can also ride adult rides and we’ll have someone with the boys.  On Friday when I was at the Travel Agents, I had her add one extra thing when I came to another decision.  I had it added, knowing I could cancel if I had to.  Anyway, Thursday was when I finally admitted to myself that I’m in love with you and that I want to spend the rest of my life with you.  Which if you know anything about Were’s, that can be a very long time.”


As he took a short break, Brandi smiled and said “I do know about Were’s.  How old are you?”


Laughing, Nikolas said “I was born in what is now Russia in Twenty BC, so I am Two Thousand and Twenty-eight.  I lived in Russia from the time I was born until the late Nineteenth Century.”


Smiling at his age, Brandi was about to comment on how long she has been on Earth when he said where he was born and mostly lived.  A long buried memory came to the surface and caused her to slightly shake.


Seeing her slight shake, he asked with concern “What’s wrong?”


“I was just about to tell you that I’ve been on Earth for around Twelve Thousand years when you said where you’d been born and lived most of your life.  It made me remember when I’d lived in Russia in the late 1760’s through to the early 1800’s and the six years in the 1770’s where I was being kept after being kidnapped.”


Her comment about how long she has been on Earth made him smile, but he passed over it for the time being, as he took a better look at her.  As he watched her, she used a glamor to change her looks to what they had been so she could show him what she used to look like before she’d changed.  When she was done, his eyes went wide and then a smile lit his face.  “Now I know why I’m drawn to you and why my mating scent, although faint, is on you.  I’ve been looking for, and wondering about, you for over two hundred years.” At her questioning look, he said “You don’t remember do you?”  When she shook her head, he explained “I was there at the monastery. Although it wasn’t until after you were gone, I found out the real reason of how you had come to be there and I found out how old you were at that time.  At the time you were there, all I knew was that that ass, Jeff, basically told whoever he could that you were fair game for anything we wanted to do.  I still remember the first time I found you and Lena together in your room.  I should have realized then that there was something going on with you because I remember that your eyes had a hazed look to them and you were almost, and this may sound strange, but, to eager.  I can honestly say I fell for you on that day and I knew you were my true mate.  I did what I could then to mark you as mine, but I was never able to complete my marking of you since you needed to give your consent to be fully marked and I was never able to get your consent.”


As he explained it to her, some memories came to the surface.  She remembered that first time and how after that he was one that she routinely sought out.  She was glad to know he wasn’t involved in her kidnapping.  She also realized why he was familiar to her and that she had actually fallen for him back then.  Smiling, she said “That explains a lot then.  As for Jeff, he’s gone for good.  My ex took care of him with a soul stealer sword.  From the time he kidnapped me in 1773 until his death, I would always have trouble from Jeff in some form or another.  He had drugged me, beat me and raped me any chance he could find over these Two hundred and Thirty-five years.  Because of him, I’d even lost my hearing over one hundred years ago.”
“How did it return?”


“Three and a half years ago, after John died; I left Denver because I didn’t want to be where I had been with him.  I ended up just outside of a city where I could feel Vampires lived.  I was bitten, at age three, a few million years ago, a few million because of all the traveling millions of light years between planets, by what could now be considered an Ancient Vampire bug.  That is why I said I have always had fangs since I was little and because of that, I’ve always been considered a Vampire, besides being just being Immortal also.  But on that November night of 2004, I was bitten by a Vampire of that city.  I wasn’t killed and brought back as most are because of being Immortal and the true vampire in me after having started my life over as a baby several times already.  The only change I had was the return of my hearing.  Something my dad and Grandfather had never been able to figure out how to return since the day I lost it in 1848.  Since I can’t read your thoughts, I’m guessing you are wondering how I lost it in the first place.”  At his nod, she continued with “I had been playing with my brothers and cousins and somehow I got way behind them.  Jeff caught me alone outside our village as I was trying to find the boys to catch up, it was before the villages were turned into reservations.  I was four for that life time and Jeff beat me, raped me, and then left me for dead lying against a rock he’d thrown me at.  John happened to be going by on the way to the village to visit my Uncle and found me, taking me back to the village.  When I came to, I found I couldn’t hear anything anymore.  I was taught by my grandfather to start listening with my heart and head, besides having to use Indian sign, then American Sign when it took over, and reading lips.  That was how and when I met John.”


“I’m glad Jeff is gone for good.  Too bad I can’t thank your ex for doing that.  And John saving you in 1848 gives me something else to thank him for.” Seeing her eyebrow raise in question, he held out his hand, the ring sitting in the middle of it, and said “He helped me pick this ring out so I already thanked him for that.  I still have something to ask you.  Will you marry me?  At Disneyland?”


She had wondered if he was going to come back to the ring.  After seeing the ring, she wasn’t surprised he was asking her to marry him.  What surprised her was his asking about getting married at Disneyland.  Smiling softly, she said “Yes.  To both.”  Leaning to him, she lightly kissed him.  When she leaned back, he took her left hand and put the ring on it.  Looking down at it, she smiled, and then lifting her face to him she smiled at him.  “Now I know why you said you would just share the Dream Catcher I’m making for myself.  I’m curious though, can we do some house redecorating, or at least the boys rooms for redecorating?”


Smiling and kissing her in return, he said “That is why I said that about sharing.  And, of course we can redecorate.  Whenever you want to go look at whatever is needed to do it, let me know.  Now, I’m curious about something.  You said you can’t read my mind.  Have you tried?”


“Yeah, I did, but only because I wondered if I was able to.  I have heard of some vampires that know they have found their mate if, among other things, they are unable to read the persons mind.  I don’t know if that is the same for Were’s with their mates, but I am going to think it is since I can’t read yours.  Yours is the first mind I have not been able to read.  And, I know I skipped over it at the time, but I’m curious.  How do you go about doing the complete mating?”


Smiling with a glint in his eyes, Nikolas said “I think that’s something we can look into, discuss, later.  Right at the moment, I’m curious about these Dream Catchers and how to make them.”


Taking her glass from him, Brandi takes a sip and then says “Do you know why Dream Catchers are used?”  At his nod, she picks one of the circles and slowly starts putting it together, going slow and explaining what she was doing as she did it.


When she finished with that one, Nikolas grabbed one of the other three along with some leather strips.


Looking at him, she asked “What are you doing, Nik?”


Smiling at her shortening of his name, Nikolas said “I thought I’d try to do one since you explained it so well.  Besides, if I start to screw it up to bad, I know you’ll help me straighten it out.”


Laughing, she said “Yeah, I will help you fix it.  Though I won’t fix it for you, just tell you what you have to do to fix it.  Just take your time and go slow.  When we’re done putting this part of them together, I’ll show you how to add strips onto the bottom to hang down.  I have turquoise beads also to add to the bottom strips.  I’m also going to add some turquoise beads to the one I’m doing for me, well us, into this part we’re doing now.  I was going to add silver beads also, but I won’t now.  So be careful getting into the bag in case any of the silver ones spilled.  The three for the boys will be plain for this part we’re doing now.”  All of a sudden, she sat very still with a faraway look on her face.


Seeing the look, he asked “What’s wrong, Andi?”


Refocusing on him, she raised an eyebrow at the name and smiled when he only shrugged.  “Sorry, I was just thinking about Anna, and Leah, and that I think I finally figured out something that I’ve spent over two hundred years wondering.”


“Who are Anna, and Leah, and what did you figure out?”


“I don’t know if you remember that I got pregnant.”  At his nod, she continued with “Although Jeff was led to believe there was only one baby and that she died, there were twins.  Anna, and Leah were taken by Lena to friends and neighbors of my parents to save them.  If I remember correctly, you were one I had been with during the time I would have become pregnant.  I haven’t known who their biological father is, but something tells me that I do now.  Another reason for the familiarity, why every part of me knows you, remembers you, even if it has been over two hundred years since we were together in that way.”


Understanding and smiling, Nikolas said “Andi fits you; it’s why I picked it.  And yeah, you do remember correctly.  I know what you mean but if you feel that you need to be sure, and you want me to have blood work done, I will be glad to do it.”


“Thanks Nik.  I actually do think it’s a good idea to get it done so we know for sure.  Do you mind if my cousin, who is my doctor, pops in, literally, to do that?”


“No, I don’t mind at all.  And, Andi, you don’t need permission to have someone come by.”


Nodding with a smile, Brandi opened her hand and her phone appeared in it.  Dialing, she waited until she heard a female “Hello?”


“Hi Len, Adam around?”


“Yeah, in a minute.  I called Wind Rider’s to talk to you and he said you left there in June, but you weren’t going back to the City.  Why didn’t you call me to let me know?”


“I didn’t let anyone but Grandfather know I was leaving town.  And nope, I didn’t go back to the City.”


“Where are you?”


“Santa Fe and you can pass that on to everyone.  And not that I don’t enjoy talking to you, but I do need to talk to Adam.  I have a favor to ask of him.”


“Okay, I’m ready now and he’s right here.  But I want more information one of these days.”


Before she could reply to Lena, she heard “Hi sweetheart.  Everything alright?”


Smiling, she said “Yeah, everything is fine.  I just need you to do something for me.”


“Anything for you. So, what?”


“Couple of blood tests.  One on Anna, and one on someone else.  I need DNA checks on them to see if match.”


“Bree, what’s going on?  And what about Leah?”


“If Anna and this other match, Leah will too.  I’ll explain, but please get what you need to get one draw and then come to where I am.  That’s when you’ll find out more.”


“Alright, I’ll be there shortly.”


Hanging up, Brandi looked at Nikolas working on the Dream Catcher he wanted to do, and smiled.  She leaned over and did a quick check on it.  “You want to go a little bit tighter.  You want it taunt so it doesn’t droop or fall apart.  But you also don’t want it so tight that it will ruin the circle by changing the shape of it.”  Seeing him start to take it all the way apart, she placed a hand on his arm and said “Don’t take it completely apart.  You only need to take a strip almost all the way back and tighten since you haven’t gotten very far on it.”  Taking it for a minute, she showed him what she meant.


As she handed it back to him, he nodded in understanding and they heard “I’m here sweetheart.  Who am I drawing?”


Looking up and over at the voice, Brandi smiled and said “Hi Adam, you’ll be drawing his.”


As Adam nodded and moved to Nikolas, they then heard “What the Hell.  Nikolas, what are you doing here?”


Looking over at who spoke, Nikolas said “Hi Lena.  I could ask you the same thing?”


Laughing a bit, Brandi said “I can probably explain.  First, Nik, this is my cousin, and doctor, Adam Stevens.  Adam, this is Nikolas Davidson.  Lena is here, Nik, because she and Adam are dating and she tagged along, knowing I would be here.”  She got a flash in her mind at Adam wondering how Lena and Nikolas knew each other so she said before he could voice it “Adam, Nik and Lena met Two hundred and Thirty-five years ago in Russia in the monastery”


Putting her hand on Adam’s arm, Lena said “And don’t be upset with him for anything that had happened.  He had no idea what Jeff had done or was doing.  I was involved in what Jeff did, at least at the beginning, and you were able to forgive me.  Give him the benefit of the doubt, please.”  She looked up at Adam and saw him give a very slight nod.


Nodding, Nikolas said “After my first encounter with Brandi, I had fallen for her.  Had I known what the ass was doing to her, had done to her, as it was happening, I would have done whatever I could to get her out of there.”  Looking over at Brandi, he gave her a questioning look, knowing she’d understand.  When she only nodded, he continued with “I know how that sounds, but there is a reason behind it.  I am a Werewolf and she is my true mate.  Even though I was never able to completely mark her, I had marked her whenever we were together.  That usually happens for a Were when with their true mate.  I never completed marking her because we won’t complete it if we cannot, or do not, gain permission from the mate.  And at that time I was unable to gain her permission or consent.  When she left, I found out the truth from Lena as to how Brandi came to be there and what her age was at that time.  I left the monastery shortly after that and literally went looking for Brandi all over Russia.”


As Adam nodded, Brandi asked “Could you do me another favor, Adam?  Would you see if you can read Nik’s mind.  I have tried and wasn’t able to, so I’m curious if anyone else can.”


Understanding, Adam looked into Nikolas’s mind.  Nodding to let them know he could, he found Nikolas was telling the truth about the time in Russia when Brandi was in the monastery.  He also found out why Brandi wanted the blood work done on him and Anna.  Taking a closer look at Nikolas, Adam said “I think the test will be positive, but I’ll still run it to be sure.  I have Anna’s, and Leah’s, full blood work on file from when I needed to do blood work on them, even though Leah is in New York, before, just in case I needed it.  After I run his, I’ll look at theirs to see if a match.  I’ll drop this at the lab and run it when we get back, but I’ll wait til tomorrow before I call you with the results.


“That’s fine.  We’ll be here til Saturday am, and we leave that day for a week’s vacation.”


“Where are you heading?”


Before she answered, Brandi noticed an addition in people in the hallway.  Telling Adam, by way of telepathy, where they were headed, she called out “Your Thirty minutes are long past up Doug.  You’d best be in bed in the next minute if you want to be able to go on this vacation.”


They heard “Yes mom,” before they heard the sound of feet running down the hall.


When Brandi told him where they were going and that it was a surprise to the boys, Adam had given her a nod so she knew he’d heard and understood.  Wondering about the comment Doug made, Adam asked, as he moved to Nikolas to draw the blood, “Did you get married since you got here?”


“Nope, but we are next week.”


“While there?”


She only smiled as she nodded.  She then said “No I haven’t told anyone else yet.  He only asked an hour or so ago.  I’ll call daddy and Grandfather tomorrow, and I’ll get in touch with Poppa.  You, daddy, and Grandfather can pass the news to the rest of the family.  I will call the girls also, since I’ll probably have even more news to tell them.”


Finishing the draw, Adam said “You do know you’ll have to tell them how the two of you actually met and when.”  At her nod, he then said “Call me when you get ready to tell anyone.  If Nikolas isn’t where he is around any of them so they can read his mind to see he’s telling the truth, I’ll talk to whoever I need to, to let them know.”


Smiling, she stood up with Nikolas also standing.  “Thanks Adam.  I appreciate that.”


“No problem, sweetheart.  Oh, your three boys miss you.  If you want them, let me know and I’ll get them here to you.”


Giving him a hug, she said “Thanks.  I don’t think it’ll be before we leave, so I’ll let you know after the Sixteenth.”


Nodding, Adam returned the hug and then shook Nikolas’s hand.


Moving to Lena, Brandi gave her a hug and then moved so Nikolas could give Lena a hug.  Smiling at Lena, Brandi said “Tell my Warlock I said hi.”


Grinning, Lena said “Oh I will.  And I’ll add that you said for him to stay out of trouble.  He’s more likely to stay out of trouble if it comes from you.  I don’t know why my brother won’t listen to me for that.”


Shrugging, Brandi smiled and she and Nikolas watched them leave.


As soon as they were alone again, or as alone as could be with three sleeping boys in the house, Nikolas asked “Your three boys?  I thought you said you had two boys and a girl.”


As she sat back down on the floor and picked up the Dream Catcher she had been working on, Brandi said “I do have two boys and a girl, for regular kids.  The three boys are my wolves and are my other kids.  Hercules and Ares, who are five thousand years old, and Thoth, who is around two years old, I think.  Thoth was found and given to me last year and I believe he was a year old then; at least he looked it to me.  The wolf is also my Spirit Guide.”


Nikolas sat back down as she was explaining, and picked up the Dream Catcher he had been working on.  When she finished about her wolves, he smiled and said “I look forward to meeting them, although I’m sure they’ll be protective of you. At least the two older ones.”  He then listened as she went on to tell him about herself, where she was from, her father, her Indian heritage, the different plants she has been on, and the rest of how and where she had been bitten by the Aradis, or Ancient Vampire, bug.  The only thing that really surprised him was finding out a city that was supposedly lost or only legend was actually around and never was lost, just moved, by the city inhabitants, to another galaxy.


As she talked, she finished the Dream Catcher she’d been doing.  Pulling out the last one, she started on it, adding in the turquoise beads to the center of several strips. Taking a quick look at him, she asked “Any questions to all that?”


Putting down the one he finally finished, he said “Actually no, but I’m looking forward to seeing you shift.”


Shaking her head, she laughed as she got the last Dream Catcher finished.  Picking up his, she checked it over and smiled.  “This is much better.  Now we’ll add the extra strips to the bottoms of all four.”  Taking the one she had just finished, she showed him how to put the beads on, putting a couple in the middle with knots on each side to keep them from sliding, and then a couple on the end with knots under them to keep them from falling off.  They got them all finished in very short time.  Nodding at their work, she said “We can hang these tomorrow.  Right now, I’m ready for sleep.”


Stretching, Nikolas said “As am I, mate.  Which room would you rather be in tonight?”


Smiling as they walked down the hall, she replied “For now I’ll stay in the one I’ve been in, or at least tonight.  It’s too late to worry about moving rooms.”


Walking with her to her door, he nodded and said “It is close to Eleven.”  Bending down, he gave her a kiss, and said “Sleep well, Andi.  I love you.”


She returned the kiss and then smiled on a sigh.  “You sleep well too Nik.  I love you, too.”  Stepping into the room, she blew him a kiss and said “Night.”


“Night,” he told her, blowing a kiss back before turning to go to his room.


She changed and crawled in bed thinking about the day, or more so the evening.  She could hear whispers in the room that Nikolas was only using her and didn’t love her, but she tuned those out, attributing them to a ghost that was cold inside and out in life and in death and that was without knowing anything about Gloria, only with what she’d seen with her own eyes.


After getting up and getting ready for the day, Brandi made breakfast for them all.  She was surprised when Charles joined them for breakfast.  Smiling at him, she made breakfast for him and handed it to him.


When Nikolas was finished, he kissed her good bye and said “Go ahead and move your stuff to my room, put that up in there and have Charles take out to the incinerator everything in the room you’ve been in.  Even any clothes left in there.  When I get home we can sit down and see what we are going to do for the boy’s rooms.”


“Sounds good, I’ll do that.  And once it’s cleaned out, that room is off limits.  She can get to anyone through dreams or even if someone is just tired.”  He gave her a questioning look and even without being able to actually read his mind, she knew what he was asking.  Nodding she said “She tried to tell me some things I knew were lies.  I’ll tell you about them later.”


“Okay.  I’ll see you later.”  He gave her another kiss, and then said “Love you.”  Calling to the boys, he said “I’ll see you guys later.  Be good and love you.”


Returning the kiss, she said “Love you too.”  She then laughed as the boys called out their “Bye dad, love you too.  See you later.”


When breakfast was all done and the kitchen cleaned, as they headed out of the kitchen, she asked Doug to get out his and his brothers suitcases because they were going to pack, or at least help her.  She also told him she had something for each of them and she was going to need his help.


Listening to her, Charles said “I can help you with whatever you need, Brandi.”


“I know Charles, but this project is something that if Doug helps, it’ll help him feel important.”


Doug nodded to her, as he came over to her, and asked “I’m not sure where the suitcases are.  And what’d you get us, mom?”


Smiling at how Doug referred to Brandi, and her not questioning it, Charles said “I know where they are Douglas.  I’ll get them for you.  And Brandi, I heard Nikolas say there was something you needed me to do.”


Smiling at him, Brandi said “Thanks Charles and yeah.  I just have to move a few things first.  I’ll meet you at the room I’ve been in after you get the suitcases.”  Looking at Doug she said “What I have, is something I made, well Dad and I did.  He helped me.  And you’ll find out soon enough.  Now head on back to your room and pull out what clothes you want to take to some place warm and I’ll be back to go through it and help you pack.”


“Okay.  Do you want me to do that for Drew and Jon too?”


Stopping at her door, she said “Yes please, that would help.”


Nodding, he ran the rest of the way to his room.


Stopping with her, Charles asked “What is it you and Nikolas did for them?
Smiling she said “Dream Catchers for over their beds.”


Nodding, he said “That will be good.  Especially for this house.”


She nodded in understanding.  She then turned to go into the room she’d been using to start moving her bags over.  She put the two bags she was taking to LA by the door next to Nikolas’s.  She then put the other bags over by the closet since she didn’t want to take anything out of them until after he got home and she could find out where for the stuff.  She then moved the bag the Dream Catchers were in to the hallway, just outside the bedroom door.  She took one final look to make sure everything was out.


Watching her, Charles asked from the door “Switching rooms?”


Turning, Brandi smiled and said “Yeah.  I am.  This is what Nik was talking about when he left.  What he wanted was for you to take everything in this room out to the incinerator, so the room is totally empty.  I never took anything out of my bags, and I was just double checking to make sure I hadn’t missed getting anything back into them after I washed my clothes, so anything of mine is gone.  I already took my book off the nightstand and anything else I’d set there.  It is free to be cleaned out, if you please.”


Understanding why they wanted the room emptied with it all burned, Charles nodded, and started by taking clothes from the closet outside.


Leaving him to work, Brandi grabbed the plastic bag from outside the door and headed to Doug’s room.  She went through his clothes, pulled out wasn’t appropriate and added what could be needed for chilly nights.  She also added the one suit, gaining a look from him.  Smiling she said “You never know if you’ll need it.”  They then packed up his clothes and then put to the side the items from the bathroom he’d need.  When they were done, she pulled out his Dream Catcher.  Seeing his eyes widen, she smiled and said “This is what I’d like your help with for putting up.  This one is for you and then there are ones for each of your brothers.”


“Cool, I’ll be glad to.  What about you and dad though?”


“I’ll have dad help me with that one later.”


Nodding, Doug suddenly asked “Are you and dad getting married?”


Smiling, she said “Yep.  He asked last night.  Did you know he was going to?”  At his nod, Brandi said “You kept the secret good.  And though I’m not telling you where we’re going, I will say that dad included our wedding in the plans for next week. It’s why you need the suit.”


Grinning, he hugged her and said “I’m glad.  Dad needs to be happy and you make him smile and laugh.”


Hugging him back, Brandi laughed and said “Good, I’m glad because he does that for me too.  Now, let’s get this up and go get your brothers packed and theirs up.”


He nodded and they got his Dream Catcher up at the head of his bed, then headed into Drew’s room to get Drew packed, with Brandi doing the same for the clothes.  They then set to the side the stuff both Drew and Jon would need from the bathroom.  They then hung up Drew’s Dream Catcher.  When they were done there, they did the same in Jon’s room, pack and then hanging the Dream Catcher.  The boys suitcases were all packed with a luggage tag on each and sitting by their bathroom doors so the last could be added and then the suitcases taken.


They were done by lunch.  Seeing Charles in the extra bedroom, Brandi stopped, telling the boys to go to the kitchen, and asked Charles if he wanted lunch.


Charles smiled at the offer of lunch and took her up on it.  He’d hated the room he was emptying and always had, so a break sounded good.


Getting to the kitchen with Charles, Brandi made Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches for the boys and BLT’s for her and Charles.  As they ate, Drew suddenly asked “Are you leaving momma?”


“No, baby.  Why?”


“Charles is emptying out your room.”


Understanding dawned.  Giving the boys a smile, she said “I just moved out of that room and moved into what had been just daddy’s room.  Now it’s mine and daddy’s room.  Charles is taking all the bad memory stuff out of the room I had been in.  None of it is mine.”


Nodding, like he’d seen others do, Drew simple said “Okay.”  He then went back to his lunch.


After lunch, there was a knock on the door.  Wondering who was coming by, Brandi opened it to see a boy of about ten.  Something felt off about him, but she wasn’t sure what.  Smiling at her, he asked “Is Doug home?”


Hearing his name, as he passed, Doug stopped to see who it was.  Smiling he said “Hi Tyler.  This is my new mom, Brandi.  Well new mom soon.  What’s up?”


“Wanted to see if you wanted to come out to play?”


Looking up at Brandi, Doug asked “Can I?”


Still unsure about the boy, Brandi knew Doug needed to spend time with friends also, so she said “Yes, you can but stay in the neighborhood please.”


Grinning, Doug gave her a hug, said “Thanks,” and was out the door.


Looking at the two tired boys she had next to her, she said “Come on you two, it’s time for you both to lie down.”  She put Jon down for his nap first then put Drew down.  Grabbing her book when they were down, she went out to the front room and stretched out on the sofa to read.  As she started to open her book, her phone rang.  Seeing the ID, she smiled and said “Hi Adam.”


“Hi sweetheart.  I have the results but was a busy morning.  He is the girl’s biological father.”


“Alright.  That’s what we figured.  I still have yet to tell them, or anyone else, I’m getting married, so I’ll do that this afternoon or tomorrow.”


“Alright.  Just let me know if you need my help for anything.”


“I will and thanks Adam.  For everything.  I appreciate it.”


“No problem.  I’ll talk to you later.”


She said bye and hung up, thinking about what she was going to tell her father, dads, grandfather, Anna and Leah.  Opening her book, she started to read but her eyes kept closing.  She fell asleep with her book open on her chest.










Chapter 6


That night, after dinner and after the boys were in bed, she and Nikolas talked about what ideas she had for the boy’s rooms.  New beds for sure, seeing if any enlarging could be done to the bedrooms with the boys bathrooms being redone.  She also let him know about Adam calling and what he said.  She told him about Tyler coming by and that there was something about the boy she didn’t like, but since he was a friend of Doug’s and a neighbor, until she could figure it out, she wasn’t going to stop them from playing together.  Nikolas agreed, about there was something about the boy that he also didn’t like but since wasn’t sure either, let Doug play with him.  They hung their Dream Catcher.  He liked the ones for the boys that she and Doug had hung.  He checked the extra room and seeing it empty, he locked the door so it couldn’t be entered.


They spent Thursday and Friday getting things done so they could leave for the week and not have any problem.  She also called both her dads, her grandfather, Anna and Leah and let them know what was going on, including when she and Nikolas had met, telling Alex and her grandfather they could talk to Adam if any questions.  She didn’t tell Anna or Leah about that yet, but just that she was getting married and that she knew who their biological father was.  She also got in touch with her father and let him know.  He showed up on Thursday night and got to meet Nikolas and found out then about how they had met.  He didn’t need to talk to Adam; he just looked at Nikolas and knew Nikolas was telling the truth.  She was glad they were able to take off without worrying about anything.  She had also let John know that he’d need to go with them on vacation and why.  He was happy to be able to go and help with the boys.  He also found out that the wedding would be at Disneyland.  He was glad to hear it and glad to see her happy with someone again finally.


Since the flight was leaving Albuquerque at 9am, Brandi and Nikolas had the kids in bed an hour earlier than normal with the promise they got to spend the week staying up later than normal.  Brandi and Nikolas were in bed by 9:30pm themselves to be able to get enough sleep.  They were up by 5:30am on Saturday morning, and as they got in the shower, they laughed at how they’d been good about nothing else other than sleeping since the room had become theirs.  But then again, they realized, they had been busy the last couple of days to worry about anything else but sleep.


After they got out of the shower, Nikolas watched her pull clothes out of a bag she had near the closet.  Shaking his head, Nikolas said, as he put his arms around her, “When we get back, I’ll move things around for you to put your clothes away and I’ll take you shopping to get some new clothes so you won’t have to raid your other closets all the time.”


Turning slightly to be able to look up at him, Brandi smiled and said “The closet I raided was a closet I’ll be emptying anyway from the Vampire City I’m not going back to.  But I’m all for you taking me shopping, and speaking of which,” she turned so she was fully facing him, then said “I don’t have a dress for the wedding.”


“We’ll get it taken care of.  We’ll need to check in with the planner this afternoon, so we can find out then about it and if you need to, you can go find one after that where ever they suggest.”


“They’ll probably suggest Downtown Disney, but yeah, we can find out this afternoon.”  Standing on her toes, she gave him a kiss, and then turned back around to finish dressing.


Watching her, he said “I don’t know if you’ve wondered, but I never shared this room with Gloria.  Not even the three times in our marriage we were together.  She had always wanted her own room, even from the beginning when we were having the house built.  It was fine because I really didn’t want to share with her, or anyone, until you showed up at the door.  I’m thinking that when we met was meant just for that, us to meet but not be together.  Whereas, now is our time to be together.”
Dressed in shorts and a tank top, Brandi smiled at him and said “More than likely.  And I’m not going to question what made me drive here and check the paper.  I’m glad I did both.  And looking at both rooms, I didn’t figure she’d been in here, but it does make me glad you were the only one to be in the bed.”  Hearing that during his six years of being married, they’d only slept together three times told Brandi that Gloria was as cold as she seemed and Brandi felt a little sad for Nikolas.  But since the three times resulted in three great boys, Brandi felt sorrier for Gloria for not being a part of their lives.  She felt, the day she had arrived, that the house was cold with very little love, at least not family type love that you could feel if everyone in the house was happy.  Kind of how the house felt now, even with the one unhappy, angry ghost trying to haunt it.


“Oh, I picked up one more pass for the week to both parks for John so he can just walk into the park normal with us.  Thought that would be better than his just appearing with us inside.”


“Good idea.  If he appears in the suite I don’t care, since that can be explained easier on why he wasn’t seen going upstairs.”


Nodding, Nikolas grabbed their bags and they left the bedroom.  Sitting the bags in the front room, Nikolas went to Doug’s room and Brandi went to Drew’s and Jon’s.  They put the bathroom items that were set to the side in their respective bags since they’d had the boys bathe before bed.  They then took the bags out to the front room before going back to get the boys out of bed and dressed.  Once the boys were at least moving, Nikolas started grabbing the bags to put them in the bed of the truck.  Moving the boys toward the front room, Brandi made sure each of the boys had one thing out to carry on the plane.  Grabbing her backpack, Brandi made sure she had everything – the boy’s birth certificates, her purse, books to read, plane tickets, hotel information and everything needed for the parks.  She added the stuff for the boys, pulling her purse and the birth certificates to the top for easy access at the airport.  Putting it over her shoulder, Brandi told Charles they’d see him in a week, and told John they’d see him later.  Moving the boys into the garage, Brandi pulled her wings in so she wouldn’t forget later.


Since it was still early, it wasn’t a surprise that the boys fell back asleep on the drive to Albuquerque.  They’d left when they’d wanted to, 6:30am, so they would get to the airport in enough time to be able to check in and get some breakfast before they had to get on the plane.


Getting to the airport, they woke the boys enough to walk into the terminal.  They were checked in by 7:45am.  Looking at the boys, Nikolas smiled and although he figured what the answer would be, he asked if they were hungry.  All three shook their head no and Jon asked Brandi to be picked up.  Picking him up and resting him against her, she said “They may not be, but I am.  We have about 45 minutes still before we have to check in at the gate.”  Looking at Jon, Brandi smiled when she noticed he was back to sleep.


Smiling with her at Jon being asleep in her arms, Nikolas heard “Poppa,” and looked down.  Seeing Drew with his arms up, and half asleep, Nikolas picked him up and settled Drew against him.  Drew was asleep immediately with his head on Nikolas’s shoulder.  Looking back at Brandi, he leaned down to her, gave her a kiss, and said “That’s what I figured when we decided to leave early like we did.  I know the boys aren’t happy about getting up so early, but it’ll be worth it when we get there.”


Nodding, Brandi put an arm around Doug to help guide him toward one of the airport’s fast food places.  She rubbed his arm when he leaned into her, trying to fall back asleep on his feet as he walked.


Moving next to her, Nikolas took the backpack from her.  Slinging it over his free shoulder, he rubbed a hand along her back.


“Let’s get it and head to the gate to eat there.  That way we don’t jar the boys any more than we need to,” she suggested.


“Sounds good,” he told her.  Looking at the menu, he asked “What would you like, love, and I’ll order it for you.”  She told him what she wanted and he moved to the counter, ordering for them both.  As they waited for the food, she suggested he pull out her driver’s license and the boy’s birth certificates, and the plane tickets from the backpack.


Getting the food, they headed to the gate.  They got through security without any problem, and Nikolas was glad she’d had him pull everything out as they waited for the food.  They had wanted Brandi and Nikolas to have Jon and Drew walk through security on their own but Brandi told them that that wasn’t a choice, that both were asleep and that it wasn’t going to change anything if they got carried through except back up the line.  Reluctantly she was agreed with without too much fuss or hold up.


When they got to the gate, Brandi nudged Doug into a chair then sat down next to him with Nikolas sitting on the other side of her.  They adjusted Jon and Drew, Nikolas adjusted the backpack, and then he handed her food to her.  After eating, he pulled the tickets out from where he’d stashed them after going through security.  Standing, he sat Drew in his seat then got in line for boarding passes, since it had taken them the near 30 minutes they’d had after getting food, to go through the line and then through the security itself.


At 8:45am, they started letting people on the plane.  Because they were in first class and had small children, they were able to board first.  They had brought the car seats with them but had sent them through the initial check in to be brought up to the plane so they wouldn’t have to carry them through the airport.  Seeing them carrying the two boys, a flight attendant helped with getting the car seats into Drew’s and Jon’s seats, and flirted with Nikolas.  Smiling and slightly shaking her head, Brandi nudged Doug into his seat then she and Nikolas buckled his seat belt for him since they each had a hand free.


Having given the flight attendant an initial smile and realizing she was trying to flirt with him, Nikolas smiled at Brandi then gave her a kiss after getting Doug in his seat.  Brandi could see on his face, he knew about the flight attendant, making her smile.  Seeing the attendant was done with the seats, though still hanging around, Nikolas put Drew in his seat as Brandi put Jon in his, then they each sat down next to the boys.  Jon and Drew were each by the window with Nikolas and Brandi on the aisle, across from each other.  Doug sat in the seat in front of Nikolas.  Several times the flight attendant tried to pass Nikolas her phone number, and he would act like he didn’t see it there for him.


The flight itself wasn’t long, just over two hours total, although when they landed, it would seem more like only an hour since they’d be losing that hour across the time zone, and the boys stayed asleep until after they had got their luggage.  The airline was holding on to the car seats for them since Brandi and Nikolas didn’t need them for the week, and they were sitting waiting for the shuttle to pick them up.  Doug was awake enough to have walked off the plane and through the airport to get the luggage then outside.  Doug would lean on Brandi or Nikolas whenever they had to stop for an extended length of time.


As they sat waiting for the shuttle, Brandi felt Doug sit up next to her and Jon sat up on her lap.  She also heard in her ear, “Drew’s awake also,” causing her to smile.


With a confused look on his face, Jon asked Brandi “Where are we, momma?”


Giving him a smile, she said, as she noticed the shuttle arriving, “Turn and look.”  She knew Doug saw it also by the gasp and smile she saw when she turned to look at him.


Jon and Drew scrambled off their laps and ran a little forward, looking back and grinning.


Brandi felt a squeeze and heard “This was well worth the grumbling they gave us this morning, love.”  Turning to him, Brandi just smiled, love for him showing in her eyes.


They got on the shuttle with the boys jabbering away at what all they wanted to do.  Suddenly Doug looked at Brandi and asked “Is this where you and dad are getting married, mom?”


Brandi almost laughed at the funny looks she and Nikolas got from others on the shuttle and a look of ‘What the Hell’ she got from Nikolas himself, but instead of answering Nikolas’s unanswered question and ignoring everyone else, she just said “Yep, it is”.


Jon and Drew looked at Brandi and Nikolas wondering what Doug was talking about for a minute or two, then the light dawned on both faces causing them to grin and bounce on Brandi’s and Nikolas’s laps.


Arriving at the hotel, they got checked in and then upstairs to their suite.  As they put luggage where it all needed to be, Brandi sent a telepathic message to John to let him know what their suite number was and on what floor it was on.


The suite itself was decorated in Mickey Mouse.  The sofa and chairs had had backs shaped like Mickey’s head, curtains had little Mickey heads all over them, the tables were Mickey shaped, the headboards on the beds were shaped like Mickey’s head.  There was literally Mickey everywhere, and Brandi thought it was great since she’d always been a Mickey fan.


Meeting in the front room after getting the luggage put where it needed to be, they saw John there, in corporeal form, waiting for them.


When they boys actually realized he was there, they ran to him, each giving him a hug, and asked, at the same time, “Why are you here?”  Though Jon’s came out as “Why here?”


Being used to having more than one person ask him a question, John smiled and said “I’m here to help mom and dad so if they have something they need to do, or want to ride adult rides, they won’t have to worry about you boys.”


Hearing how he put it, Brandi smiled and via a telepathic message, told him * Thanks for saying that though I’m surprised how easily you call me mom for other kids. *


      * It’s how they think of you because of how you act with them and you are marrying their dad.  Besides I’m just glad to see you happy again and with someone that loves you and wants you, the triplets, Anna and Leah.  And yeah, I wasn’t showing myself, but I heard about that with the girls when Adam was there and then the phone call from Adam to confirm and your call to the girls.  I didn’t have to read his mind when Adam was there and he told about that time to know he didn’t know what Jeff was doing and that he loved you then.  The time just wasn’t right for you two back then. *


      Smiling, Brandi moved to John and gave him a kiss on the check and quietly said “I believe you’re correct Cowboy.”


Hearing the cheering of the boys, Brandi moved back over to Nikolas and just smiled.  The boys turned to them and asked in unison, “What are we doing first?” Although, Jon’s came out “What first?”


“How about we decide that when we get into the park.  But first,” Nikolas stopped and handed Brandi Drew’s wrist pass, and then handed Doug his, and continued “You two boys are going to have these on.  Mom will do yours Drew, Doug you need to put it on.  It needs to stay on your wrists at all times, not coming off until we are on the plane home.”


Doug took the band for his wrist, but he wasn’t use to Nikolas talking quite that strict anymore, and it showed on his face.


After putting Drew’s on, Brandi looked over at Doug and saw his face, knowing what was wrong.  Looking at both, she said “There isn’t any reason to be upset, even though dad sounds harsh.  If you were to take it off, you could accidentally lose it or forget to have it when we go down to either of the parks the rest of the time we’re here.  If that were to happen, is it fair to make dad go buy you tickets to get into which ever park each day the rest of the week?  Dad shouldn’t have to do that because the ones we want you to wear get lost.  The reason they are for your wrist is so that you don’t lose them, instead of,” taking the one Nikolas handed her, Brandi put it around her neck and finished “like these that dad, John and I have that go around our necks.”


“Momma, what bout me?” Jon wondered.


Smiling at him, Brandi said “You don’t need one yet.  You’re still special.”


Watching Drew and Doug, Nikolas said “He still gets in free since he isn’t 3 yrs. old, before you ask.  As for you two, if you pout, it will result in you’re not going to a park.  I know I sounded harsh and it wasn’t because I wanted to be.  But, mom is right.  I already bought these for us all and if you were to lose yours it wouldn’t be fair to expect me to buy new ones.  It would be the same if any of us lost them.  I got all the passes as part of doing the entire trip for the week, but I don’t think I could get them this way again at the same price.  It would cost me more to buy each day at the park entrance.”  Getting down to their level, he gave them each a hug and then added “We trust you to not lose them or else you’d be giving them to us each night.  Okay?”


“Okay,” they told him.  Thinking about it, Doug then asked “But what if you, mom, or big John loses yours?”


“Same goes.  Which is why we make sure we’re careful not to lose ours.”


Watching the three, Brandi asked “Are you boys hungry?”  When they nodded, she said “Let’s get something to eat in the hotel dining room, sorry restaurant, before we go into Disneyland park.”


More cheers went up as they left the suite.  As they headed down, Nikolas said to John “You seem to be okay with me being with Brandi and my boys already calling her mom.”


Nodding John said “Yeah.  I have to say I’ve only seen her happy like this once in these last near 4 years and that was with her last vampire husband.  But she seems happier now with you and, even with knowing how and when you two met I think you’ll be good for her as she will be for you.  Your boys love her and that’s a positive.  And I know about Anna and Leah.  And even though they have spent the last 20 years as my daughters, now that I know the truth also, I can see you in them.  If neither accepts right away, give them some time and they will.  Leah may be harder to convince than Anna since Leah has lived with Dee’s oldest brother, where ever he has resided, these last 20 years have been in New York.  It will help that Dee loves you and that I’m fine with it.  But as I said, the most important thing to me is Dee is happy.  If she’d gone back to the vampire city, I am betting she would have found that happiness also with someone else but she chose not to and her leaving the reservation brought her here when it was time for you two to re-meet and get together.”


Smiling, Nikolas said “I look at it that way also.  This was the time we were supposed to be together, having done everything else we were supposed to do.  If she had gone back to the vampire city, it would have just meant we weren’t supposed to be together yet.  I’m glad now is the time.  But I’m also glad that she has you to look out for her and you’re always welcome in our home.”


John nodded his thanks and then laughed at Brandi standing, holding open the elevator door, waiting for them.


They had a good lunch in the hotel restaurant, and then headed out to Disneyland Park, walking through the gate at noon.  Looking at Nikolas, Brandi asked “What time do we need to meet the planner?”


“Not until 3, back at the hotel.  So you and I have about 2 hours before we have to leave, and then we’ll have the rest of the afternoon/evening/night when we finish with her and get back.”


Nodding, she noted the looks on Jon’s and Drew’s faces.  “Remember dad said no pouting.  We’ll be spending the 2 hours doing what you boys want to do before dad and I have this meeting.  While we’re gone, you’ll have John here to go with you boys.  Besides, John prefers the rides for you guys.  Before we leave we’ll agree on a time and place for us to meet back up.  Okay?”


Drew and Jon nodded as Doug asked “Is the meeting for the wedding?”


As Brandi nodded to Doug, Nicolas asked, without any heat, “How does Doug know about that?  This is the second time he’s mentioned it.”


Before Brandi could answer, Doug said “I asked why I needed a suit when mom was helping me pack and had me pull my suit out.  She didn’t tell me where, just that you and her were getting married while we were on vacation.”  Afraid Nikolas was going to get mad at Brandi, Doug added “Don’t be mad dad.  I didn’t want to bring my suit and I kept asking why I had to until mom finally told me.  I’m glad you and she are, all 3 of us are.  Since mom arrived, we’ve been hoping you two would.”


Smiling, Nikolas said “I’m not mad, since you twisted her arm.  But, if you didn’t put the suit on so mom could see if it fit, we should do that. For all 3 of you and get new ones if needed.  Now, where do you boys want to start?”


The boys huddled together, and then said in unison “Toon Town.”


Brandi and Nikolas watched the 3 boys start to move quickly down Main Street with John keeping up.  Brandi and Nikolas kept up, but stayed a bit behind the boys so they could talk.  They kept them in sight since they both could move quick if there was any kind of problem.


“I want to see how the day goes, but we may need to rent a stroller for Jon.  Unless one of us is going to carry him when he’s too tired to walk.”


“We’ll rent a stroller.  I don’t think you, me, or John should have to be carrying him at that point.  He’ll get upset, but he won’t have a choice.  But, yeah, only if it looks like it’s needed.”


Smiling at him, Brandi nodded in agreement.  They then picked up their own pace to catch back up to John and the boys.  As they got closer, Brandi said “Doug was the only one with a suit.  Let’s have him try it on in the morning so we can go into Downtown Disney to get them each one before we come back in here.  That way I can find a dress at the same time if she says I need to get one.  You can help me pick it out if you want.  I don’t think I’ll have bad luck if you see me in my dress early.”


“That’s right.  There hasn’t been a reason to get Drew and Jon one before now.  Tomorrow works for that and I’d love to help you pick it out, mate.  If there had been time, we could have gone Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday but we were both busy getting everything ready to leave.”


“That and I didn’t want to buy one if, on the off chance, they supply it.  Which I am sure is wishful thinking.”


As they reached the boys, Nikolas said “Makes sense on why else to wait.  And may be, but wishing is a good thing.”


They wandered through Toon Town with Brandi taking pictures of all the guys or John taking the pictures so she would be in them.  When they got done in Toon town, they headed to Fantasy land.  Brandi and Nikolas rode whatever different rides with the boys that they wanted to ride until it was just about time to go.


Looking at her watch, having already talked to Nikolas, Brandi said “It’s time for dad and I to go to our meeting.  Let’s meet at the castle entrance at 6pm.  Then we can have dinner and decide what to do with the rest of the evening.  Between now and then, you 3 listen to John.  His word is law if dad and I aren’t around.  It’s up to the 4 of you as to what to do, but if John says no, then no arguments or trying to change his mind.  Understand?”


Brandi looked at each of the boys and each gave a nod that they understood.  She then looked at John who smiled as he nodded to her.


Grabbing Brandi’s hand, Nikolas said “We’ll see you at 6 at the castle entrance.  Be good and watch out for each other.”  Seeing the boys and John nod to him, Nikolas gave Brandi a gentle tug.


Smiling at Nikolas’s subtle way of saying ‘let’s go’, Brandi moved with him out of Fantasy land, back down Main Street, then out of the park, after getting their hand stamped at the gate.  Since she thought she’d heard the monorail no longer stopped at the Disneyland Hotel, they caught the shuttle back to the hotel, arriving in plenty of time.


“Where are we supposed to meet her?”


“Here in the lobby.  I let her know what we look like so she would be able to find us easily.”


Laughing, Brandi said “With what I look like now, you could have just told her that and she’d be able to spot us without a problem.”


Laughing with her, he said “That was my thought and why I described both of us.  I told her you wouldn’t be hard to spot.”


Finding a set of empty chairs, where they could still watch the door and be seen from the front door, Brandi and Nikolas sat down to wait.


Right at 3pm a statuesque brunette walked up to them and said “Excuse me, but are you Ms. Stewart and Mr. Davidson?”


Smiling Nikolas said “Yes, but please call me Nikolas and her Brandi.  You’re Ms. Reynolds?”


“Yes, but please call me Jennifer.”


Smiling herself, Brandi said “I’m sorry if this sounds like a weird question, Jennifer, but do you have a relative that works in DC at the Bureau of Indian Affairs?”


Nodding, Jennifer replied “Yes, my dad.  Do you know him?”


Grinning more, Brandi said “Actually yes.  I’m the Indian Agent for my Grandfather’s tribe, located in Denver.  So your dad and I have dealt with each other many times in the last 5 or so years.”


Smiling at the odds, Jennifer said “Well I’m sure you’ll have better luck with me then you’ve probably had with him.”


Brandi only smiled, knowing that Jennifer knew the way her dad worked very well.


“Okay.  It looks like your travel agent had you sign the agreement and received your deposit, which she sent on to us.  When is the wedding?”


“I know it’s very short notice, but this week.  We’d like Tuesday or Wednesday, if possible.  I don’t mind if I have to pay extra,” Nikolas told her.


Nodding, Jennifer said “Then we have a lot to do.  Where would you like the ceremony itself?  We have 3 locations – this hotel, the Disney Grand Californian Hotel or Disneyland Park.  And you can have your ceremony in one location and the reception in another.”


Smiling, Brandi said “I’d like the ceremony in the Park, if that will work.”  After looking at her book, Jennifer nodded.  “And, just curious, who supplies the dress and minister?”


“You’ll need to for both.  There is a nice Bridal bouquet in Downtown Disney.”  At Brandi’s nod, Jennifer then asked “Do you have your CA marriage license yet?”


Shaking his head, Nikolas said “No, we’ll have to do that on Monday.”


Nodding, Brandi added “The boys won’t be happy about it, but oh well, things happen.   They can go with us if they want or they can go into the park with John.  Actually, they’ll have to go with John since we don’t have the 2 car seats here with us, and we’ll have to take a cab.”


Handing Nikolas the directions on where to get the license and a list of cabs in town, Jennifer said “If you need a list of ministers, I can give you one.”


“Thanks, but no, I have one I can call.  It just means that we’ll have about 30 people for the wedding and reception.  I need to give him, plus at least one other, a call, though.  I wasn’t sure until I made sure on the minister if we’d need a reception, but looks like we will.”


Making notes, Jennifer asked “Did you want the reception in the park also or did you want it here or at the Disney Grand Californian?”


Looking at Nikolas and getting a nod, Brandi said “The reception here at this hotel.”


Nodding, Jennifer said “You think there will be about 30 guests for the reception?”


Doing some quick adding in her head, Brandi nodded and said “Seven of those will be kids, and includes the minister.  Since I’m sure the rest of the friends I still have that worked for my late husband and their ladies will come and my dad, grandfather, cousins and brother, along with my uncle who will be flying the plane, with one of my brother’s, will all come with their ladies.  But I won’t know for sure until I call.”


“If you want to call now, it’s fine.  That way I’ll know before I go and it will help us refine the reception and ceremony more.”


Nodding, Brandi pulled out her phone and first called Joe, who’d been nick named ‘Preacher man’ a long time ago since he had been a preacher at one point.  When he answered and they’d said hello, she let him know what she was wanting and asked if he would be willing.  He readily agreed to perform the ceremony, even with it being at Disneyland.  When he asked if he could let the rest of team seven, as the guys were now called, know, she told him yes and that they, with their ladies, were all invited.  She told him she’d heard about Rose and was sorry.  He told her thanks and that he knew he’d find her again at some point.  She agreed that he would, it was the way it was to be for them.  She then let him know that either Ben or Eric would be getting in touch with him for the flight.  He told her that would be fine and he would pass it on to the rest of the team


She then called Ben, her uncle, and let him know what was happening and where.  She also let him know that if he hadn’t heard already, Adam knew details in regards for her and Nikolas.  He congratulated her, and said he would get in touch with Joe.  He then asked if he could let the rest of the family know, including her Grandfather.  She told him that was fine, she appreciated it and that everyone, with spouses/girlfriends, was invited.  She asked that he call her back after talking to the family and Joe so she would know for sure if they were coming.  He said he would call her back as soon as he could.


As they waited for the phone call, Brandi and Nikolas looked at pictures of flowers, choosing her bouquet, orchids and roses, and his boutonnière, a rose bud, as well as the ceremony and reception flowers, Brandi let Jennifer know orchids, roses and gardenias.  They then looked at pictures of cakes and decided to get a champagne cake with white cream frosting and with frosting orchids along the bottom and top of the two tiers, and a cowboy Mickey and Minnie as the cake topper.  They were going with simple but also with some elegance.  Jennifer then told them the choices for food and drink.  Talking quietly to each other, they decided on a nice buffet style dinner with wine, beer, champagne and soda to drink.  She knew she’d have problems if they didn’t have beer, and Brandi told her it had to be Coors, if that was possible.  Nodding, Jennifer said she could get it for them.  They then decided on the music for the ceremony, and then the reception, asking for mostly country music at the reception.  When they’d finished with their decisions, and Jennifer was finished making notes, she let Nikolas know how much the balance was going to be.  He wrote the check and was handing it to Jennifer when Brandi’s phone rang.


Seeing it was her uncle, she answered and asked what he found out.  He told her that it would be everyone.  Joe, Neil with Renee, Ethan with Kelly, Don and Caren, Vince, and Bryce; her (step) dad Alex; her Grandfather Wind Rider; her year and a half year old triplets; her brother Eric, who was one of the pilots; her brother Mike with his wife Jessica; her (step) brother Brad; her youngest brother Josh; her cousin Adam with Lena; her cousin Gray with Marilyn and their son Brody and their twins; her cousin David, and of course himself – her Uncle Ben. Ben said he wasn’t sure about her daughters Anna and Leah, her friends and protectors Ken, Brian and Jim, or her eldest brother William and his wife Becky.   Nodding as she listened, she wasn’t surprised.  Hanging up, she told Jennifer it would be a total of 31 people, nine of which were kids.


Nodding, Jennifer made a note as to the amount of people, saying that with what they wanted, that was a perfect number.  She asked about extra rooms and Nikolas told her that they would need them.  Looking at Brandi he asked “How may are couples, or families?”


Thinking it through, Brandi said “Eleven rooms because those that aren’t with their wives/girlfriends can share, which includes John.  That doesn’t include us since we already have a suite.” Looking at Jennifer, Brandi asked “Can those be suites instead of regular rooms?”


Nodding, Jennifer said “I’ll see what I can do.  Is it just you two in your suite?”


Shaking his head, Nikolas said “No, we have my 3 boys with us also.  It’s a family vacation with us getting married during it.”


“All right.  Is there one of those people that could stay with your sons so you could have a room for yourselves on your wedding night?”


Nodding, Brandi said “Yeah.  This means unless Vince, Bryce and Joe share, one of them will be in a room alone.  If that is the case, I don’t know if it’s possible, but I’d love to stay in the room y’all have in the castle.”


Smiling, Jennifer said “I’ll see what I can do.” Looking at Nikolas, she added “I’ll get back to you on the amount for the rest of this.”


“That’s fine.  I knew it would cost me with wanting to do this this week.”


Nodding, Jennifer stood, put away her notes and said “Thank you both.  It was a pleasure to meet you and I will be talking to you soon. I believe Tuesday night is open.  When will everyone be here?”


“Most likely this afternoon if I know them, which I do.  We’ll be around Disneyland this afternoon so if you get the amount, and can call Nik on his cell today, we can get it taken care of before they show, hopefully.”


Nodding, Jennifer said, as Nikolas handed her a card with his cell number on it, “I will go get that amount now.  I am guessing we have a couple of hours before they arrive?”


“Yeah, two or three I’m guessing.  Do you have a number Nik can call you at if I hear from one of them before we hear from you?”


Pulling out a card, Jennifer handed it to Nikolas and said “Just call me here if you hear from one of them first.  I will be doing park passes for them all also, but because it’s for a wedding, they will be discounted.  They will also have free parking.  I’ll make sure it’s taken care of and I’ll let you know where they can park so you can pass it on to them.”  Seeing Brandi nod, Jennifer thanked them again and left.


As Jennifer walked away, she suddenly stopped and went back to Brandi and Nikolas.  “I’m sorry, I forgot one other thing.  How old are the kids and are there any seniors?”


Nodding, Brandi said “Of the 31, wait make it 33, my dad’s parents, there is one adult and 2 children’s tickets already taken care of.  So, of the 29 left, we need one for a child of 10 years since my triplets aren’t quite 2 years old, and my cousins twins are 3 years old.  Then out of the 28 left, 4 of them will be seniors.”


Nodding, Jennifer wrote notes for herself on it.  “Okay.  So we need suites for the rest of your party, the suite for your wedding night, 25 adult park passes, one child’s pass for a 10 year old, and 4 senior citizens passes.  I’ll get back to you as quick as possible with the rest of the amount owed, receipts, a copy of the information for the suites for their check in and the park passes.”  Getting nods from Brandi and Nikolas, Jennifer put her notebook away, said bye and left.


Not knowing if Ben had called his parents yet, Brandi telepathically said * Ben *


The reply she received was her phone ringing.  Looking at the caller ID, Brandi smiled, opened it for answering and before she could say a word, she heard “What little one?”


“Did you let…?”


“Yeah, I did.  I just forgot to tell you that I did and that they would be there also.  They are on their way now.  Dad is flying their plane here to Denver and we’ll be meeting them at the ranch since that is where your plane is parked.  We’ll be leaving just after they get here.  We’ll split everyone up at that time and Alex and Josh will just materialize here so we won’t have to fly to Seattle to get them.  I also left a message for Will and Leah, Anna, and for Rob.”


“I added Grandmamman and Grandpire to the list just a bit ago when I remembered about them and that sounds good.  He’ll short cut it I’m sure.  Everyone will have a suite in the hotel and passes to at least Disneyland Park, although I’m not sure how many days.  Will be at least until the wedding.  And thanks for leaving them each a message.  Dad is probably busy with a new book tour and for Will, if you didn’t leave it on his actual cell phone, it may be a bit before he gets the message.  But he probably has brotherhood or other business going on.  If by some chance he and Becky can make it, I’m betting it’ll just be for the ceremony only.  And I do hope Leah and Anna can get here also. Let me know when you leave please so I can know how long until you get here and please don’t speed up the trip.  Take it at normal time.  We need that time to hear back from the planner and get everything.  She’s going to call to let us know where y’all need to park, let us know the suite and park pass information, and then we’ll have to go and get the information y’all need to check in and the Park passes.  I was going to get a hard copy of the suite information anyway, when she said she’d give it to us, since I like to have that so she wouldn’t have to be continuously called about it.”


“Although I’m sure she does this routinely, I know you prefer to be sure, and have that kind of information so you know there won’t be any problems.”


Laughing, she said “Very true.  I’ve been that way all my life.”


“Yeah, you have, little one, or at least the time I’ve known you.  Is your fiancé paying for it all?”


“Yeah, he is.”  Brandi looked at Nikolas and smiled.


“Can I talk to him, please, little one.  Alex and I want to be able to do this for you, so I want to let him know that.  And it isn’t just the family, we are taking care of the rest of team 7 and their families.  What about John?  Where’s he?”


She was surprised by them wanting to do that.  Before she handed over the phone, she said “He’s already here with us.  He already has his passes to both Parks, but is included in the suites.  I figured single guys could double up.  And just a sec, here he is.”  Turning to look at Nikolas, Brandi said “My uncle, Ben, would like to talk to you.”


Wondering what was going on, Nikolas took the phone and said “Hello?”  He then listened to what Ben had to say, making small comments here and there.  When Ben was done, Nikolas said “You don’t have to do that.  I have no problem affording it.”  After listening to Ben’s answer, he said “Well thank you both.  I appreciate it and I do understand.  I was planning on holding onto the receipts anyway, at least until we go home, so I’ll just give them to either of you.”  He listened more and then said “Thanks again and we’ll see you when you get here.”


Hanging up, he handed the phone back to Brandi and said “Your uncle and dad want to pay for it all, including your dress.  So they’ll pay me back everything I’ve already paid or will be paying.  I think they want to pay for our vacation also since the wedding is part of it.”


“He said that he wanted to talk to you for that reason and he’d asked about John.  Though if my other step-dad were to come, he’d be the one doing that.  Damn, that reminds me.  I need to call the estate on Oahu and tell Jackson, his major-domo, about the wedding so he can let dad know, even though Ben left a message for dad.  It’ll be a surprise to them that I’m getting married again, but oh well.  I think dad is on a book tour in Europe.”


“Who is that step-dad?” He wondered.  When she told him his eyes widened.


Smiling, she looked at the time and saw it was only 4:30, surprised at how quick they took care of everything.  She then headed to a sofa that was somewhat hidden.  Sitting, she said “I’ll give you a brief version, for now, of this life time for me.”  At his nod, she told him of her mom, Danielle, and Alex, the step-dad coming, not starting out together this time like they normally did.  Danielle met Rob in the mid 60’s when she was pregnant with her triplets, Brandi and her 2 brothers.  They fell in love and got married.  He was willing to claim the triplets as his own, but she told him that she wanted the kids to know of their father, who had died.  He told her he understood, so he would adopt the kids instead so they would have his name.  When he told her that, Danielle told Rob she had been withholding her past from him.  She then was up front about who and what she was, her origins, and that of the kids.  It hadn’t mattered to him; he was fine with having a wife and kids that were different, special.  Even later in their marriage when she was suddenly pregnant with Josh, he still wasn’t fazed.  “Dad knows Alex is also our dad and he knows about Poppa – the one Mike, Eric and I consider our father.  We, or mostly me until I moved to the Vampire city in 2004, used both his and Alex’s last names with the approval of both of them for adding Alex’s last name.  So technically, since 1966, my name is Brandi Nicole Masterson.  But since 1980 it has been Brandi Nicole Masterson-Stewart, legally.  As I said, I dropped the Masterson in November of 2004 when I moved to the Vampire city since going by Brandi Stewart was easier.”


Nodding his understanding, Nikolas asked “Did people know who your dad was, for the Masterson part of your last name?”


Shaking her head, Brandi said “No, because whenever we had to put down a first name for our father we wrote Robert, his given name.  While we lived in Hawaii, friends knew we had some importance because we were always driven to school, but they didn’t know why or anything about our family.  Dad tries to make sure we’re kept out of the limelight, which was hard since he always is in it.”


“To keep you from getting hounded about him and to not have your magic put on display, I’d guess.”


“Basically, yeah.  And I don’t remember saying anything about my having magic.”


“You didn’t have to, love.  I’ve noticed small changes you’ve done with changes of your moods and you’d have to have magic for the metamorphosis you did to look as you do now.  I also remember something you did that first time we were together when I came across you and Lena in your room.  Feeling like I was having you both at the same time, feeling you doing things to me that you were actually doing to, or with, the replica of myself I’d brought in.”


Brandi looked at him as she took her phone back out.  “I don’t remember.  I only have bits and pieces of that time, or any other one that he has drugged me. For a while, because of the memory losses, I couldn’t figure out why I was addicted to drugs, why I would react badly to drugs, or why it would seem like I would black out or loose a section of memory.


About 5 years ago, Adam was discharging me from the hospital after putting me in for problems with the pregnancy I had at the time.  Something had come up, no wait, it was that Adam was sending me home with Demerol and was going to have one of the nurses come to take care of me and give me a shot when needed.  I thought he didn’t trust me to give me pills to take instead.  Chris had him come back into the room so he could explain it to me.  He did a mind sweep to see what I remembered, and found some pieces of memory missing or out of order.  He went through and started putting them back in order correctly and went in search of the missing pieces to put where they belonged.  Now I know that doesn’t sound possible, but for my family, it is, with exception of my oldest brother.  Anyway, I was able to see what had actually happened when I was in high school, which had actually been the last time he’d kidnapped me and drugged me, though I had thought it was 200 years ago.  I saw myself waiting for a friend but being come upon by a friend of Jeff’s and then being pulled into a car by him and by Jeff.  They took me away from the school, having drugged me to get me away and keep me from screaming.  They drove to some deserted area, kept me drugged for the majority of the 3 or so hours they had me.  They weren’t giving me just one drug, they were mixing them, to make sure I’d be good and high and not caring that they were also raping me in that time.  When they finally finished with me, they took me back to the school, I guess figuring I’d find a way home or, since I was in my cheerleading uniform, that we had a game that night, which we did.  I did some cheering, but also sat out quite a bit because I wasn’t feeling good.  Daddy and John were already worried because I hadn’t come home and I knew John was going to be there for the weekend.  When they saw how I was during and then after the game, they got more worried so they took me to the ER.  Adam was an intern doing his rotation in the ER, so when he saw me being brought back, he made sure he got me for a patient.  He did blood work and a tox screen to see what was given me, and when Adam told daddy and

John, they all were pissed.  Adam got the drugs out of me and because of how drugged I was, they knew I wouldn’t remember any of it.  The three of them decided that no one but them would know unless something came up to where it needed to be told, or at least all of what had happened.  My other brothers that had been at the game and had saw me, knew I’d been drugged from just watching me.  All I was ever told was that I had a drug addiction, but I thought that after the 1870’s I had gotten over the addiction since I hadn’t had anything, to my knowledge, and I’d always been real careful about what I took.  That was why I thought he didn’t trust me.  Once he was done with getting all the memories back and in order, I understood what had been happening better and I realized why I’d had memory lapses at times.  I also realized why he was being careful in not sending me home with pills.  He trusted me, but didn’t want to take any chances, especially since I was pregnant.  What I do remember, is most of Jeff’s treatment of me from 1848 to the 1870’s, but I still don’t remember a lot of that time in the 1770’s in the monastery.  I don’t know if I ever will remember it.”


Nodding, Nikolas put his arms around her and held her.  “If you don’t ever remember more than you do now, it’s okay.  I don’t plan on pushing you to remember.  It’s in the past anyway and that is where it can stay.  We have now and the future to make memories together.”  Drawing her close, he kissed her temple.  “Make your call, love and then we can head back into the Park if you’re ready.”



Nodding, she opened her phone and dialed.  As it rang, Brandi leaned into Nikolas.  When she heard “Rob Masterson Estate”, she smiled and said “Jackson, its Brandi.”


“Hello Brandi.  Is everything alright?  Alex called last month asking if you were here.”


“Yes, everything is fine.  I left Denver in June and never let anyone know when I stopped and stayed in Santa Fe.  At the moment I’m in Los Angeles at Disneyland.  I wanted to let you, and dad via you since I’m not sure where on his tour dad is, know I’m getting married on Tuesday night here at Disneyland.  I already know that neither of you will probably be able to make it, but I wanted to let you know just the same.  And though he didn’t say where he’d left it, Ben said he’d left a message.”


“Congratulations to you and your fiancé.  I will let Mr. Masterson know, but this book tour has no extra time to spare away from what the schedule he sent me showed.  And I have not looked at the answering machine yet to see if there were any messages left.”


“That’s what I figured, and it’s perfectly understandable.  As I said, I just thought I’d call since I thought you would like to know.”


“He will be happy to hear the news, as I am.  I am glad you called and I will let him know when I talk to him.  Come back to visit when you can.”


“I will thanks.”  They said bye and she hung up.


Lifting up slightly, Brandi smiled at Nikolas, and as she leaned to give him a kiss she heard in her mind “Congratulations daughter.  Even if you don’t physically see me, I will be there watching.”


Putting her hand on her crystal, Brandi quietly said, knowing he’d hear, “Thank you Poppa.”


Feeling a squeeze, Brandi looked at Nikolas with a smile, and said “Sorry, my father was talking to me.”


Nodding, Nikolas smiled and stood, taking her with him.  “Must have been good.”  At her nod, he smiled more and said “Are you ready to head back into the Park, then?”


“Yeah,” she said.  Looking at her watch as they headed out of the hotel, she noted that they were still good with time.  Getting just outside, his phone and her phone both rang.  Laughing at the luck, Brandi looked at the caller ID and answered with “How soon?”


Laughing, Ben said “Mom and dad just arrived, little one.  Everyone else did also.  We’re going to eat and then leave in the next 30 minutes to hour.  So, with the time change, we’ll be there in about 2 hours.  We’ll see you about 30 minutes after that since the car rental place is picking us up and taking us to pick up our cars or vans.”


“Alright.  Call me when y’all arrive and I’ll give you the parking information.  Nik is talking to the planner now, so we’ll be getting everything shortly.”


“Will do and see you soon.”


“Sounds good, Ben.  See you soon.”  Hanging up, she looked at Nikolas and saw he was also finishing up.


When he hung up, he said “She’s coming back here to give us all the information, including parking directions.  What’d you find out?”


“Everyone is there in Denver.  Ben didn’t say if they were at the Ranch or what, but they are going to eat and then leave in the next 30 minutes to hour. He figures they’ll be here at Disneyland in about 2 and a half hours.  Where ever they are renting from, is picking them up to take them to the rental agency to be able to get the vehicles they’re renting.”


“Okay, that works.  I was just thinking while I was talking to Jennifer.  Let’s see if we can upgrade our suite so we can have the triplets, your dad and Grandfather with us.  And if John wants to also stay in our suite, that’s fine.  I’m going to see about a 10 room suite, or the largest they can get us, even if penthouse.”


Smiling, her face and eyes lit, and she said “That sounds great.  I wonder if they have anything that big.  I think a 10 room suite would be great, But if needed the boys can double up or I can do some redecorating for while we’re here.”


Laughing, he took her hand, walked back inside, up to the front desk, and to an open person.  When asked what could be done to help, Nikolas told the gentleman what they were wanting.  Nodding, the gentleman said they did have some suites that big, but he needed to see what was available.  Looking at the computer, he nodded and then, after running them, he handed Nikolas 5 keys.  He said that he would have their belongings moved to the new suite while they were gone.  Thanking him, Brandi and Nikolas turned and saw Jennifer coming in and toward them.


They met half way across the lobby.  Jennifer smiled and “I have the Wedding scheduled for Tuesday night at 9pm.  I know there will be kids there, and some of them young, but I thought you would like to have it at Sunset/twilight time.  The reception will immediately follow after the wedding and then when you are both ready to leave the reception, Cinderella’s Coach, that we use for Weddings, will take you back into the park to stay in the Castle suite for the night.  You don’t have to worry about anything, it’s already reserved for you.  In the packet I have for you is the key for it.”  Jennifer then handed the envelope to Nikolas and gave him all the receipts, with the final balance receipt on top.  Writing out a check, he handed it to her, thanking her for all her help.  She smiled and nodded then left.


After putting the envelope in the backpack, Nikolas put it over his shoulder and said “When they get here, I know you’ll want to meet them in the parking lot.”  At her nod, he continued with, “Remind me and I’ll give you the keys for your dad and Grandfather, along with the backpack.”


As they headed to the hotel door, Brandi said “Sounds good.  I was just thinking, well actually you helped me think of it.  When we get back home, can we just close up the house or sell it?  Even if we were to redecorate, there isn’t enough room for all the kids and I really want us all together.  Which includes our girls, if they want to live with us also.  ”


“Where would you like to move to, then?”


“Denver, more specifically, the ranch.  I know there is enough room there.  If you want to see it, or let the boys see it, we can have Ben and Eric fly to Santa Fe to get us all next Saturday or Sunday.”


Nodding, as he thought about it, he didn’t say anything as they got on the shuttle and then back to the park entrance.  Giving her a smile, Nikolas said “I think it’s a great idea, but we’ll need to ask the boys and I think the boys should see the house.”


“Agreed, but I wanted to pass it by you first.  See what you thought.  We are a family now, or will be soon, and with Gloria around, or even Tyler, I don’t think the house in Santa Fe is a good environment for the boys, or any of the kids.  I’ve been getting visions lately of Tyler causing problems, kidnapping.  Nothing specific, just flashes.”


Running a hand down her arm, Nikolas nodded and said “His father is also a werewolf and a nice guy.  His mom, on the other hand, isn’t very nice, and to her, even if Tyler does do something wrong, he can’t do any wrong.  Tyler is never at fault, everyone else is.  His dad tries to discipline him, but never works, mom always stops it.”


“Is Tyler’s mom, his dad’s true mate?”  Brandi ignored the looks their conversation brought as they walked down Main Street.


Shaking his head, Nikolas said “No, in fact they aren’t even mated.  She refuses to be at all.  I think the only reason they got married, which is mostly the reason I’d married Gloria, is because he’s given up on finding his true mate.  Me, I found mine a long time ago, but lost her and couldn’t find her when I looked.”


“That’s not a good reason to get married. And as for your true mate, she didn’t know she was so had no idea she was being looked for.  You just happen to luck out when she landed on your doorstep.”


Stopping and kissing her, he said “Yeah, I was, and am, lucky.  I’m not letting you go.’


Retuning the kiss, Brandi ran a hand down his face and replied “Good thing since I’m not letting you go either.”







Chapter 7



Getting to the castle entrance, Brandi looked up and said with a smile, “I can’t believe she got us the room in the castle for our wedding night.  I’m also glad we can do this with such short notice to them.”


“I am too for the wedding.  I definitely didn’t give them any notice for the wedding.  For the castle room, I’m actually not surprised.  It was what you wanted and they want to make sure it’s special for us.  But having everyone here I believe will make it the most special.”


Brandi smiled up at him, and then heard “Momma, Poppa, your back.”  Grinning, she looked at the boys and then at John.  Laughing, she told John “Everyone is coming, including Grandmamman and Grandpire. We got suites for everyone and then upgraded ours so all the kids would be with us,  We also have enough room for daddy, Grandfather, and you if you want.”


Before John could say anything, Doug asked “All what kids?”


“You three and mom’s triplets.  So all six of our kids.  You are going to meet your brothers and sister soon.  You’ll also be meeting grandparents, uncles and cousins.”


Moving to Brandi’s side, John said to her, as Nikolas explained about the kids to the boys, “Should be fun and thanks.  I think I will.”


Nodding, Brandi said “Nik has your suite key.”  At John’s nod, Brandi then looked at the boys and said “I have a big family.  And I think you and the triplets will get along great.  Now, is anyone hungry?”


As nods went around, Nikolas said, as he gave John his key card, “Let’s go eat.”


As they headed back to Main Street looking for somewhere to eat, Doug asked “Did you get all of your planning done?”


Smiling at him, Nikolas said “As a matter of fact we did.  And tomorrow we are all going shopping after you’ve tried on your suit, Doug.  You may need a new suit, Drew and Jon each need a suit and mom needs to get her dress.”


Finding a place they wanted to eat at, they ordered and received their food before they continued talking.  As they sat, Doug asked “When is it?”
Giving Doug a grin, Brandi told him “On Tuesday night.  After the wedding and reception, dad and I get to stay in a room in the castle.”


Bottom lip shaking, Jon asked “Why not us?”
“Because, Jon, mom and I get to have a night alone and it will be the night we get married.  You’ll have 2 granddads and big John there besides your brothers and sister.  And you’ll see us at the front entrance in the morning.”


Nodding, Brandi added “We will make sure y’all are asleep before we go, okay?”  At their nods, Brandi then said “Dad and I already talked about this but agreed that you three have a say in it.  We want to have everyone, meaning dad and I and all six of you kids, in the same house.  From what I’ve seen of our house, it won’t work for so many.  Especially since a room is staying closed and locked.”  She looked at John and silently asked about something, gaining a nod.  Smiling, Brandi then continued with “I have a house, on a ranch, in Denver Colorado, that I would love to have filled with people and kids again.  I would like to show it to you boys and dad, if you’ll give it a shot and take a look.”


The three looked at each other, and Doug asked “Can we think about it?”


Nodding, Brandi said “Of course.  But, we’d like to know by Friday night.   That way we can have two of your uncles meet us in Santa Fe after they take everyone else back so y’all can be able to take a look at the house and see what you think.  The point is, you six, dad and I are a family and should be all together.”


“Will big John and Charles be there too?”


“For Charles, that will depend on if he wants to.  But yes, John will.”  Brandi looked over at John and said “Won’t you?”


“I planned on it.  I never go far from mom unless I know she doesn’t need me right then, and then I keep an eye on kids so mom doesn’t worry if she’s busy with other things.  I also help make sure others that mom cares about stay safe.”  Realizing Brandi missed two kids, John asked her “What about Anna and Leah?  Won’t they be living with you also?


Finishing up eating, and noting everyone else was also, Brandi stood as she said “That will be up to them, because, yes, I would like them to.  I just want them to be accepting of things if they are going to live with us.  If they can’t accept, I prefer that they stays where they are.”


Everyone got rid of their trash, and headed out of the little restaurant.  As Brandi looked at her watch to judge when she’d be hearing anything, her phone rang.


“Hey little one.  We’re in L.A. And we’re on the way to the rental agency.  Where do we need to park when we get there?”


Smiling, Brandi gave Ben directions on where to park the cars when they got to the Park.  She asked him to let her know when they were about to arrive at Disneyland and she would meet them to give them everything.  Hanging up, she told the group “They are on the way to get their rental cars.”


“Good.  Hopefully it won’t be long before they arrive here then,” Nikolas said, taking her hand.  He then added “As for the elder girls, I agree.  As much as I want them to accept me, and the two of us together now, I am not going to, nor do I want to, force them on it.”


Smiling, with a bit of hardness in it, John said “You may not want to, but if I have anything to say, they will be accepting.”


Turning to John and narrowing her eyes, Brandi asked “What did you do cowboy?”


“First, I went to the city and to the B&B last night and had a talk with Anna.  She asked if I knew who her father was and I told her yes.  You may not agree with my doing it, Dee, but I did what I could for explaining the whole thing including letting her know he wasn’t part of anything that happened then and if she didn’t believe me, she could talk to Adam.  I also told her that that is who you are marrying and that you’re happy.  I suggested she try and make it here for the wedding.  I then went to New York, was surprised I found the mansion, then first talked to William and then to Leah.  Told Leah the same thing as I did Anna.  I also asked William to pass it on to another there in New York if possible, figuring you’d want him to know.”


Giving him one of his own glares, she said “Whether I agree or not isn’t the point anymore since it’s done.  What did the girls say to it all, especially coming to the wedding?  And yes, thank you.  Though, I’d love to be there, un-noticed, when William goes into the club to tell him.”


“The girls both called Adam and asked him and he told them what I had said was true.  All of it including you being happy.  As for either coming, they said they’d think about it.  So I think we’ll have to wait and see on that one.”


Sighing with regards to the girls, Brandi nodded. She felt a hug to each of her legs and her waist along with a hand running down her back.  She looked up at Nikolas before she laid her head against him.  “At least they knows it as truth.  I hope they choose to come, but yeah, we’ll have to see if they do.  And I’ll explain later on who else we were talking about.”


Wondering what was going on, Doug asked “Who’re Anna and Leah?”


“They are your older sisters.  Mom and I met years ago, and though we weren’t married to each other we had a relationship to where mom had twins.”


“Didn’t you know, dad?”


“At the time, no.  But there were reasons behind that that are best not talked about right now.”


“Why not?”  Doug wondered.


Running a hand over his hair, Brandi said “Dad can tell you about it later.  It is still not a happy, or good, memory for me, so I have a hard time talking about it.”


Nodding Nikolas said “She’s right, it can wait til later.  When mom and I did some talking on Tuesday night after you three had gone to bed, we realized that I am Anna and Leah’s father.  Mom and I would like to have them with us also, but it will be up to them if they come to live with us.”  Nikolas followed Brandi’s lead in not mentioning Doug had listened in on possibly their own conversation and the conversation they’d had with Adam.  He planned on finding out how much Doug had heard and explaining how what had happened to her was wrong and not the way to treat women.


Looking at the boys, Brandi asked “What would you boys like to do until I have to go meet everyone?”


“Can we ride the train that I saw?” Doug wondered.


“Of course we can.  We can catch it back up near the entrance, at the head of Main Street.”


As they cheered, the boys started back down Main Street, smiling as they saw and watched the horse drawn carriages going past.


Keeping an eye on them, Brandi asked “How much of our private conversation and then with Adam do you think Doug heard?”

“I don’t know, but I’ll find out while you’re gone,” Nikolas told her.


“I’ll keep Drew and Jon busy, since they don’t need to hear about it,” John said.


Glancing over at him, Brandi smiled and said “Thanks cowboy.”


Getting to the train, they found seats in the back so if Brandi disappeared, it wouldn’t be noticed as much.


When they were about halfway around the Park, the boys enjoying the ride hiding with hugs against Brandi and Nikolas at parts they thought were scary, Brandi’s phone rang.  Hearing that everyone was out in the parking lot, Brandi smiled at the guys and said she’d be back soon. Making sure no one else on the train was watching, Brandi disappeared.


When she left, Nikolas and John moved so they were separating Doug from Drew and Jon.  Looking at Doug, Nikolas quietly asked “What did you hear of the conversation mom and I had with each other and then with her cousin Adam?”


Dropping his head, Doug said “All of it.  That mom was taken by a bad man and had to do, um, things and you were there but didn’t know mom was being forced to do all that stuff.  I also heard about Anna and Leah, that they were probably your daughters.  You were doing those things to mom?”


Nodding, with a solemn look, Nikolas said “I did and unfortunately so did others.  But you also should have heard I fell in love with mom then and started marking her as my mate since I had realized then that she was my true mate.”  At Doug’s nod, Nikolas continued with “But, because of the others, mom was never sure who the girl’s dad was.  Just after they were was born, they were taken somewhere to be kept safe.  It was let known mom was going to have a baby, but when they were born, all but mom and Lena thought it was just one baby and that the baby was dead.  That is what Lena told the bad man and he passed it on to me and some others.”


“But both were alive and safe.”  At Nikolas’s nod, Doug asked “Safe from who?”


“The bad man so he wouldn’t do to either of the girls like he did to mom.  From what mom and John said, the girls now think of John as their dad, but they know he isn’t their dad by blood.  When mom realized that it was me, she told me and then had Adam come take some blood from me to make sure.  Adam isn’t just mom’s cousin, but also her doctor because mom is special.”


“So we get to meet Anna and Leah?”


“I hope so, but we’ll have to see if they come for the wedding.”


“That wasn’t nice or good what that bad man did to mom, was it.”


“No it wasn’t and you should never treat any girl or woman that way.  You always treat them with respect while letting them have their own minds.”


Doug nodded and leaned into Nikolas for the rest of the train ride.


While Nikolas and Doug were talking, Brandi appeared in the parking area just behind her dad.  Smiling, she said “Hi daddy.”  She then laughed when he jumped.


Calming himself, Alex Stewart turned and smiled.   “Hi sweetheart.  You by yourself?”


“Yeah, I came out here to meet y’all alone.  They’re riding the train around the Park.”  Pulling the backpack off her shoulder, Brandi opened it, pulled out a card and said as she handed it to him, “You, Grandfather, and the triplets are with us.  We upgraded our suite to accommodate six kids and 3 extra adults, besides Nik and me.  John is taking the extra room in our suite.”


From behind her, Brandi heard “What about me, mom?”


Turning, Brandi smiled and said “I didn’t know your dad had talked to you, and your sister, until about half an hour or so ago.  The upgrade and having your dad stay there also was done before I knew there was even a chance you’d be here.”


Smiling, Anna nodded and hugged Brandi.  She then said “I’ll get the key from dad then.  You know it’s going to be weird having two dads.  Oh never mind, you’ve lived with it for a long time.  And what about Leah?  Will she be here?””


Brandi grinned at her and nodded about knowing what it was like having two dads around.  Regarding Leah, she shrugged then added “I don’t know baby.  Maybe she’ll come.  I haven’t heard anything from her, so I don’t know.”  Turning, she saw everyone milling around, kind of looking lost, not sure what to do.  Looking at Anna and Alex, she said “Sorry, baby,” then smiled and let out a loud whistle to get everyone’s attention.  When everyone turned, she said so they all could hear “Glad y’all made it.  I have the hotel information for all but my dad, Grandfather, Anna, and the triplets.  I also have Park passes for everyone, which will get you into both Disneyland and California Adventure.”  Looking at Anna, she quietly said “We’ll get yours at the front entrance.”  At Anna’s nod, Brandi looked back at everyone and said “I would like the drivers first, so I can give them the parking passes for the length of time y’all will be here.  The ones I give you will replace the ones you got when you drove in the parking lot.”  Thinking about it as they walked forward, Brandi added “Actually, I’ll give the drivers the hotel information and Park passes to then be passed to the rest of whoever rode with them.”  She handed her dad the parking permit and park pass for himself.  She held on to her Grandfather’s to give him later.  As each of the drivers came forward, she handed them everything that they would need.


When she’d handed everything out, she said “If y’all want to get checked in, leave your luggage and change your clothes, we can do that first.”  As she turned to head to the shuttle, she found she couldn’t move.  Smiling at Anna, she said as she moved like she was heavily weighted, “Seems like we lost gravity or are suddenly under water.  Or, wait.   Did someone give me cement shoes when I wasn’t looking?”  At Anna’s head shake with a barely concealed grin, Brandi gave a sigh that had nothing behind it.  Looking down, she feigned surprise at seeing the triplets attached to her legs.  Smiling, she picked up Connor, as Anna picked up Devlin, and Kelly, appearing at Brandi’s side, picked up Justine.


Nudging Brandi, Kelly said “Hey, little one.  These three are adorable.”


Smiling at her, Brandi said “Hi sis.  Thanks. They are aren’t they?”


“Do you have a dress yet?” Kelly wondered.


“Nope.  I was going to go into Downtown Disney tomorrow morning.  Actually Nik and I were taking the boys to get suits and I was going to get my dress, with Nik’s help.”


Shaking her head, Anna said “Aunt Kelly, me, Aunt Jessica, Marilyn, Renee, Caren, and of course Justine will go with you.  Connor and Dev can go with, I’m not sure what to call him, so for now, Nikolas and the boys to get suits.  But we girls will help pick out your dress along with one for me and one for Justine.  Actually mom, can you and I go shopping today.  I didn’t decide until just before I left the B&B, so I don’t have anything but what I’m wearing.”


As they moved to the shuttle to go to the hotel, Brandi nodded and said “That sounds good to me.  You and I can get some stuff in Disneyland in the shops on Main Street.  And for shopping tomorrow, that works also.”


Quietly, from behind her, Brandi heard “Can I go too, mom?”


Turning, Brandi almost dropped Connor in surprise.  “Oh, sweetheart, of course you can.  You two girls just made this even better.”  Walking to Leah, she shifted Connor to one side and put an arm around Leah.  She wasn’t surprised when she felt another arm around her, knowing that Anna was there too.  Both girls were just a little taller than her, but she didn’t care.


Anna looked at her twin and, with a grin, said “You can share my room in the suite mom and Nikolas has.”


Walking between her girls, Brandi grinned as they joined everyone at the shuttle.


When they got to the hotel, Brandi gave her Grandfather, Wind Rider, the key card for him to the suite.  She also gave him his Parks pass.  He and Alex headed up to take theirs and the triplets stuff up as everyone else checked in.  Once everyone was done with checking in, they headed to their own suites to leave luggage and change clothes if wanted.  Brandi, Anna, and Leah found a place to sit and wait with the triplets.


When everyone was back down in the lobby, they headed back out to the shuttle to the entrance area for both Parks.  Brandi made sure they had their pass on as they got on the shuttle.  As they sat, Brandi said “The only ones that don’t have a choice are Devlin, Justine and Connor, but the rest of y’all can go into either Disneyland or California Adventure.  The only day and time there isn’t a choice is Tuesday night.  The rest of the week you can break up the Parks as you want.  The pass will get you into both.”


When they reached the entrance/ticket area for both Parks, everyone went their ways.  Ethan stayed to see what Kelly was going to do.  Moving to Brandi he gave her hug and said “It’s always a pleasure to see you Nicci.  Kelly has been missing seeing you, so this worked out perfectly.”


Smiling at him, Brandi gave him a one handed hug, and said “It’s good to see you too Ethan, and yeah, I’ve been missing her as well.  I haven’t been good about keeping in touch lately.”  She then looked at Kelly and said “The three are going to have to walk, so you can go have a good time with your husband, sis.  You and Ethan decide where you want to spend the rest of the evening.”


Nodding, Kelly said “Yeah, it isn’t like everyone will be going home tomorrow.  We still have time to spend together.  Alright, if I don’t see you the rest of tonight, let me know what time I need to meet you four.   I’ll pass on to whoever I see of the other four and ask them to pass on as well.”  She then put Justine down and hugged Brandi.


Returning the hug, Brandi smiled as she watched the two of them head over to California Adventure.  Moving to the ticket window, Brandi requested two passes to cover the week for both Parks, telling him that she and her fiancé had worked with Jennifer to get passes for all of their wedding guests, but they hadn’t realized they would have two more people at the time.


Nodding, the man pulled out two passes that were to both Parks for 7 days.  He sat it to the side as he told Brandi how much.


Nodding at the price, Brandi put Connor down and pulled out her purse from the backpack.  As she turned back to the window, she saw Alex hand the man his credit card.  As Alex signed the slip, the man handed the passes through the window to him.  Taking them, Alex thanked the man then turned and handed one to Anna and the other to Leah.  Smiling at him, Brandi said “Thanks daddy.”


“Of course sweetheart.  And I’m going with you tomorrow so I can pay for the dresses of my girls.  I’ll also give Nikolas some cash for all of the suits for the boys.  As for now, Wind Rider and I will go with you.  We can help John run herd on the six younger kids.  I’m sure if not both of us, one of us will go with y’all to whichever Park you’re in.  You need the adult time as much, if not more, then kid time.  Also, you, these two older girls and Nikolas need time together.”


Kissing his cheek, she said “Thanks again daddy.”  Looking over at Wind Rider, she added, “And thank you Grandfather.”


Wind Rider smiled and nodded in response.


As they walked into Disneyland, Brandi said “We need to go over to the train station here on Main Street.  That’s where we’re meeting.”  As they got around to where you could see the train station and the people milling about in front of it, Brandi saw them waiting, with Nikolas and John looking around to look for her.


As they got closer, the triplets saw John and yelled “Uncle John” and started running.


Sighing, Brandi said a quick “Sorry” before giving an ear piercing whistle that caused the three to stop.  When she whistled, she saw Nikolas wince with pain, and from the corner of her eye she saw Anna and Leah slightly wince from pain also.


“Although it does still hurt to hear you do that, I see it still works, mom.”


Leah didn’t say anything, just nodded in agreement.  Brandi had been with her enough in New York that she’d gotten the same as Anna had through the years.


Smiling Brandi said “That and snapping my fingers are the easiest ways I found to train kids to make sure they hear you.”  She saw the triplets look at her and she gave just a small shake of her head with a finger held up to tell them to wait.


Hearing the whistle, John noticed Nikolas wince as he stopped to look for where the whistle came from since he had heard the “Uncle John” just before it.  He knew who whistled, even without having heard the kids.  Spotting her, John looked at Nikolas and said “She didn’t mean to cause pain.  Dee was just getting the attention of the triplets since they were running this way and not paying attention to where they were going.


Brandi saw John look over at her before explaining to Nikolas.  As she started toward the kids, she felt her hands grabbed and held onto tightly to keep her from moving.  She glanced back at the girls, noting the unsure looks.  “Baby?” she wondered, looking at each in turn.


Hearing Brandi, Wind Rider turned and looked, also seeing how both girls looked.  Giving a slight smile, of understanding, he said “You stay child.  Alex and I will start running herd on them now.”


Nodding her thanks, Brandi watched her dad and Grandfather move over to the triplets giving them a stern scolding for running off like that, no matter who they saw.


“Granddad and Grandpapa are as tough as you are on us kids.  Even with knowing who they saw and why they were going over there.”   Holding tighter to Brandi’s hand, Anna then said “You haven’t called us baby in a long time.  I’m not counting in the parking lot when you whistled to get attention.”


Leah stayed quiet, letting her sister do the talking.  She was more the quiet one of the two, even if she sometimes liked to push her uncle to the limit of her boundaries.


Looking at both, Brandi said “I know I haven’t, but that doesn’t change the fact that you two are my baby girls and always will be. That is one thing I have always remembered.  The day you were born.  It broke my heart to have to let Lena take you to safety.  I wanted you with me, but I knew sending you away was for the best.”


Giving a smile, Anna said “I know mom.  Domi and Dimitri always reminded me that you loved me and you would be there as soon as was possible.  I have never blamed you.”


“Uncle William did the same for me mom.  He told me that I wasn’t even known about by anyone but you, Lena, and Dominique, to keep me safe.  But that you didn’t like having to be away from me.  And Uncle William figured out a way to take me to you when you were finally out of that place.  He’d let me know I was a twin before that.  You did what you had to for us, to keep us safe.  And you never forgot about me.  You were there as often as you could be, bringing Anna.  I haven’t blamed you either.”


Moving them out of the way but to where Nikolas could still see them, Brandi said “I’m glad.  Now tell me what’s wrong.”


Glancing over to where Nikolas, and everyone, was, Anna sighed, and looked at her sister, getting a nod.  “We really don’t know what to call him and both of us are scared of having a dad we didn’t know about.  Not that we think he’ll hurt either of us, but it’s more at the thought of having a dad by blood that we’ll have to get to know.  Dad explained Nikolas didn’t know what Jeff was doing and that he would have stopped it by getting you away if he had known.  They said he fell in love with you the very first time and that he is a,” she looked around and then quietly said “a werewolf.”  At Brandi’s nod, she then said “Is that why we only shift into a wolf and why loud noises bother us?  Because we are too?”


“Yeah, it is.  But you’re only half were.  Looking at the three of you now, even if across the way from each other, I can see him in both of you.  I understand you both are scared, baby, but don’t be.  He is as nervous about meeting you both as you are meeting him.  As to what to call him, it’s up to you girls.  And if either of you are worried John will get upset if you decide to call Nik dad, don’t be.  I already know it won’t upset him.  He wants all of us happy.  Now, let’s do some shopping.”


“Shouldn’t we join them and let them know?”


Shaking her head, Brandi said “Your granddads will explain.  But if you don’t mind, I’ll have Nik join us.”  At Anna’s, and then Leah’s shake, Brandi looked across and caught Nikolas’s eye.  She gave a slight tilt of her head and received a very slight nod of understanding.  Giving the girls a smile, she said “Let’s hit the Main Street shops.”


Nikolas met them as they turned onto Main Street from the entrance.


Smiling up at him as he joined them, Brandi said “Hi love.  Sorry about the whistle but it works for stopping the kids.”


“John explained, mate, and it’s okay.  It did stop them.”


Nodding, she said “All my kids were trained to listen to a whistle or a finger snap.  It works very well.”


Laughing, Anna said “That it does.  I still pay attention to them both.”


Leah just grinned.  “Uncle William doesn’t and neither does the rest of the brotherhood, so I know if I hear it, mom is there.  I hear and go running.”


Looking at her, Brandi smiled.  Looking back at Nikolas, she said “Nik, this is Anna and Leah.  Girls, this is Nikolas.  And we are going shopping, love.  They both decided at the very last minute to come so neither packed anything.  They are also taking the extra room that John was going to use in our suite.  We can get the key from John later.”


Grinning, Nikolas pulled something out of his pocket and replied “No need.  He already gave it to me when he saw them.  And very nice to meet both of you girls.  I’m glad your here.”


Blushing slightly, Anna said, as she took the key, “It’s nice to meet you too, and thank you.  Um, is it okay if I call you Nikolas for now?”


Leah bit the inside of her lip, and nodded.  “I’ll agree it is nice to meet you.  And, if you don’t mind, I’d like to just call you Nikolas for now also.”


“Of course, call me what makes you comfortable.  And, don’t be surprised if my boys call Andi, mom.  They already consider her mom.”


Anna had first looked at her sister, and got a nod again.  “Thank you Nikolas and alright, we won’t be.  That means a lot to us both that they think of her that way.  It says she really loves you and them and they know it and can see it.”


Both girls were quietly talking as they walked into the first store.  Anna looked at Leah, and said “No, you.”  They then suddenly stopped.  Looking at Brandi and Nikolas, Leah said “You don’t have to worry if we’re going to be accepting or not, because we are accepting of it all. We both want to be with you both where ever that is.  We are a family; even if we need to get to know the dad we didn’t realize the identity of until now.”


Smiling, Brandi hugged Anna first and then Leah and said “Thanks, my babies.  You know that means a lot.”


Both returned the hug, then Anna nodded and said “Yeah we do and of course mom.”  Both girls smiled when Nikolas gave Brandi a kiss before moving away to look at something.  Both had seen in his mind the truth they’d already been told, his love for Brandi, and his want to have them all living together as a family.  Seeing it all in his mind made the accepting easy.  The girls already knew John was fine with whatever they decided to call Nikolas.  John would always be dad, no matter what.  Both girls moved on to start picking out some clothes.


Nikolas smiled to himself as he watched Anna and Leah looking at him and then at Brandi.  When they walked to the clothes, he gave a quiet laugh, as he turned to look at one of the nearby shelves filled with different things.  Seeing a Beauty and the Beast Rose pin, he smiled and called “Andi, would you come her a minute, please?”  When she reached his side, he showed it to her and said “For each, from me.”


Seeing what he picked out, Brandi smiled at his words.  “Oh definitely.  It’s perfect, Nik.  They’ll love it.”  Brandi looked at the rest of the display, finding a pair of Mickey earrings she liked.  Smiling up at Nikolas, she then headed to look at clothes also.


Shaking his head with a smile, Nikolas paid for the pins and put them in his pocket for later.  He then wandered as Brandi and both girls found things they wanted.  He made note of things he saw for the rest of the kids that he’d get later.


As Brandi looked, she heard in her mind *We took the kids back to Fantasy Land, sweetheart.  We’ll meet you at the castle in an hour to plan the rest of the night.*  She didn’t reply to her dad since she knew he didn’t expect it.  Turning to look at some shirts, a hand went over her eyes causing her to feel behind her.  Smiling she removed the hand from her eyes, turned and looked at the man.


“Hey Nic.  Miss me?”


“Yeah, Vince I did.  I’m glad we got y’all back, also.”


Nodding, Vince replied “It’s good to be back in our own century.”  Looking at her nearly full arms, he asked “Shopping already?”


“Yeah, Anna and Leah need stuff so I’m finding stuff for myself while they do their looking.”  Finding one more thing she wanted, Brandi added it to the pile in her arms.  Smiling at Vince, and knowing he’d follow her since she could feel his worry for her, she headed back to Nikolas, to stand in line and pay.


Looking up as Brandi approached, the smile that had been on Nikolas’s face turned slightly hard at seeing Vince.  “Andi?  Is everything okay?”


Nodding, she said “Yeah, its fine.  Did you already get those?”  As Nikolas nodded, she saw him touch his pocket.  Nodding in acknowledgment, Brandi then said “Daddy let me know that he, Grandfather, and John took all six kids to Fantasy Land and they’ll meet us at the castle in an hour.”


“That sounds good.”  Looking at Vince, the eyes slightly hardened and voice went to a slight growl as he asked “You are, who?”


Vince looked at Brandi and asked, almost as hard, “What’s going on, Nic?”


Rolling her eyes at the posturing and protectiveness of both men, Brandi sighed and said “Vin, this is Nikolas Davidson.  Nik, this is Vince Thompson.  Vince and I’ve known each other a long time.  About six year shorter than I’ve known John, and he is one of John’s best friends.  He lived with our tribe a couple of different times.  Vince, I’ve known Nik since the monastery. He is also Anna and Leah’s true father.”  Vince knew enough that she knew he’d understand with just that.


Vince’s face darkened in understanding.  He was about to say something when both girls walked up with hands full, and joined them in line.


Smiling, Anna said “I think we got everything we each want right now.  As we shopped, we talked more and made a decision.”  Looking at Nikolas, Anna’s smile brightened when she said “Welcome to the family, daddy.”


Leah grinned, and said “Welcome to the family, daddy.  We haven’t seen mom this happy since dad died, and that is what is important to us.  Mom happy, and that you want us all together.”


Brandi had seen Vince’s face just before they arrived.  At Anna’s and Leah’s words, she saw him nod slightly and his face clear.  Looking at both her girls, Brandi smiled, knowing that both accepting completely and calling Nikolas daddy, was the best gift she could get.  It also made the gift Nikolas had for them that much more special.


Getting to the front and to a checkout, they sat their items on the counter, Anna didn’t care if her stuff mixed with her mom and sister’s since Brandi was smaller and her sister wore the same style she did.  Looking at Brandi, Anna asked “Did I hear you say you heard from Granddad?”  At Brandi’s nod, she continued with “Good, I want to meet my new brothers.”  Suddenly realizing there was another person next to Brandi, Anna looked over and a smile lit her face.  “Uncle Vince, hi.  I’m sorry I didn’t see you there.  You remember Leah, don’t you?”


Giving her a smile, Vince said “It’s fine Anna.  You had other things on your mind right then.  And of course I do.”


Nodding to Vince, Anna was the one to look over at Nikolas, concerned since he hadn’t said anything yet.  “Daddy,” she wondered.


Nikolas was very surprised at their decision that he was left, literally, speechless.  Taking time to gather his thoughts and voice, he paid for the clothes when the cashier was finished, figuring they were finished shopping for tonight.  At Anna’s wondering, he looked at her, as he took the bags, and smiled.  All he could think to say was “Thank you.  That is the best present I have ever received, not counting finding mom again.”  Seeing both girls smile, Nikolas gave each a hug.


As they left the store, Anna said “Oh, daddy, me, Leah, Aunt Kelly, and the rest of the ladies that came are taking mom and Justine shopping with Granddad.  You and whoever of the guys that want to go with you are taking all 5 boys shopping for suits.  Granddad said he’d give you money.”


Surprise showed on Nikolas’s face that turned into a smile.  Looking at Brandi he only said “Andi?”


Shrugging with a smile, Brandi said “I got asked by Kel if I had a dress.  When I said no, it was taken out of my hands.  Daddy said he’ll give you enough cash for suits for the five boys so he can go with us to pay for the dresses and accessories.  I technically may be older than him, but he’s my dad and I’m not going to argue with him.”


As they were heading to the castle and before Nikolas could answer, Brandi’s phone rang.  Looking at the caller ID, she smiled and answered it with “Oh Will, I forgot to give you this number when I changed it.  Who gave it to you?”


“Hello to you too baby girl.  Ben.  He left it as a call back number on the main line.  V just got the message to me.  And have you seen your wayward daughter?”


“I’ll thank him later and hello to you big brother.  Yes she is here.  I’m sorry I haven’t called in these last, almost, four years, not just to give you the number, but to just talk to you.  I have been keeping track on what’s been happening with you and the rest of the brotherhood. And I talked to Leah.  I can’t wait to meet my sister in law.  Well, all of them, but Becky first.”


With a laugh in his voice, William said “You’d better be sorry about it, because, even though I’ve been keeping track of what’s going on with you also, I’d have preferred you calling to Ben.  As for meeting the mates of the rest of the brothers, you’ll have to visit.  For Becky, that can be arranged soon.  I’m glad you’ve talked to your daughter at least and, since she hadn’t left me a note, I’m glad she decided to go.  Ben also asked that I let Roger know.  You sure?”


“Yes, I’m sure.  Are you two coming out then?”


“I need to talk it over with her and the rest of the brotherhood, but I am considering it.  If we do though, it’ll only be for the wedding and reception on Tuesday night.  We can work out something then for a longer visit later.”


“Oh, that’ll be great, Will.  Just for Tuesday night is fine, since we’ll work out a longer visit.  And I don’t see why the boys won’t agree when you tell them you’re coming to see me.  You don’t go out after the society yourself anymore, do you?”


“Not since I took on this role full time.  There are days I wish you hadn’t given it up.”


“I’m sure you do, but you are the right one for it.  You always have been, even though I know you hate it.”


“True.  And it gives me too many headaches.  In fact, it’s time to do that role, since they’re all walking in.  I’ll see you on Tuesday, Bree.”  Because he knew her, he knew what she was going to ask next, so he just said “I’ll pass the messages on and I’ll call you to let you know for sure.”


Laughing, Brandi said “Thanks Will.  I’ll talk to you soon.”  Hanging up when she saw the nine waiting for them, “I just talked to Will.  He and Becky will most likely be here for the wedding and reception.”  She noted her Grandfather’s face darken when she said Will’s name.  Sighing, she told him “He isn’t to blame and I wish you and Poppa would get over it.  Besides, you two were the ones that caused her to remove me, Eric and Mike from that history and then force us to leave that part of our family.  If you don’t like that he’s going to be here,” she stopped and looked at the six little kids.  Putting a block over their hearing, she continued with “To fucking bad.  Just deal with it.  He’s as much my family as you are.”  Done, she removed the block and told the kids “Sorry you couldn’t hear.  I needed to say something that none of you needed to hear.”


Smiling at Brandi for what she said to Wind Rider, Alex changed the subject with “Did you girls get what you wanted?”


Laughing, Anna said “Yeah and we picked up Uncle Vince while we were at it.  I think someone needs to explain to him about mom and daddy.”  Looking first at her sister and then at John, she said “We chose dad to tell him.”


When they had reached the group, Vince had moved to John with a smile and said quietly, as Brandi let her Grandfather have it, “Nice to see you Cowboy.  Seems like it’s been a while.”


Laughing, John said “Since I hadn’t seen much of you before you left with T’PeeJ and got stuck in the 12th Century, it has been a while.”  When John heard how Anna and he guessed Leah also, was referring to Nikolas, he smiled.  He then nodded at Anna’s choice of him explaining to Vince.


Looking at the group, Brandi asked “Any idea on what next.  I think we all can do the Pirates of the Caribbean, or the Haunted Mansion.”


Nodding, Nikolas said “Let’s head over to Pirates and if we can, ride that one.”  He, as Brandi had, noticed Jon and the triplets were starting to drag.  But, since they hadn’t asked to be picked up, he wasn’t going to suggest they get a stroller until Brandi said something.


As they walked, Anna asked “Are we going to plan out what we are going to do each day for whichever Park, or just do it as we go?”


“I think the only planned things, besides Tuesday night, are getting dresses and suits tomorrow.  Also, Nik and I need to go get our marriage license on Monday morning.  Otherwise, I’m thinking a do as we go.  There’s enough we all can do besides, here at least, there are separate things for the kids and adults.  I’m not sure what California Adventure has since I haven’t ever been over there.”


They spent the rest of the time Disneyland was open riding what they could, or, after getting strollers, Nikolas, Brandi, Anna, Leah and Vince riding some adult rides.  When the Park closed at midnight, they turned in the strollers and all but Vince and John grabbed a kid, with exception of Doug, who just leaned on Brandi on the way back.


Every one of the group ended up meeting at the shuttle to head back at the same time.  On the ride back, plans were made to meet for breakfast before going to the Parks or downtown Disney.  At the hotel, they said their good nights and headed to their respective suites.


In their own suite, after Brandi and Nikolas, with help from Anna and Leah, got all six into bed with good nights to each, they met Alex and Wind Rider in the front room.


Smiling at Nikolas, Alex said “Great boys you have Nikolas.  They are also very glad Brandi is going to be their mom, even though to them, she already is mom.  Doug told me some about your late wife, but I noticed he didn’t call her mom.  He referred to her as the mean ghost in the house, or the lady dad was married to first.”


Smiling, Nikolas said “Yeah, I’m not surprised.  He has never called her mom, so neither does Drew or Jon.  He didn’t get that from me.  I have never said anything bad about the woman, but he could see there was no love there from her toward me or them.  They took to Andi right away because she listens, helps, and shows them affection and love.  Andi has also made sure they have been included in discussions and given choices.  About the only choice they didn’t get was where to go on this vacation but it was a suggestion she gave me that she figured they would like.  Gloria wouldn’t have done that.  She would have suggested somewhere the kids couldn’t go to.  Hell, it would have been somewhere only Gloria would have enjoyed.”


Nodding, Alex said “Doug mentioned that Brandi asked them about moving to, or at least looking at and thinking about moving to, Denver and living at the ranch.  He asked mine, Wind Rider’s and John’s opinions.  We actually encouraged the idea so that everyone could be together.  I think the three of us having all six of them helped while you four shopped.  It gave them a chance to start to know each other.  Doug seemed to like having three more siblings.  He even helped with the triplets when he could.”  Looking at his eldest granddaughters, Alex then said “That you both accept Nikolas and are calling him dad is going to help a lot also.  Although I know you girls need time with your mom and dad, you’ll want to spend time with your five brothers and your little sister so you can get to know your three new brothers and the triplets can see you accept Nikolas as dad.”


“We talked about that granddad, and both mom and daddy said the same.  We’re going to do that because we are a family and both of us girls want us all together.”


Giving Anna a smile, Alex told her “Good.  And, I hate to say it, but I’m tired, as I’m sure you all are too.  I will see you in a few hours after some sleep.”  Getting up out of the chair, he gave his daughter and granddaughters a kiss good night and headed to his room.


Everyone else stood also.  Both Anna and Leah gave Brandi, Nikolas, and Wind Rider a kiss before going to their room.


Looking at Nikolas, Brandi said, after giving him a kiss, “I’ll be right there.”  At his nod, she looked at her grandfather and said “May I have a minute or two before you go?”  At his nod, she sighed and quietly told him “I’m not sorry I got angry though I didn’t mean to say it quite like I did.  I love you, Grandfather, but I love Will as well.  I don’t think you, poppa, or the scribe had the right to act the way you did, or still do.  Although tonight was the first time in about four years that I’d talked to him, I would visit him and the brotherhood whenever I was back east for work and I would talk to him regularly.  He is my brother and there isn’t anything you three can do about it.  Mom became a vampire, like I am, because of me and Will senior fell in love with her, one of the few times she was back.  That was also one of the few times she actually became pregnant with us again, after she’d already had Will, so Will senior would be our father by blood.”


“I know child.  Those few times I would help her, and yes she did become a vampire because of those other times actually becoming pregnant and having your blood mingle with hers.  How it never got to your brothers, I don’t know.  I know William junior is your brother and I am sorry for how I have acted with it.  I also know that you have done that when you have been back east.  I am glad you have spent time with him.  He is a good man.  I love you as well and would never intentionally hurt you.  You had every right to be angry with me earlier and to say what you did.  I apologize for my reaction to hearing that you talked to him and that he will be here for your wedding.”


Giving a smile and hugging him, Brandi kissed his cheek and said good night then headed to bed, as Wind Rider headed to his own.


After a few good hours of sleep, everyone met in the hotel restaurant with making sure they all sat together or near each other,


After ordering, Brandi and Nikolas made the rounds so she could introduce him to everyone.  When they got to Adam and Lena, she let Adam know she’d told any that started to ask questions about Nikolas that they could talk to him.  Adam told her that was fine and what he expected.


After breakfast, Marilyn, Caren, Renee, Jess, and Kelly joined Brandi, Anna, Leah and Justine.  Smiling at them, Brandi said “We’re just waiting form my dad.  He’s going with us instead of with Nik and the boys.  But he wanted to give Nik something.”  They all nodded and moved to wait.


As the ladies joined Brandi, Anna, Leah and Justine, Alex smiled at his four sons, Eric, Mike, Josh, and Brad, and his brother, Ben, who had moved to join Nikolas.  As Alex started to pull out his wallet, Ben said “You worry about Bree, and your granddaughters.  I’ll take care of getting the suits and/or tuxes.  We did agree to share this, Alex.”


Laughing, Alex said “True, we did.  Though I’m not sure if the girls really want me there other than to pay.  And even that is something Bree would argue with if I let her.”  After giving each of his five grandsons a hug, Alex joined the girls.


Finding the dress shop in Downtown Disney, the girls, with Alex, went in.  A sales associate greeted them right away and asked who the bride was.  Brandi said she was, but also needed dresses for her daughters.


Nodding, the woman took them to look first at little girl’s dresses.  They found a pretty pink, floor length dress that had the look of a formal sun dress.  Liking it herself, and seeing Leah did too, Anna asked if they had it, or something similar, in her’s and Leah’s size.  Going to look, the woman found two matching dresses and handed one to Anna, and one to Leah, who then took Justine to the dressing room so they could try the dresses on.


When they came out, Brandi smiled and said “I love how they look on you girls.  They are perfect.  What do you think, though?”


Smiling at Brandi, Anna said “We love them too.  This is what we are getting.”  Taking Justine, Anna and Leah went back into the dressing room so they could change.


The sales associate was waiting for them, when they came out form the dressing room.  Giving a smile, she took the three dresses up to the register so they would be there when they finished.  Returning to them, the woman looked at Brandi and asked “What are you looking for in a wedding dress?”


“Very pale pink, sleeveless or off the shoulder, form fitting bodice but full below the waist.”


Nodding, the woman asked “You’re a size one, aren’t you?”  At Brandi’s nod, the woman smiled and headed off.


As they waited, they looked at shoes for the three girls.  Kelly found some pink Mary Jane’s in Justine’s size that Justine liked.  Anna and Leah each found a pair of pink pumps that they liked and fit.


As Anna started to move away, she saw another pair of shoes and smiled.  “Mom, come here.”  When Brandi joined her, Anna showed her a pair of very pale pink pumps, almost white looking, with a five inch heel.


Smiling with a nod, Brandi checked the size then sat down to try them on.  Liking the look and feel, Brandi looked at the group and asked “Well?”


Smiling at Brandi, Jess said “They’re perfect and will be even better if she finds a dress to match.”


As Jess finished talking, the sales woman came back with a couple of dresses over her arm.  Seeing the shoes Brandi still had on, she smiled and said “Go ahead and leave those shoes on and come try on these dresses.”  Seeing Anna with shoe boxes, she took them and asked another associate to place them with the dresses already at the registers before she took Brandi to the dressing room.


Taking the first dress, Brandi went in and changed.  Looking at herself in the mirror, she shrugged and went out to get the general opinion.  Nobody said anything when they saw her, but she noted the slight head shakes.  Without saying anything, she turned, took the second dress and went back in to change again.  When she got the dress on, she couldn’t believe her eyes.  Smiling and nodding to herself, she schooled any expressions on her face and headed out.  The look she got from them all matched the one she’d given herself.  She saw smiles and nods and knew even more that this was her dress.


The dress was the palest of pink, matching the shoes perfectly.  It had a fitted, sleeveless bodice, and then at the waist it filled out with its own petticoats underneath.  It was simple with no extra adornments, but elegant, and with the shoes, the perfect length.  It also had a matching cape.


Before she could change, the sales woman handed her a hair wreath with a veil attached, helping Brandi with putting it on.  Brandi noted the bigger smiles and nods before she looked at herself.  When she looked in the mirror, she liked how the dress and veil worked very well together, making her feel like the princess she actually was.   Giving the sales woman a nod, Brandi took off the veil and handed it to the woman before going to change back to her regular clothes.  Getting into the changing room, she noted the first dress had already been removed.


Taking the dress from Brandi when she walked out, the sales woman asked “Is there anything else you need?”


Nodding, Brandi said “I need stockings with a garter belt, my youngest needs tights, and I’m not sure about both of my oldest.” Looking at both girls, she asked “Do you need nylons or stockings?”


“Actually, yeah I need nylons,” the replied in unison.


Nodding, the sales woman helped get Justine’s Anna’s and Leah’s first, then took them to where the slightly fancier undergarments were.  They had panties, bras, and garter belts that matched, as well as fancy stockings and the garters that were to be removed during the reception.


As Brandi started to look, she noticed Alex hadn’t come with them to this area.  Laughing quietly to herself, she wasn’t surprised since she figured he didn’t want to think about what his little girl had on under her dress.  Looking at what there was, she found a lacy pale pink strapless bra first.  Moving down the aisle, she found matching pale pink panties.  Picking them up, a memory of Paris at the end of March floated through her mind.  She almost started crying until she felt Anna’s hand on her arm, rubbing slightly.  Taking a deep breath, Brandi looked at Anna with a watery smile.  “I’m better now.  Thanks, baby.”  Moving farther down the aisle, Brandi found a garter belt that matched the bra and panties, very pale pink with little roses on the garter belt and bow at the front.  The stockings were also pale pink with the seam down the back and lace with small roses and a bow at the top.  The slip on garters that were to be removed at the reception, where pale pink also with small roses and a bow, like the garter belt.  She grabbed 2 of the garters, one to be thrown, the other to keep.  With her hands full, she headed to the register with the rest of the girls.


After paying for it all, Alex took the bags and said he would meet his girls, Brandi, Anna, Leah, and Justine, in Disneyland.  With grins, Jessica and Kelly pouted about not being his girls, which made Alex laugh and tell them they were too, just slightly differently.  Looking back at Brandi he said he was going to take the bags back to his room in the suite.




Chapter 8


The rest of Sunday, Monday after Brandi and Nikolas got their wedding license, and up until about 6 pm on Tuesday, they wandered around Disneyland riding anything and everything, and getting in some more shopping.  Brandi took pictures of the kids, including Anna and Leah, with the different characters, or Alex would take them of Brandi and Nikolas with the kids, with or without characters.  The eight kids, which included Anna and Leah, all got to know each other better also and enjoyed being together.  The triplets were getting use to Nikolas also though still a little unsure of how long he’d be in their life.


On Tuesday evening, as they headed to the hotel to get ready, Doug said “Me, Drew and Jon thought about it and talked it over with Anna, Leah, Devlin, Justine and Connor.  We also talked to Grandpa Alex, Grandpa Wind Rider, and John to see what they thought.  The eight of us want to live in one place together and because it was said the house in Denver is bigger so it will fit all of us, and because it’s away from someone else, that is where we want to be.  We know that the five of us have to head back to Santa Fe, but we hope we can turn around and leave before dark on Saturday for Denver.  If we have to wait until Sunday, then we understand that.  Dad’s safety comes first.”  As the shuttle stopped at the hotel, the rest of the kids, including Anna, and Leah, nodded in agreement to Doug.


Getting off the shuttle, Brandi smiled and said “I’ll talk to Ben and Eric and see if they can drop everyone off and then turn around and fly to Santa Fe on Saturday afternoon.  We won’t be home to Santa Fe until between 2 and 3 pm.  Our flight leaves at 10am and we’ll be gaining that hour we lost on the way here back so we won’t get into Albuquerque until just after 2 pm I think, then we have to get our luggage before leaving.  And then it’s about an hour drive back home.  It’s only about an hour to Santa Fe by air from Denver, so we may be able to do it.”  Brandi then looked at Nikolas and asked “Or do you think Sunday will work better?”


“Let’s shoot for Saturday with your plan, otherwise Ben and Eric can stay the night, if not at the house then I’ll pay for a room for them, and” at seeing Alex’s questioning look, Nikolas looked at him and said “Full moon.”  At Alex’s nod of understanding, Nikolas finished with “we’ll go on Sunday morning.  It’ll be better for them to fly over as soon as possible on Saturday in case that will work.”


As they walked into the hotel, Brandi said “Sounds good to me.  I’ll talk to them tomorrow.”  Getting inside, she then noticed Jennifer walking toward them.


Smiling at them all, Jennifer said “I was hoping you’d come back early.”  Looking at Nikolas, she said “I’ll be taking you and anyone standing with you over at 8pm and then I’ll be back by 8:30pm to get you, Brandi, along with whoever is walking you down the aisle, and standing with you.  And thank you for sending your minister over to see me.  He and I were able to get everything done that we needed to.  I’m here to take him over as soon as he’s done getting ready.”


Giving Jennifer a nod, and a smile, Nikolas said “We’re glad you came over to get him, and the boys and I will be here at or before 8pm.”


Nodding to Jennifer also, Brandi added “The girls, daddy, and I will be down by 8:30pm.  I think everyone is back to get ready so what time should the guests be over to be able to get their seats?”


“Between 8 and 8:30pm would be best.  That way everyone will be seated by the time you arrive.”


“Alright.  We’ll make sure to let them know.”  Brandi looked at Alex who only nodded.  Smiling at Jennifer, she said “We’ll see you soon.”


They all headed up to the suite to get ready.  Once in the suite, Brandi moved to help get Drew, Jon, and the triplets ready only to be shooed away by Alex, Wind Rider, Leah and Anna.


Shaking her head at Brandi, and Nikolas, Anna said “You and daddy go and start on getting yourselves ready.  Granddad, Grandpapa, Leah and I will get the five of them ready since Doug may only need help with his tie and possibly his hair.  Get in the tub mom, and either join her or get in the shower, daddy, but don’t worry about the boys or Justine.”


Seeing it was a no win situation, Brandi grabbed Nikolas’s hand and gently pulled him toward their room.  Smiling at him after she closed the door, she asked, as she started to strip, “Join me?”


“As tempting as that sounds, we will miss our own wedding if I did.”  Smiling as he watched her walk into the bathroom, he gave a low growl and added “But I will start the bath for you.  I’ll also add any extras you want, except myself.”


Handing him two bath beads, she gave him a mock pout and said “It was worth a shot.”  When he was done drawing the water, and the beads were in, he picked her up and set her in the tub.  Leaning back, she sighed and said “Make sure I’m out by eight please.”


Leaning down, he gave her a kiss and said “I will.”  He then stripped out of his own clothes and stepped in the shower.


Soaking, Brandi watched as he showered and shaved.  As he was finishing up shaving, she stepped out of the tub and into the shower to wash her hair and body and to rinse off the excess from the beads.  Stepping out of the shower, she put her hair in a towel, partially dried off, put lotion on and then her robe.  Looking at the bedside clock as she stepped into the bedroom, she noted her time was still good since it was just past 7:30pm.  Leaning back into the bathroom, Brandi grabbed her hair bush, removed the towel from her head and sat on the bed to brush and dry her hair as she watched Nikolas dress.


Although he hadn’t seen Brandi come out of the bathroom, he could feel her watching him.  Turning, he smiled as he watched her brush her hair, it drying with each stroke.  Knowing she would be, he teased “You will be ready on time, won’t you mate?”


Pretending to think about it, she replied “No, I think I’ll be really late, if I show up at all.”   Getting up from the bed, she grinned and said “Of course I’ll be ready on time.”  Feeling her hair, and finding it dry, Brandi moved into the bathroom.  In no time at all, her hair was piled up on her head with strands hanging here and there to frame her face.  She then quickly put on some make-up just to add some extra color to her face.  Walking back into the bedroom, she only smiled.  Watching Nikolas as he moved through the room, finishing getting ready, Brandi smiled to herself at how good he looked.  She felt happy again, even with the little bit of hurt that was still there and came out at odd times.


As Nikolas fixed his tie, he glanced at Brandi in mirror.  He could see a small amount of hurt cross her features.  Because of little things she’d said, he knew where that hurt was from.  He also knew that because the hurt was there, so was some of the love for the one that caused the hurt, still.  He didn’t expect her to quit loving others that were before him, because he knew she had put them in the past, even if memories surfaced causing some feelings to surface.  Moving to her, he sat beside her, kissed her, and said “I love you.  No matter what has come before and through whatever is yet to come.  We truly have eternity, not just this single lifetime.”


After returning the kiss, Brandi smiled at his words.  “And I love you.  No matter what has come before and through whatever is yet to come.  I am yours as you are mine.  Now and through the eternity we shall share.”


Giving her a smile and one more kiss, he said “It is time for me to get downstairs with the boys.  I will see you soon.”


Nodding, Brandi walked out of the bedroom with Nikolas.  Seeing the five boys, she smiled then gave them each a hug and kiss, telling them she’d see them soon.  Tuning back, she noticed Anna, Leah and Justine in their dresses.  “You girls look beautiful,” she said as Anna grabbed the bags she’d sat just outside the bedroom door and, after grabbing her twin, pushed Brandi back into her room.


“Thanks mom.  Now, time for you to dress.”  Anna laid the undergarments on the bed and hung the dress and cape on the bathroom door.


Rolling her eyes at her daughter, Brandi put on the lace bra and panties then put on the garter belt.  Sitting on the bed, she pulled the stockings on; making sure the seam was at the back and ran up the center of her calves.  She then put a garter on each leg so Nikolas would have to pick which leg he was taking it off of to throw.  Standing in stocking feet, she moved to where Anna was holding the dress open.  Stepping into the dress, she helped Anna and Leah with pulling it up and then adjusted the bodice, with Leah’s help, as Anna started doing up the buttons in back.  Once Anna was done with the buttons, Brandi took down the cape and put it over her shoulders.  She then moved it around herself to keep her dress hidden for the time being.  She then stepped into her shoes and handed Anna the veil to hold until they were in the coach.  Grinning at her sister, Anna handed it to Leah.


Alex’s breath caught as he watched his little girl step into the front room.  Clearing his throat, he said “You look beautiful, sweetheart.”  Looking at his watch, he then said “We still have a few minutes.  It’s just 8 now.”


Nodding to him, Brandi moved around the room.  She noted the change of clothes she and Nikolas had put together was already gone.  She hadn’t noticed another presence in the room with them, until she heard “”You are doing the right thing, daughter.  Your heart, as well as your mind, knows.”


Turning, Brandi smiled and said “Thank you Poppa.  Are you going to be there for the wedding?”


Nodding, Quinn said “Yes, but not to where I can be seen by others.”


Smiling, Brandi hugged him.  Glad to know he would at least be there.  Suddenly she was smiling more and said to no one in particular “He made it.”


Alex was just looking at his watch when he heard her last comment.  Giving her a smile, he asked “Alone?”


Looking at Alex, she replied “No, she is with him.”


“Good.  I look forward to seeing them.  Now, it’s time for us to go downstairs.”


Nodding in agreement, Brandi gave Quinn a kiss and then headed downstairs with all three of her girls and her dad.  Wind Rider had headed down with Nikolas.


Getting downstairs, they joined Jennifer, who was just coming in, and got the shuttle back to the Park.


Getting to the Park, Jennifer showed a pass so they could go in easily.  Walking through the gate, Brandi noticed Cinderella’s Horse Drawn Coach.  Looking at Jennifer, she asked “Is this for us?”


“Yes, it will take the five of you to the castle.  Then after the ceremony, it will bring the eleven of you back to go to the reception.  The guests will also be taken from the castle back to here to be able to go to the reception.  Then, when you and Nikolas are ready to leave the reception and retire for the night, when the shuttle drops you back off at the entrance, the coach will take the two of you to the castle.  In the morning, when you leave the castle room, leave your bags and they will be picked up and returned to the hotel.”  Jennifer then handed a flower petals basket to Justine, and flower bouquets to Anna, Leah and Brandi.


Nodding, Brandi smiled as the Coach door was opened by a cast member dressed in his livery finest, and helped inside, followed by Anna, Leah, Justine and Alex.  On the trip down Main Street to the Castle, Leah helped Brandi put on the veil.  As they arrived, Brandi took off her cape, made sure her veil was secure and took a deep breath, letting it out slow.  When the Coach stopped, the same gentleman opened the door.  Justine was assisted out first.  After a minute or two, Anna was assisted out.  After another moment or two, Leah was assisted out.   After another moment or two, the doorman gave Alex a nod to descend.  As Alex got out, Brandi slid to the door but stayed just out of sight.  When Alex nodded to her, she gave him her hand and stepped out of the Coach.  She heard sighs and ah’s from the crowds that had gathered around the outside of the ropes that had been put up.  She knew Ben had a video camera and was filming the wedding for her and Nikolas, but she wondered, briefly, how many in the crowds were using their own video camera’s or regular camera’s to get this as part of their vacation memories.  She didn’t care, just wondered.  Taking another breath, she smiled at Alex, and then looked down the aisle at Nikolas with a smile.  Her eyes wandered some as she and Alex walked and they lit on her oldest brother.  She noticed the beautiful vampiress on his arm gave his arm a squeeze and then quietly murmured to him.  Brandi saw him turn his head to her and give a nod with a smile, and then blew her a kiss.  In return, Brandi sent him a telepathic hug.


Reaching Nikolas, Brandi looked at her dad and smiled, kissing his cheek.  She then looked at Nikolas and smiled as Alex moved her hand to Nikolas’.  When they turned to Joe, Brandi grinned at him.  They exchanged their vows, said their “I do’s”, and then exchanged their rings.  When pronounced husband and wife, it was a gentle kiss filled with promises that they gave each other.  Joe then announced them to all there.  They then made their way back to the Coach with all eight kids and Alex following.  When they got to the Coach, Alex let Brandi know he would wait for her Grandfather and brothers and go back with them.  Nodding, Brandi turned back to the Coach and saw a cast member standing there with a camera.


“I am here to take wedding pictures before you leave for the reception.  We were asked to take them during the ceremony and then after, along with at the reception.”


Brandi and Nikolas nodded to him, not minding having to have them taken.  They did some at the altar, with the castle as a backdrop, and some at the Coach.  There were several that were just the two of them, but they made sure that if the kids were in with the two of them, it was all the kids.  There were some that were just Nikolas or just Brandi, as well as some of Nikolas with the 5 boys and Brandi with all three girls.  When the cast member asked about her dad, Brandi told him that her dad went back with other family already so those would have to wait until the reception.  The pictures didn’t take more than thirty to forty-five minutes, and by the time they were done, everyone was gone, already headed to the reception.


As soon as the Coach doorman noticed they were done, he was standing, waiting with the door open.  Anna, Leah, and Justine were the first to be assisted in.  Then Jon, Connor, Devlin, and Drew were assisted in.  Doug smiled at the man, but climbed up in himself.  The door man returned the smile as he stood to the side.  Brandi was the next in, with Nikolas’s assist, after she handed her bouquet to Anna, since Anna was who was closest of the girls.  Once Brandi was in and sitting, Nikolas climbed in and sat beside her.


Once the door was closed and the Coach was moving, Nikolas asked the younger kids “What did you think?”


They all started talking at once, saying how much they liked it and how fun it was to stand up in front of everyone with them.  Drew then suddenly said “Momma looks beautiful.”


Smiling at Drew, Nikolas looked at Brandi and said “Yes she does.  Very much.”  Turning to look at Anna, Leah, and Justine, he then said “You three look beautiful also.”


Both blushing slightly, Anna, and Leah said in unison, “Thanks daddy.”


When they reached the front entrance, they got out, with varying assist, and went out to take the shuttle, which was just for them, back to the hotel.


Getting off the shuttle at the hotel, they were escorted to the ballroom.  Brandi and Nikolas were surrounded as they walked in with people congratulating them.  To the side, she saw her big brother and his wife.  Taking Nikolas’s hand, Brandi headed him over, saying “Thank you” to people and giving hugs on the way.


Stepping up to the man, Brandi hugged him, feeling his arms go around her and holding tight.  Knowing he really wouldn’t see it, she smiled up at him and said “I’m glad you’re here.  I’ve missed you.  And, you look quite handsome.”


Giving Brandi another squeeze, he replied, “I wouldn’t have missed this, even if I really couldn’t see it with my own eyes, and I’ve missed you, too.  Thank you and from what Becky described to me, you look positively beautiful.  I had her describe everything to me, because my eyes are bothering more tonight and are more blurry than normal.  The ceremony was very nice.”  Looking toward Becky, he said “Mate, come meet your sister.”  When Becky joined him, he said “Bree, this Becky.  My mate, my wife.  Becky, this is my baby sister, Brandi.”


Ducking her head, Becky said “It’s a pleasure to meet you, finally.  Will, along with the rest of the brothers, has spoken of you often, and there are many pictures of you in Will’s office.”


“It’s a pleasure to meet you, also.  Although I haven’t been to see, or talk to, Will, or the rest of the guys, in nearly 4 years, I have been able to watch the happenings with y’all.  If this is rude, I am sorry, but are you Drake’s daughter?”  At Becky’s nod, Brandi smiled sadly and said “He was a good man, and a good friend.”


Wondering if she was going to introduce him, Nikolas gave a low growl and only said “Mate.”


As she looked up at him, Brandi noticed the questioning look on both Will’s and Becky’s face.  “I haven’t forgotten about you, love.  Nikolas, this is my oldest brother, Will and his wife Becky.  Will, Becky, this is Nikolas.  And, since I know you are wondering, and before you ask, Nikolas is a Werewolf.”  Giggling, she added “What a combination we have here.  Humans that are semi-mortal, and immortals.  Of the immortals, seven are Vampire; one is a Werewolf; two are half Werewolf and half Vampire; three are half Werewolf and half Human.  And we can’t forget the one ghost.  Only one missing is one who is half vampire and half symphath.  Not your typical party.”  Smiling at Wrath, Brandi asked “Do you remember how I’ve always looked?”  At his nod, she then said “How I look has changed.”


Just as he started to ask how, he received a mental picture of how she looked with a close up of the change in her eyes and a back view to show her wings.  She then gave him a mental picture of how she looked right then, dressed in her gown with veil.   Smiling and nodding, he first said “You do look beautiful.”  Then, because he was wondering, he asked “Are the tattoos from head to toe?”


“Yes, and to my mid line.  For this trip, my wings are hidden.”


“Good idea.”  Bending, he kissed her cheek and said “We will talk more but for the moment, I need to sit.”


Understanding, she kissed his cheek and then Becky’s cheek.  She and Nikolas then went to mingle more before finding their seats at the head table for dinner.


As dinner was served, Nikolas quietly asked “What happened to his eyes?”


“I’m not really sure.  He had been able to see fine when we were all growing up and then I went for a couple of years without seeing him and when I next saw him, he was mostly blind.  He is considered legally blind although he can make out some shapes and such.  It acts like a tunnel vision a lot also.  He wears his dark glasses whenever he’s awake and I’m guessing he didn’t get much sleep today since he said his eyes are bothering him.”


As everyone ate, you could hear small murmurings around the room.


As plates were cleared away, Alex stood.  When the room was quiet and all looked at him, he raised his glass of champagne and toasted Brandi and Nikolas.  After he was done, Vince stood.  Raising his glass of beer, he toasted them also.  There were a few more toasts and then the first dance.


Nikolas and Brandi took the floor and danced until Anna, with Leah, and Alex cut in.  After the first song was finished, everyone was dancing.  Nikolas and Brandi danced with whoever asked and had a good time.  Brandi even got a dance in with Will while Nikolas danced with Becky.


As he danced with Brandi, Will asked “Where are you going to be living?”


“Denver.  We’ll be going this weekend.  Why, what’s up?”


“Becky and I are looking at when we can come spend some time.  A few days or so if it’s okay.”


“Of course it is.  If you don’t mind your bedroom being on the plane, you can use that.  It honestly has a bedroom, and I can put up sun protection easier on it compared to the entire house since I can be in the sun.  And, I have the plane parked at the ranch.”


“The plane will be fine.  I will let you know when it will be.  I hope you are able to come to New York, also, soon.  We live, as I’m sure you already know, in what was D’s house.  There are several extra bedrooms.”


Nodding, she said “I’d only be taking Nik with me when I go visit you.  Grandfather is a good babysitter, as is Anna.  I’m sure Leah will be also.  She has become taken with her younger siblings.”  Thinking of something else, she added “Keep an eye on Jason, Will.  There is more to him then y’all see.”


“He’s D’s son…” he started.


“No, he isn’t.”  Giving a small sigh, she weighed the telling in her mind.  Deciding it was better he knows, she said “No one ever figured out the actual reason to his reaction to Becky when he first met y’all, did they?”  At his head shake, she said “Have V sit down and look deep into Jason’s eyes.”  Seeing him about to say something, she said “His visions may be gone for the most part, but he still has the power and he will see that what I’m going to tell you is truth.  He isn’t D’s son.  He is D.  She reincarnated him.  Now I don’t know if his memories are true ones or ones given, but he is D.  That is how he came to have the brotherhood tat.”


Thinking it through, Will nodded and said “From what I sense about him, it makes sense.  I’ll have V do that also.  Not because I doubt you, or think your wrong.  I know better than that.  But so everyone will know.”


Smiling at him as the second song they’d danced to ended, Brandi gave him a hug.  “I figured you know better than to think me wrong.  Once in a while I am, but you know me well enough to know.  Looks like Becky and Nik are done dancing so I’ll walk you back over to her, since you aren’t familiar with this room.”  Getting him back to Becky, Brandi added “If I don’t see you before you leave tonight, I’ll talk to you soon.”  Giving them both a hug and a kiss, Brandi then headed back over to where Nikolas was.


The cast member acting as the DJ announced it was time to toss the bouquet and the garter.  When the crowd was asked for which first, the majority called out for the garter.


A chair was set in the middle of the dance floor and Brandi was escorted to it.  Sitting, she smiled as she watched Nikolas kneel in front of her.  From the crowd she heard a distinct southern voice call out one word, “Teeth.”  Rolling her eyes, she spotted him and only said “Ethan.”  Smiling, he lifted an eyebrow, and only said “Nicci.”  Others then started saying “Teeth,” and more for form since it didn’t bother her if he did use his teeth, she gave a mock sigh.  Smiling at Nikolas, she then asked quietly “Right of left?”


Giving her an evil grin, he said “Both.”  He knew from the look on her face that she didn’t care how he removed the garter.


Rolling her eyes because she had had a feeling he was going to say that, she put her right leg out to him, pulling her skirt up to just above the garter.


Winking at her, Nikolas bent down and slowly removed the garter with his teeth.  When it was finally off, he stood.  He then put his hand out to Brandi, helping her up out of the chair.  Moving closer to the DJ table, Nikolas put his back to all the guys that had gathered to do the catching.  Brody, Doug, and the younger boys, were hoisted up onto shoulders, or just held up at the waist, so they had a chance.  Nikolas then let the garter fly.  It landed in the middle of the group so there was a lot of scrambling for it.


As the guys, especially the kids, tried to get at the garter, Brandi tossed the bouquet toward Anna, Leah, Justine, and Lena.  Turning back, as Nikolas joined her, she watched Anna give a nudge to her sisters and to Lena as she jumped to catch it, having the bouquet land in her hands.


Hearing clapping and laughing, Brandi and Nikolas looked over at where they guys were.  Out of the middle of the group, garter in hand, stepped Doug, with a grin on his face.


Moving over to him, Brandi asked “Would you like me to put that on you the way it was worn 100 years ago by some guys?”  At his nod, Brandi took it and slid it up his arm.


Looking over to where John was Doug asked “Was this really how you guys wore it back then?”


Giving a laugh, John said “I didn’t, but let’s check with someone that did at times.”  Looking over at Ethan, John said “What do you think, Ethan?  Did she get it on his arm correctly?”


Ethan and Kelly walked over to join them.  Looking at Doug’s arm, Ethan turned and said “Nicci, Nicci, Nicci.  Even you know better for how it was worn.  I do believe I saw you wearing one on your arm when you were dressed other than as a lady.”


Smiling and trying not to laugh, “That may be, Ethan, but I do recall you fixing mine.  And, I may be able to drink you under the table or beat you at cards, but this is an area y’all have more experience in.  So, by all means, go ahead and fix it so it’s correct.”  Her eyes twinkled as she gave a sweet and innocent smile.  At the collective “Nic”, with one “Nicci,” from six of team seven, she knew she was in trouble.  She gave Nikolas a head shake as she backed up, still smiling.  Then, with a shriek, she ran, only to be caught by Bryce and lifted at the waist.


As the six went after her, Nikolas moved to John and asked “Should I be worried?”


Shaking his head, John said “No.  If she was in danger and afraid, you’d be feeling fear in the room and she’d be screaming instead of laughing.  Her screams can be as ear piercing as her whistle.”


Nikolas nodded as they watched as Brandi was affectionately teased and tickled.


With a sigh, Doug walked up to Nikolas and John.  “Does it need to be fixed?” he wondered.


Bending down, John adjusted the garter on his arm.  “It was close, but it’s how it should be now.”


Smiling, Doug looked at Nikolas and asked “How’s it look dad?”


“Looks great.  We’ll hang it on your bedroom wall, or maybe mom can attach it to your dream catcher.  Whichever you want.”


“On my dream catcher if she can.”


Nodding, Nikolas smiled and said “Good idea.  Now, you see that guy that has the camera standing with Anna?”  At Doug’s nod, he then said “He’s waiting for you to take pictures of you and Anna and your winnings.”


Grinning, Doug took off, without a word, over to join Anna and the photographer.


Smiling, Nikolas looked at John and said “If you’d have asked me a few months ago what I’d be doing now, I wouldn’t have said this.  I also wouldn’t have said that I’d be finding my mate and gaining five kids.  I’d say I came out pretty good and very lucky.”


Laughing, John replied “She’d have said the same since she was happy where she was and who she was with.”


Nodding, and knowing it was better not to ask right then, Nikolas went back to watching Brandi with a smile.


As she was getting teased, Brandi had noticed John fix the garter on Doug’s arm and then Doug run to where Anna and the photographer were.  Giggling as the boys gave her a bad time, she finally got to the point where she’d had enough.  They also realized it when each of the six got a warm hand when they touched her.


Laughing as he helped her to her feet, Bryce said “That wasn’t fair Nic.  Effective, but not fair.”


Standing, Brandi said, as she fixed her veil, “All’s fair, Bryce.  You know that.”


They cut the cake, and didn’t smash it in each other’s face, danced more and had an all-around good time.  Around midnight, Brandi noticed the younger kids starting to fall asleep.  Not just theirs, but also Gray and Marilyn’s twins.  Leaning to Nikolas, she said “I think our kids have had enough.  We have kids falling asleep.”


Looking over at where the kids were, he smiled and said “”I’m surprised they lasted this long.  Shall we?”  At her nod, Nikolas stood, and then gave Brandi his hand.  When she stood, they walked over to where all the younger kids had been playing.  Alex, Wind Rider, Leah, and Anna had joined them, also noticing the kids falling asleep.  As all but Alex grabbed one of the five, and Alex motioning to Gray for the other two, Nikolas told the group “We’ll be back down to say good night as soon as we put the kids to bed.”  Looking at Doug, he added “You too Doug, you can play tomorrow.”


Sighing, Doug said good night to Brody and tried to prove he wasn’t tired by stifling a yawn, not quite succeeding.


They got the kids settled in bed, with Brandi and Nikolas making the rounds to each to say good night.  When they were done, Nikolas grabbed the back pack, they told Anna, Leah, Alex and Wind Rider good night and then headed back downstairs.  They told those left in the ballroom good night and that they’d see them tomorrow.  They then headed to the shuttle that was waiting for them.  Getting on they sat in the back with Nikolas pulling Brandi onto his lap.  Pulling her close, he licked and nuzzled her neck.


Settling onto his lap, Brandi tilted her head, giving him better access.  She could smell his mating scent surrounding her and it made her smile.


Getting to the Park entrance, Nikolas lifted her into his arms and up off his lap, carrying her from where the shuttle stopped, through the empty entrance/ticket area, past the guard holding open the gate, and into the waiting Coach.  Resettling her on his lap in the Coach, he growled low as he kissed her and ran his hands up and down her legs and body.  Breaking the kiss, Nikolas quietly said “I can’t wait to see what’s under this dress.”


Giggling, Brandi nipped at his bottom lip then said “Since it seems we’re stopping, you’ll find out soon enough.”


As he grinned at her, the Coach door opened.  He pulled the key card out of his pocket and held it in his hand as he lifted her into his arms and stepped out of the Coach.


Seeing the key, the Coachman smiled as he took it from Nikolas, and then simply said “Please follow me.”


As Nikolas, carrying Brandi, followed, he could feel her hands moving over him, concentrating in lower areas, even though her actual hands were around his neck.


Getting to the door, the Coachman opened it and moved to the side.  Looking at Nikolas, he said “Your suite, sir, ma’am.  There is no tip required, sir.  It has all been covered.”


Nodding, Nikolas carried her into the suite and said “Thank you very much.”  He watched the Coachman place the key on a table then nod and leave.  Smiling at Brandi, as he finally set her on her feet, he said “It looks like gifts were left also.  We’ll have to check them out later.”


Taking a look at the gifts, Brandi looked back at Nikolas and said “Yes we will.  Much later.”  Running her hands up the front of him, she removed his jacket and then unbuttoned and removed his shirt.


Smiling down at her, Nikolas removed her hair wreath with veil and tossed it to the side.  He then pulled the pins from her hair, letting it fall loose to the top of her shoe heel.  Running his hands through her hair, he said “You do look very beautiful tonight.”  He then moved his hands to her waist and lifted her, kissing her deeply, and undid the back of her dress with one hand, as he carried her to the bed.  Laying her down, he moved down her, removing her dress and placing kisses until her dress was in a puddle that was swept to the floor.  Looking down at her, he growled in appreciation.  Through the growl came “I honestly forgot how beautiful you are on the outside.”


Giggling she asked “Only on the outside?  What about the inside?”


Smiling as he leaned down to her, he said “All those years ago, I was actually able to tell how beautiful you are on the inside.  And although I never forgot, you have done a good job reminding me these last two months.”   He kissed her lips, feeling her nip and draw blood.  Looking at her, he noticed her fangs when she smiled and laughed when she shrugged.  Giving her a grin, the shape of his mouth changed and he showed his own wolf fangs.  He kissed her lips once more before moving down her neck with kisses, his fangs grazing but not breaking skin on his way down.  Moving to her breasts, he looked up at her and noted the head shake.  As he took a lace encased breast in his mouth, his hands moved behind her to unhook her bra.


As his mouth covered her breast, she arched slightly, also making it easier for him to unhook her bra.  A low half growl/half purr escaped from her lips, her hands fisting in his hair to hold him close.  Her head arched and her hips moved against him as his mouth left one breast for the other.


Moving his hands to the front, he uncovered the breast his mouth had just left, letting the weight settle in his hand before gently squeezing and moving it in his hand, rubbing the nipple with his thumb.  Lifting his head, he removed the bra completely, letting his hands play for a while longer as he moved down her body.  When he was done letting his hands play, they followed down her body.  Without looking, as he rained kisses across and down her abdomen, his fingers deftly undid the snaps on her stockings.  Moving between her legs, his fingers slipped under the waistband of her garter belt and panties, drawing them over her hips and down her legs.  He kissed his way back up both legs until he reached her apex.  He slid his hands under her bottom and lifted slightly.  As he moved to her, a laugh escaped his lips at her restless legs and shortened breaths with pleads.  Moving forward, his tongue moved over her, causing her to buck against his mouth.  A growl escaped as his tongue and teeth worked her nub causing her juices to wet his chin and the room to be permeated with the mating scent.  Moving his mouth down slightly, his tongue entered the heat of her, moving in, out and around.  A groan and small cry of pleasure escaped her lips as an orgasm took her and her juices filled his mouth.  He took her up and over with just his mouth several more times before she couldn’t take anymore.  Sitting up, she buried her hands in his hair and gently tugged as she said on a cry “My turn.”


Taking one last lick, and feeling her shudder, Nikolas moved up next to Brandi and kissed her.  When the kiss ended, she moved to straddle his waist.  With a sly grin and glint in her eyes, she kissed his chest, licking his nipples.  Moving down his chest, she kissed down his abdomen until she reached his waist and pants.  Very slowly she undid the belt, followed by the button and then unzipped them.  Moving her hands to his waist, she started sliding them over his hips.  She had a sudden intake of breath and a low moan when he sprang free from his pants.  She then hurriedly pulled them the rest of the way off, followed by his socks, since he’d already kicked off his shoes.  Straddling one of his legs, she moved back up and without preamble, took him in her mouth, as far as she possibly could, with her hands moving to the lower end of his shaft and to his balls.  Her tongue started moving around the tip and then up and down his shaft, her mouth sucking and her hands working at the same time.  Low growls came from his throat as he hips moved, putting more of him into her mouth and causing him to get harder then he’d been in a long time.  She sucked harder, taking more in, until she felt a rush of liquid fill her mouth.  Swallowing all he gave her, she continued sucking, making him even harder.  When he couldn’t handle anymore, he sat up and lifted her off him, sitting her so she was straddling his lap.  Licking her lips, she moved forward slightly, taking him deep into her.


They rocked together, growls mixing with cries of pleasure.  As she felt herself wanting to shift and to share with him, she moaned “Mark me completely. Take all of me.”  She heard him growl and then felt him bite her shoulder.  As he did, her fangs extended and she bit him as her body shifted to its natural state of light and energy.  Her extra energy surrounded them, and showed him all of her life from when she was actually born to the moment they were in right then.  Seeing her life helped him to understand more and helped him better understand the hurt that she still had from earlier that year, but didn’t voice.  As her story to him ended, her body started to return to looking human, and they climaxed together, filling the room with more shouts.


They fell to the bed and rested a brief time before they got the fruit that was left for them, along with the chocolate sauce that was also left for them to go with the fruit.  They ate the fruit, mostly off each other, all over the rest of the room, as they enjoyed each other and the chocolate sauce that they used on each other.


About 5am they finally fell into bed to get some sleep.  They’d been asleep for about three hours when a phone rang.


When she felt Nikolas slightly turn and grumble a “Hello,” Brandi woke partially.  At his sigh on a partial growl, she woke a bit more, sat up on her elbows, and seeing he’d hung up the phone, sleepily asked “Who was that?”


Looking down at her, Nikolas smiled, as he ran his hand down her back, and said “It was Anna.  We have about an hour before they will be here in the Park.  Although I can think of better ways to spend the day, I guess we should get up, shower, and head downstairs.”


Stretching, with a smile, Brandi nodded and got up.  Heading to the bathroom, she looked back at him over her shoulder and grinned.


Laughing, Nikolas got up and followed her in.  Giving her a wolfish grin, he slid past her and turned on the shower. His breath caught as he felt her hand slide across his already hardening member.


Giggling, as she gave him an innocent look, Brandi stepped under the shower spray.  She wasn’t surprised when he stepped in behind her.  She leaned against him as his hands moved over the front of her, up to her breasts, his fingers teasing her nipples.  She rubbed against his hardness at her lower back, making him harder.


Growling at her rubbing, Nikolas moved a hand from her breast, down her body, coming to rest between her legs.  His fingers started on her hidden nub, rubbing and pulling.  Leaving his thumb to continue on, he slid some fingers back, not surprised to find her already wet.  As his fingers entered her, he smiled when her core pulled at and contracted around his fingers and causing a low moan to escape her lips.

Moving her to the shower wall, he positioned her against the wall.  He then entered her in one smooth, quick motion.


When he entered her, her head fell back against him and a moan escaped her lips.  She then started moving against him.   As she felt him pound her, she rode him, wanting him in as far as possible.  She had started climaxing when his fingers had entered her, and hadn’t stopped since.   But, as she rode him, she felt herself rise higher than she ever had before.  With a scream of pleasure, she exploded over and around him.


When she exploded he felt the hard pulling on him, causing him to explode himself, deep in her.  Leaning against her gently, Nikolas nipped at her ear and neck, before he stepped back slightly to lift her off of him and set her on her feet.  Grabbing the body wash, he washed her body, as she washed her hair, and then washed himself.


Getting finished, they got out of the shower and dried off.  Brandi braided her hair, pulling part of the braid up so it wouldn’t drag on the ground.  They looked at the clock at the same time and then looked at each other and smiled, noting they were still okay on time.  After getting dressed, they set the room to rights, made sure the bags were repacked and the wedding clothes back on hangers and lying neatly across the bags, ready for pick up.  Nikolas handed Brandi her pass, having got it from Alex before they left the hotel, and then slung the backpack over his shoulder, glad he remembered to also grab it before they left the hotel the night before.


Leaving the key on the dresser, they headed downstairs and out of the castle.  They walked down the, for the moment, empty Main Street to the entrance to wait.


Just after 9am, as they saw Alex, Wind Rider, John, Anna, Leah, and the kids come in. They also heard “Momma,” followed by “Daddy” with a question behind some of the “Daddy”’s.  Brandi knew which ones were questioning calling him daddy.  Looking at Nikolas, she felt a weight she hadn’t realized was there lift when he smiled and nodded in understanding.


When the kids, with John, reached them, they gave both Brandi and Nikolas hugs and kisses, although the triplets looked at Nikolas with some uncertainty.  Looking at Brandi, Connor only said “Momma?”


Shaking her head, with a slight smile, Brandi said “That’s for you to ask him about.”


Looking between the two, Connor looked at Devlin and Justine, and then back at Nikolas, unsure of how to ask his question.


Leaning down and picking up Connor, Nikolas said to all three “You can call me daddy if you would like.  I’m staying with momma, I’m not going anywhere.  It isn’t momma’s kids and my kids anymore, it’s our kids.  We’re a family.  All of us.  Sound good?”


Grinning, all three nodded and then Connor hugged Nikolas.  Looking at Brandi and Nikolas, Connor then said “Hungry.  Want breakfast.”


Laughing, Brandi nodded and said “Sounds good.  Even though I know Grandfather has worked with you three some, we are going to have to work more on talking for you three and Jon.  You remind me of your Uncle Josh a very long time ago.”


“Why?” Devlin asked.


“Because when he was just past a year old, he quit talking around anyone but me for a year or so.  After that is was only around Aunt Lena and I that he would talk, so he wasn’t a very good talker for about six years.”


“Was that during the time when you and dad first met?” Doug asked.


Looking at him, Brandi nodded and said “Yeah.  And he is the only other one that calls me Andi since he had a hard time, when he was small, with the B and the R for my name.”


Brandi and Nikolas stood when Alex, Wind Rider, Leah, and Anna finally joined them.  Nikolas set Connor down after talking quietly to him.  Brandi guessed it was to tell Connor he needed to be walking since Connor nodded and didn’t complain.  Looking at the kids, Brandi smiled and said “Who, besides me, is hungry?”  She laughed when everyone, not just the kids, raised their hands.  As Doug and the younger kids, moved forward, Brandi called, as Leah, Anna and John moved to stay right behind, “Don’t get out of either of your sister’s or John’s site.  We’ll find you if we don’t see you.”  She saw the nods and heard the “Yes momma”.  Looking at the other three, she asked “Do we want to do more here, or hit California Adventure after breakfast.”


“Have we rode, or done, everything possible here, sweetheart?” Alex wondered.


“I think so, though I’m sure there wouldn’t be objections to riding them all again,” she said.


“True, but I know I wouldn’t mind a day of something different,” Nikolas said.


“Then let’s go over there at least today.  Besides, different shops for you girls,” Alex said with a laugh.


“Well there is that, daddy,” Brandi laughed.


Stopping for a minute, Brandi closed her eyes and let her mind focus on Anna, Leah, and the triplets.  Turning, she opened her eyes and started walking, knowing all three men would follow.  Getting to where the kids picked, they went in and ordered, got their food and found a place to sit.  As they ate, the six kids, Leah, Anna, and John were told what they’d planned for the day.


After they finished and threw away their trash, they headed back down Main Street to the entrance.  Making sure they stayed together, Brandi and Nikolas herded the kids out of Disneyland and across the way.  They spent the day riding whatever they could, running into family or friends, and shopping.  They had a great day just doing things together.  They ended up getting strollers for the triplets, Jon and Drew and the 5 younger ones ended up falling asleep in their strollers.


Brandi was glad when the day ended and it was time to head back to the hotel.  The very few hours of sleep was catching up to her.  In the shuttle, she leaned against Nikolas and fell asleep, to where, when they arrived at the hotel, Nikolas picked her up, carried her in and up to their suite.  Getting her into their room, he changed her clothes and got her settled in bed.  He then went to help put the kids to bed and say good night.  After helping with the five younger kids, Leah, and Anna said good night also.  Nikolas joined Alex, John and Wind Rider in the front room.


They stayed up for another hour or two with Alex and Wind Rider asking Nikolas about himself and about the time in the monastery.  Nikolas kept his mind open as Alex asked questions so it would be seen that all he said was truth and he wasn’t hiding anything.


As he asked questions, Alex read Nikolas for anything that showed he was hiding information or not being completely honest.  He was glad to see everything Nikolas said was above board, since that had been a hard and bad time for Brandi with things she didn’t want, and couldn’t, remember.  Alex was glad that demon was out of all their lives.  Stifling a yawn, Alex said “Thank you for letting me see you were telling me the truth.  I’m glad to see you found each other again.”  Standing, he then said “I’m going to head to bed.  I’ll see you all in a few hours.”


Nodding, Nikolas said “Your welcome and I’m glad we did too.  I think I’m going to get some sleep also.  Good night.”  After the four said good night, John disappeared and Alex, Wind Rider and Nikolas went to their respective rooms.







Chapter 9



They split Thursday between California Adventure and Downtown Disney and spent Friday at Disneyland.  Saturday morning Brandi and Nikolas did the final working out with Ben and Eric for them to fly to Santa Fe that afternoon.  They explained that if they could leave Santa Fe and get to Denver before moon rise, they wanted to leave that evening, if not they would do it on Sunday am with Nikolas paying for a hotel room for the night.  Ben and Eric said it worked fine for them.  At 8am, Brandi, Nikolas, and the three boys caught the shuttle back to the airport for their 10am flight home.


They arrived in Albuquerque just after 1pm.  They got their luggage and were gone from the airport by 1:30.  Nikolas stopped at a drive-thru for food and they ate in the truck on the way back to Santa Fe.  As they pulled into the drive at 2:30, Brandi’s phone rang.


“Hi little one. We’re heading your way now.  We should be there in about an hour.”


“Alright.  We just got to the house, but one of us, most likely Nik, will be at the airport to get you.  See you in about an hour and have a safe flight.”


“We will and see you then.”


Nodding as the two of them got out and then moved to let Jon and Drew out of their car seats, Nikolas said “I’ll go.  Between now and then, we can get clothes packed, take dream catchers down and ready to go, and figure out what furniture we want to have you send there.  I’ll also let Charles know so he can decide what he wants to do.”


“He’s more than welcome to come with us since there is plenty of room, and that sounds good.  I can draw out what I’ve got for furniture for the living room, dining room and our room and you can let me know if we use it or not.”  After getting Jon out, Brandi set him on the ground and then grabbed the trash from his car seat.


As Nikolas did the same with Drew and then Drew’s car seat, he moved to let Doug out and said “Do you know of anywhere in Denver you can order furniture from online and have it delivered today or tomorrow?”  He only motioned his head toward the boys, who were heading in.


Smiling in understanding, Brandi said “Yeah.  Let’s get that done first for these three, the triplets, Leah and Anna.  The rest won’t take very long.”


When they got inside, having left the luggage from this trip in the back of the truck, under the cover, Nikolas let Charles know about the move and talked to him, as Brandi got her computer going and then went to let Doug know what he needed to do for himself and to help his brothers, including taking down all three dream catchers so those could go with them.  She made sure they had plenty of suitcases and boxes to put everything in.


Brandi and Nikolas met in the front room.  As she did drawings of what she had, he let her know Charles was doing his own packing to come with them.  He asked if she had released Gloria and she said no, and she had made sure that nothing said in the house could be heard in that room.  She also told him she was glad Charles was going with them.  When she was done with the drawings, she showed them to him.  Nodding, he said he preferred what she already had to what was in the house they were in at the moment, with the exception of a few things.  On the living room and bedroom drawings, he added at the bottom what he wanted to have moved to the ranch.


They turned to the computer to order what they wanted.  For Justine they ordered a princess toddler bed and white princess furniture.  For Devlin they ordered a toddler race car bed with furniture that would go with it.  For Connor, they ordered a pirate toddler bed and furniture that would match.  For Drew they ordered a child’s race car bed and furniture that would complement it, but that was different then Dev’s.  For Jon, they ordered a fire truck toddler bed with furniture to match.  For Doug, they found a masculine double size 4 poster bed that could have a valence added to the top if wanted, along with furniture in the same type of wood.  They figured he could decorate the room however he wanted.  For Anna, they found a queen size 4 poster bed that was sort of like theirs but looked more old world, with furniture that would match.  For Leah, they found a queen size 4 poster that was similar to Anna’s, but just different enough, with matching furniture.  They figured that the girls could add a valence to the top of their beds, also, if wanted, and they could decorate their rooms how they wanted.  Brandi then put that she wanted them delivered the next day.  When it said that wasn’t possible, she opened her phone, and dialed their number.


When she heard “Hello,” she said “Hi.  I just ordered furniture on line and would like to have it delivered tomorrow.”


“I’m sorry ma’am but we can’t do that.”


“I have done business with you before and have had things delivered on Sundays.”


“What is the name so I can look you up?”


Knowing Nikolas would understand why she was using it, she said “Brandi Larabee Davidson.”


“I’m sorry; of course we’ll have it delivered for you.  Is this going to your ranch house?”


Smiling, she said “Yes it is, and thank you very much.  We will see you then.”


“Yes ma’am and I take it you have remarried?”


“Yes, I have.  Just recently.”


“Congratulations.  I look forward to helping you and your husband with anything you may need.”


“Thank you very much.”  With a smile, she hung up.


Grinning, Nikolas said “Very sneaky and nice work.  Since that is done, shall we see how the boys are doing.  Oh, what are they going to sleep on tonight?”


“Yeah, let’s make sure they are doing what I told Doug they should be.  And the floor or they can stay at the reservation for the night at Grandfather’s.  When we get there I’ll get the stuff out of the storage for the living room, dining room and our room.”


Getting up, as they moved to the boys rooms, Nikolas said “That sounds good.  And we can decide for them when we get there.”


Brandi nodded to Nikolas as they walked to Doug’s room first.  She smiled when she saw the room empty but for a couple of suitcases, some boxes and the dream catcher laying on one of the boxes.  Walking in, they did a quick check to make sure there wasn’t anything left.  Satisfied, they headed to Drew’s room next.  They found the same there but for a couple more boxes marked toys.  They did a quick look there also to make sure nothing was left.  They then walked through the bathroom, noticing it was all empty also.  As they walked into Jon’s room, they saw Doug packing clothes in suitcases, and Drew and Jon filling boxes with toys, and bedding.  When Doug was done with the suitcases, he took a box and filled it with the rest of the clothes.  He then grabbed the dream catcher off the wall and placed it with everything packed.


Turning as he finished, Doug smiled when he saw Brandi and Nikolas.  “I think we have it all done.  We packed our sheets and stuff too, since you didn’t say not to.”


Brandi smiled then said, “That’s fine.  It’s always nice to have extra bedding.  May come in handy at some point.”


“Are we taking the furniture?” Doug wondered.


“A few select things but nothing really big.  Mom and I have a surprise for all of you, including your older sisters, coming to the ranch tomorrow.  And, mom has furniture that will work fine.”  He thought Doug may figure out that they were getting new furniture, but he wanted them to think that Brandi had furniture for them all.


“Why aren’t we taking any from here?” Doug asked.


“Mom showed me what she had and it will fit better for there.  And, besides the fact you boys have outgrown what is here, most of the furniture was picked out by someone else and wasn’t things I was overly happy with.  I have just never gotten around to doing something about it until now.  Is there something that you three want to take with you, besides toy boxes?”


“I want the chest that is at the end of my bed,” Doug said.  Jon and Drew just shook their heads.  They just wanted their toy boxes to go.  They didn’t care about anything else in their rooms, other than what was packed.


Nodding, Brandi cleared out all three rooms of suitcases, packed boxes, the dream catchers, the chest in Doug’s room and the two toy boxes.  She then moved the items Nikolas had written down, along with his clothes and bathroom items and anything that was in the kitchen.  Looking at him she said “The rest is done also.”


“Good, thanks.  I’m not sure what Charles has to be moved.”


“I put what I want to take in the front room, sir.  The only thing I need to carry is one suitcase.”  Charles surprised all but Brandi when he spoke.   She knew he hadn’t moved his stuff because he wasn’t sure where in Denver the house was.


Looking at her watch, Brandi looked at Nikolas and said “They’ll be landing in about 20 minutes.”


“Instead of just me picking them up, why don’t we all go as soon as you move Charles stuff? Since we are completely ready.  That way we can just get over there.”


As they moved to the front room, Brandi said “That sounds good to me.  And there is a place to be able to park the truck and my car on the plane also.”  Seeing what Charles had, Brandi moved all but one suitcase he’d set off to the side.


Brandi and Nikolas grabbed their keys and phones, and Brandi grabbed her purse, as they headed out to the garage.


Looking at the two vehicles, Nikolas smiled and handed Charles his keys, saying “I’m riding with mom since Charles knows how to get to the airport here in town.”


Grinning, Brandi just shook her head as she got behind the wheel.  She had seen the defeated look on Doug’s face and knew Nikolas had also.  She pulled out of the garage and driveway, and then said “You know you’ll have to make it up to Doug, since he was going to ask if he could ride with me.”


“Yeah, and I will, but I wanted to be first.”  Nikolas grinned at her, not surprised when she just rolled her eyes at him.


Brandi followed his directions to the airport, going to a back gate that was for personal planes and where you could drive onto the tarmac.  As they got to the gate, Brandi removed the block from Gloria’s door, placing it on the house instead, so Gloria couldn’t leave.  She then let Nikolas know Gloria was free to roam the house.  They parked just outside the gate until they saw the plane land, letting the guard know when it was there.  Moving through the gate, when it was opened, both vehicles were moved to the back of the plane.  When Eric opened it up, Brandi and Charles drove both up into the plane.  Looking at Charles and Nikolas she said “The luggage can stay in the truck, but the car seats need to go on the plane with us.”


They both nodded as Nikolas moved to help Jon out of his seat, and told Drew to unhook himself.  Putting Jon down, he moved around to help Drew down, and move out of Doug’s way before starting to take out the car seats.


Moving to Jon’s car seat, Brandi said “You boys can go on out and get in the plane.  Uncle Ben and Uncle Eric will be happy to show you around while dad and I get Jon’s and Drew’s car seats.   You’re more than welcome to go with them Charles, if you would like.”


Nodding, Charles said “I think I will, and that way the boys won’t get lost on the way.”


Brandi and Nikolas worked quickly for getting the car seats out.  When they entered the plane, they hooked the car seats into two of the seats and then followed the voices.  They found everyone in the cockpit, the boys smiling at hearing how everything worked.


“It’s pretty easy to fly,” Brandi told them.


All three boys turned and looked at her with slightly awed and slightly surprised expressions.  “You know how to fly a plane, mom?” Doug asked.


Giving Brandi a grin, Ben said “Yep, she does.  And she’s really good.  You have a talented mom there.”


Brandi saw all three boys looked impressed.  Before they started asking any questions, she said “We can talk about it later.  Now, did you thank your uncles for showing you around?”  At their nods, Brandi smiled and looked at her brother and uncle.  “Thanks for coming back and for showing them the plane.”


“No problem, little one.  And Charles explained why we didn’t just get picked up.  This does work better.” Ben said.


“Good, I’m glad.”  Looking back at the boys, she moved her head toward the seats so they knew it was time.  As she started to follow, she stopped when she felt a hand on her arm.  Turning, she gave Ben a questioning look.


“Anna and Leah decided to fly back with us, so they are at Wind Rider’s with the triplets.  They both said that now was the best time to move back to Denver since you were going to be coming back.  I’m glad you are happy, little one, and that you and the kids will be together.  I’m also glad to see Nikolas cares about having everyone together and being a complete family with all the kids.”  Ben smiled at her, as he pulled at a strand of her hair.


Ginning at him, she gave him a kiss on the cheek before she moved out to join her husband and boys.  She had an idea floating around in her mind, but hadn’t put it to Nikolas yet.  Not because she hadn’t wanted to, but because she hadn’t had the time since the idea came to her.  Seeing Jon and Drew already in their seats, she took her own and buckled up.  Looking at the boys, she said “I’d say you could get up during the flight, but it will only take about an hour to get to Denver, so you three will be staying in your seats.”


They nodded as the plane started moving.  When they were up in the air and Eric called back they could take their seat belts off if they wanted to, Brandi undid hers and moved to Nikolas.  Quietly she said “I’ve been thinking about something I want to run by you, in private.”  Receiving a nod, she took him to the bedroom when he stood.  Closing the door, she said “I know that the all the kids already call us mom and dad, but I had a thought.  Since Gloria is dead and can’t contest it, and the triplets biological father really didn’t, well doesn’t, acknowledge them, what if I adopted the boys and you adopted the triplets.”


Smiling, he said “That is something you don’t even have to ask, mate.  I’d be happy to adopt the triplets and I think it’s great you want to adopt the boys.  And I understand your reasoning.  That way there will be no questions regarding who their parents are for school, or anything else.  Shall we pass it by the boys now?”


Grinning, and giving him a kiss, Brandi said “Sounds good to me.”


They moved back out to the seating area and sat down.  Looking at the boys, Nikolas said “What would you say to mom adopting you and being even more officially your mom?”


Grinning broadly, Doug said “That’d be great.”  He looked at his brothers who were also grinning and nodding.


Smiling, Brandi said “Then we’ll take you all to the courthouse on Monday so I can adopt you three and dad can adopt the triplets.”


“What about Anna and Leah?” Doug asked.


“They are adults, so that will be up to them.  I think mom has it so their birth certificates show John as their dad.  But if they want me too, I’ll be glad to adopt them also.”


Satisfied with that, Doug nodded.  He then started looking around and shifting in his chair.


Watching him, Brandi said “It’s at the back of the bedroom.  Make it quick since I think we’re almost there.”


Nodding, Doug took off his seat belt and ran toward the bedroom, and the bathroom.  As he came back and was buckling his seat belt, Eric said they were getting ready to land so everyone needed to be buckled in.


The plane landed without incident and Brandi and Nikolas pulled the vehicles out of the back and parked them in the garage.  When they came out, they motioned the boys and Charles to come on to the house.  Brandi gave them a tour of the, at the moment, empty house, letting them know that the dining room and living room furniture would be there before the night was out.  Looking at Charles, Brandi said “The storage area may have some adult bedroom furniture in it if you want to look.  Otherwise, Ben can help you with finding what you want.  He’s a contractor, in fact built this house, and is good at finding just the right stuff.”


Smiling at her, Charles said “Thank you Brandi.  I think I will go and talk to him about that.”  Giving a nod to Nikolas and then Brandi, Charles left the house.


Looking at the boys, Brandi said “Right now there is no bedroom furniture for you kids.  You have a choice.  You can sleep here, on the floor, or you can go to the reservation and stay with your grandfather, the triplets, Leah and Anna.  Which would you like?”


Doug moved to Drew and Jon and talked quietly.  Looking back at Brandi and Nikolas, he said “We want to stay at the reservation.  Does that mean our surprise is new furniture?”


Smiling innocently, Brandi only said “Maybe.  I sent the food here from the other house, but how about we go get dinner for all of us, which includes Grandfather, the triplets, Leah and Anna, in about an hour and then go eat it at the reservation.”


They nodded and then Doug asked “Can we go explore until then?”


“Of course,” Brandi told them.  When the boys had gone running out the door, Brandi looked at Nikolas and said “Shall we get into the storage and pull the furniture we need?”


“Sounds good.”  As he walked toward the door, he noticed a peg board just to the side of the front door.  Looking at Brandi he asked “What’s this for, mate?”


“Now, keys.  1860’s to 1870’s it was for guns.”  At his questioning look, she said “No one came into my house with a gun on.  It was my one rule, even though I would sleep with one under my pillow.  But only 3 people knew that, and one of those was because I slept with him.”


“Then I’d guess one was John.  Who are the other two?”


“Vince and a friend named Buck.”  She didn’t explain more just let him filter back over what she’d shared with him of her memories.  She knew when he figured out why they both knew because he only nodded.


They went out and got the furniture they wanted, placing it how they wanted.  When it was time to go get food, she called her grandfather and let him know, asking what they wanted.  When she got, and wrote down, their order, Brandi called the boys.  They got everyone into the truck, after getting the car seats in, and headed into town.  After getting food, they headed to the reservation, getting surrounded when they got out of the truck.  Taking the food in, they got everyone settled at the table, and gave the younger kids their food.  The adults then took their food to the living room and sat down and ate.  Brandi let Wind Rider know the boys were going to stay for the night.  She and Nikolas then let Wind Rider, Leah and Anna know about them adopting the younger kids.  Nikolas let both girls know that if they wanted it, he’d be happy to adopt them also, since people thought John was their biological dad in this life.  With a smile, after talking a minute, they both nodded and Anna told them they’d like that.  Anna and Brandi, and Leah after Anna let her know, knew John would be fine with it.  After dinner, they all wandered around the reservation, letting the three boys take a look around and get a little familiar with it.  When the sun was just starting to set, Brandi and Nikolas told the kids they would see them the next day, and at that point they could decide on their rooms.  Brandi and Nikolas then headed back to the ranch.


Getting home, Brandi said “When you shift, if you want to stay out here and roam, close to the house, that’s fine.  Herc and Ares may go with you.”  As she said their names, all three showed up at her side.  Laughing, she said “And here are the boys now. Nik, this is Hercules, Ares and Thoth.  Boys, this is Nik.  I’m sure you can smell he’s a Werewolf.  He has to shift tonight so Herc, you and Ares may go with him if you want to show him around the grounds.”  In reply she got a bark from her wolves and a nod from Nikolas.


As it got darker, Nikolas stayed outside, with Brandi watching from the door.  He felt her eyes as he striped then went onto hands and knees to shift into his wolf form.  He then turned to look at her before he joined Herc and Ares to run and roam.  He heard her call to Thoth and then go into the house.  He liked it here with the open area behind the house.  He was glad they had moved and was looking forward to their new life, as he knew Brandi was also.


As she watched, she wasn’t surprised he was an actual wolf and not half man/half wolf.  His wolf size equaled Gray’s when Gray shifted – a larger sized Grey wolf with red and blonde through the fir.  As Thoth joined her and she stepped into the house, her cell phone rang.  After saying hello, she heard “Hi Nic.”


“Hi Bryce.  What’s up?


“Wanted to let you know.  The boys and I talked about it, and we also talked to John and to Director Trace, and it was decided that, if you are willing, we’d like you to take over as our Team Leader.”


Surprised, she said “I’d like that, but only if you don’t mind Nikolas helping me.”


“John said that would most likely be the case, and we’re fine with it, as is the Director.”


“Alright, I’ll let him know and we’ll see you on Monday.”


“Sounds good, see you then.”


Hanging up the phone, she smiled, somewhat amazed at this turn of events.